The Damned Story: The sparsely populated Northeastern region of Connecticut has long been called the Quiet Corner. But whoever named it may not have ever been to the abandoned settlement of Bara-Hack. According to local history, a pair of Welsh families first settled Bara-Hack in 1780; and although the name is odd, considering what some towns are called in Wales, it couldāve been called Barrffynng-Hheaggnnogg or something equally appealing.
By 1890 the settlement was history as the last residents left, and as is wont to happen, the surrounding forest slowly took the land back . . . allegedly though, it forgot some of the noise.
Modern visitors to Bara-Hack can see the interesting remnants of old foundations and walls as well as a cemeteryāthe damned part starts when they supposedly start hearing the sounds of the long-gone settlement! Everything from the noises of children playing and people singing to the sounds of livestock and the rumble of wagon wheels have been said to have been heard.
Over the years, various investigators have recorded the sounds, while others have also claimed to have seen the ghost of a bearded man and the spirit of a young child.
Bara-Hack may be gone, but clearly, it doesnāt want to be forgotten.
Our Damned Experience: We have never been to Bara-Hack and back.
If You Go: Bara-Hack is on clearly marked private property (āNo Trespassingā signs abound), and is very closely watched.
As it is on private property, you need permission from the landās owner to visitāwhich appears to be very unlikely as reports seem to indicate the owners are not interested in anyone visiting. Sorry!
In 2000 we were encouraged to go here for extra credit for a high school class (can’t remember which class, sociology perhaps), so a group of us finally found it and explored a while. We didn’t encounter any noises but took several pictures, upon getting them printed they had many bright spots and specks. From what we could tell it wasn’t a problem with the lenses and we certainly didn’t see them in person.
We weren’t aware of any trespassing problems at the time, I don’t think it was marked. It was interesting, though.
Me an a few of my friends we are planing on a trip to Barra Hack because we are trying to start our own profesional ghost hunters society and we where wondering if you have any information on how to contact the ownere to get permission on to the . Want to do the right thing an not to offend or anger any one. If there is any help you can share that would be very helpful. thank you
Hey Patrick, I will check with Ray for you.
My sister and I have been going to so called “haunted” places to check it out for ourselves. I would greatly appreciate if someone could give us the information to contact the owner of Bara-hack so we may explore. Thank you
I have been looking for a contact for Bara-Hack, but have not come up with one yet. I will keep looking and asking around …
thanks ray for all your help, i been looking around to but have come up empty handed as well
I’ve been there once with a group that had permission…I don’t know who the owner is and I am desperately looking for them as well so I can go back!
IF anyone knows who owns the property for permission plz let me know
Bara Hack
Go to the little village/town office and they will tell you!
Bara Hack
Go to the little village/town office and they will tell you!
Tania, your boss is very, very wrong about the owners not making an effort to keep people out. It is posted quite well and watched very closely. It is NOT okay for anyone to be there without permission from the land owners. Anyone caught on the property will be arrested for trespassing.
I am a friend of the Townshend family. “eyes and ears” is correct. The family has had much trouble with “ghost hunters” illegally stealing artifacts, vandalizing the site, camping to photograph spirits etc.
One needs a permission card from the family to park by the access road. Otherwise, neighbors will call the police to complain. The author and her husband are now justifiably wary and “did not want any more publicity for crazed ghost hunters” to try to find the address and exploit the site. They have told me that they want to keep everything PRIVATE now. There is extra police surveilance before Halloween…Please respect the landowners wishes.
Thank you, Family Friend!
Funny how you didn’t even remember what site you were on! And now look, a new post. Problems??? You can’t even begin to imagine. Thanks!
Some post were removed from this forum.
We would like to reiterate- This site is located on private property, the owners will call the cops as will the neighbors. Please have respect for the history of this site and leave it be.
i had a very strange experience there, iwas there at night with myfriend walking around and i heard footsteps behind us we stopped and the footsteps continued. then in the cemetary we could hear people talking very close. it was freeky
Actually, Nick, we do live here. I am sorry you believe yourself to be above the law. And property owners actually do have the right to tell people that they cannot trespass. There is also this little thing called respect. You should try it sometime.
do u know how to contact owner? i would like to check it out and i am not w/ a group.
I guess Nick is a member of the “we are entitled to everything” generation. Sad that peoples idea of right and wrong has deteriorated to this point.
I’ve been to bara-hacks several times years ago. Many times I saw nothing but I saw the figure of a child the last time I went. Its too bad the owners dont want people to be on the property its a very interesting environment but I do agree that their property should be respected.
me and a few friends went to bara hack it was one of the creepiest expieriences of my life we took pics and vidio of unexplained noises and orbs . we never asked 4 permission and were not bothered NITE TIME!!! if u need directions contact me via email… as long as people dont touch anything or creat distubsnces every one should be able to expierience this place…
How do you even get there, and how do I contact the appropriated people to conduct a search on the premises?
Let me ask this question to all who feel it is their right to trespass here….Can I have your address so I can go through your yard whenever I feel like it, day or night, without permission? May take pictures, start fires, and leave all my garbage there? Sometimes, you will not even see or hear me, or even know I was there until you go outside and and see the damage I have done and have to clean up after me. I am willing to bet you wouldn’t like this at all and you might even call the police.
If you want to go there, do some research that has nothing to do with how “spooky” it is, find the owners, and give them a call. There is more on the internet than ghost stories, you just need to look.
I would just like some info of the site. I don’t want you to post the address or anything just wanna talk. Thank you. PM
My mom has 4 acres in Monroe
My mom has 4 acres in Monroe and no trespassing signs all around but people go up in the woods light fires, throw beer cans and trash all around and cut down the little trees and just make a mess. Just because mom didn’t hear them doesn’t mean she wants them on her property. Who has to clean up the mess me and her and friends cause people don’t read and respect people’s privacy.
Oh, and one more thing, we do check at night and are in the company of the state police.
eyes and ears…I totally understand how you feel, being a landowner myself and having a large parcel also. We have problems all the time. People have even pulled down our NO TRESPASSING signs. A couple years back a worker here was almost hit by a bullet from a hunter who was on the property illegally and thought the worker was a deer. I have always been interested in the paranormal but only heard about Bara-Hack today from a friend. There is quite a bit of interesting bits and pieces about it online and I’m content to learn of it’s history that way. It’s very scary to read what some of these people have posted. Thank Goodness for the State and Local Police who help protect our PROPERTY RIGHTS!
Maybe if people were nice and helped the owners clean up the garbage of the people who weren’t so nice, and maybe if they asked permission it might help?
Now isn’t this place fairly close to some sort of scout camp or something? I remember checking the area out with satellite view on my computer, from directions given me by a friend.
For any of you people who are all worked up about property rights and trespassing, you should have the common sense to not live in places that are thought to be haunted.
PS — I don’t see a story about the old church in Brooklyn.
Would eyes and ears happen to be Jackie..?
Its really too bad that immature and greedy people have to ruin it for anyone else. The owners of this property are preserving local history by not allow people to run wild on their property.
This family is one of the most generous familes and for many years allowed people to enjoy this amazingly beautiful place.
In recent years people have been littering, knocking over headstones and actually organizing group tours charging people to come on this property in packs. “We are not all worked up” about trespassing we are all worked up over the people ruining this land. Its called PRESERVATION!!!! This land is special for its beauty and rich history. Gee maybe we should all go to Yellowstone and have bonfires and keg parties, leave all the crap behind. How do you think that would go???
And when your ready to spend your millions on “just land” let us know so we can come there and wreck it! Have a great day!!
I am a little confused, Are the land owners still allowing people to explore this land but only with permission, or now are the landowners not allowing anyone at all on the property? I like to do some research as a hobby on interesting properties such as this. I have always asked permission, I have always been granted access by the land owners where ever I explore. I think the land owners always seem to be optimistic when someone actually takes the time to look them up and ask before entering they’re land. I also am having trouble with the “Dudley Town” I think the town of Cornwall owns the land.
I have been going there since 89 and had a lot of issues with that place…I saw and heard things that would make a grown man cry…
So much controversy on such an interesting topic. We all must respect the owners of the land. Period. No discussion. What would be incredible is if the rich history of this land could be shared with all of us who call CT home and are equally proud of its history while perhaps using proceeds from paid admissions to maintain it, build a museum, give back to the community in some way (like trail of Terror in Wallingford). just random thoughts!
my family were some of the last, if not the last, people to live in Bara-hack. we go there a few times a year WITH PERMISSION from the owners. I’m doing my final project for school on Bara-hack
Information please
My ancestors are from there as I just recently heard, I’m willing to show a family tree. I live in Ohio and would love information, pictures, and possibly to arrange a time with the owners so I could come out and learn first hand, but it would be scheduled way in advance due to time and travel. I am the youngest of my father’s children and my family except my dad, had all passed away. I’ve been in contact with others of my family who have confirmed ancestry.
I recently got married in the town of beautiful town of Promfret.The day after the wedding we thought it would be neat to explore Bara Hack.I had never heard of it before but my cousin had done a little research.We noticed the signs and took a drive around to see if any of the neighboring houses belonged to the owners.We did find a couple that were wonderful.(Not sure if they were the official owners)They gave us directions and advised us as where to park.It was beautiful.The stone walls and foundations were magnificent.We didnt experience anything until the final hr we were there.My cousin swears he heard the wheels of a baby carriage squeaking.I honestly heard a woman singing.That night,in my own bed,I felt like someone was entering my body.Then I saw the forest of Bara Hack without even closing my eyes.It was like I was there again.Havent slept much since.I dont think of myself as crazy or really even into these things.But Im sure interested now.Strange..Please respct the owners.I wouldnt want anyone to vandalize my property either.
your attachment
get a pc of obsidian and let it bathe in the moonlight overnight and wear it ALWAYS !!! just my advise. it is a protection stone. it could be worth a try.
I’ve been there many times and didn’t hear or see a thing. UNTIL my friend and I brought a camera. SO MANY orbs, ecto-plasm, balls of energy… I am so certain something is going on there. We took the pics with a disposable camera. After getting that developed and seeing what was on there, we went back a week later with a new disposable camera and got the same results. Freaky. I live in Phoenix now and miss going there. I never got permission to go there but always respected the place.
In late November of last year, we were at Bara Hack with paranormal author Thomas D’Agostino, with written permission to enter. What a fabulous area. My group is not out to ruin anything, just to photograph for documentation. We enjoy and love the history of all places such as this. We are hoping to go back soon, once the snow clears. Like previously mentioned, please respect the people that live in this area and also those who have passed on in this area.
How can I get in contact with the land owners?
is roach from wethersfield ct?
to anyone that keeps tresspassing on someone elses land i agree….give me your address and i will be at your door demanding to see your property cause i heard strange things going on at your place….if you want to keep going back there and disturbing the people past and present there will be consequences for your actions….i have been there and saw what has happened there in the past and realize thatd its not a place to be alone…..nothing there is gonna harm you but they would like to be left alone….my brother had an accident there at the grave yard of silence that the little girl was present at….she had nothing more than a smile that she had company but was unhappy that someone was tresspassing at her home…..just leave the people alone and let them do with their land what they want….
No I am not from Wethersfield..Do you know any Roaches up there?
I too love history in general.
So I like would to tell the general popullation a story on the respect of a land owner. I have had permission to hunt on a piece of land for many years. One summer I was walking with a garbag bag through the 82 acre property to check where I would hunt for the winter and pick up any litter (beer cans and all types of plastics etc.) when a lady I didn’t know asked me what I was doing; I explained. She said the previous owner sold the property to her. I said ok, if you don’t mind, I would like to come back and remove some wet heavy garbage I hung on a branch to dry out…she said ok.
A week later I was out cleaning up the garbage and as I was bringing it back to my truck, the lady approached me. She said thank you and I have to confess something; I did not think you would come back. I said, I am a man of my word. She said, I do not care for hunting; but if you would like, I will give you permission to hike here. I said thank you.
Sadly the lady passed away a few years ago. I am glad I gave her some hope in mankind. So to the general popullation, greed of wanting more just because YOU WANT IT, does not make you a nice person. Try asking for less and except the answer either way…maybe you might get more than you are asking.
Fitz you are a god among man!
taft pond road pomfret orange gate . keep it real in ne ct, smoking dutches out there at night and ….. also eyes and ears, i’m glad your ok wiht hoarding such an amazing artifact, it speaks volumes for your character, as a resident of ct in a very scenic portion of woodstock, almsot more so than bara hack i often have people in my back yard, and mos tof the time im very friendly with them, unless theyre hunting an endargering my dog, we live in the most beautiful portion of the country its out resposibilty to share.
Oh, and i also am very proud of you for assisting the huge …… faction we have here in the quite corner known as troop d, they are literally the worst collection of wannabe fbi ……. in the land, so your giving them ample oppertunity to arrest and detain people because they are walking through the woods? you truly are one of the examples of the reason northeast ct sucks. you and oxycontin. you both suck.
If you respect the area people will never know you were there. Be silent and stay out of site. Pigs have poor eye site.
Dear sweet “matt m”, it’s not about hoarding and how much I suck, it’s about respect for the owners and obtaining permission.
Just went there tonight, but got there too late! didnt have permission ..opps!
Im confused. If they want everyone to get permission first then why is it so difficult to find the information to contact them. I would really like to go about doing this right but i have no way of finding the owners.
I went here twice as a child, with permission. Once as part of a school group and once with an adult group…maybe the historical society. I saw nothing unusual. I love old foundations and cemeteries, though, so it was a lot of fun!
We went to bara hack a few years ago. It’s a neat little place, but when you notice it is directly next to a 4H camp; you realize that could be where the sounds of children playing and horses are coming from…just food for thought…
Does anyone know who to as for permission? yes Troop D is a dumping ground for bad cops! i cant stand their own version of law and order! too bad cause that is a beautiful part of ct! scary that the cops have their own brand of justice and demand respect when they give none!!!!!! Troop D sux!!
I have been told that a photo that I was given many years ago, of what I personally view as a haunted cemetery may be a photo of the area that is discussed in this thread. I lost track of the person that took the photograph and subsequently gave me the photo many years ago and I have not recalled his name. However, I was told by someone that commented on my site that the name of the person who took the photo is Doug Daunis. (I hae no idea if this information is correct at this juncture). I also do have a second photo of his son on the page with the photo of the cemetery. According to the photographer of the photo his son’s leg had been broken my a grave stone in the cemetery. The name of his son is James. I find it interesting that a person named Amie Daunis (who commented on this board) claims that her brother was injured here?? Is this the same person in my photo I wonder that she is referring to? In my most humble opinion the photo that was given to me is extremely spooky and in fact, it is the spookiest photo I have ever seen. I have found a lot more in the photo then the photographer did when he passed it along to me. The photo is here if anyone is interested: Note: I have not confirmed the location of where this photo was taken since I only was just told that someone may know who the photographer of the shot is and I lost track of him years ago. So I simply don’t recall where he told me it was taken, other then he said it was a pretty lengthy walk though the woods to reach a cemetery in Enfield CT. It would be pretty neat to someday find out who did in fact give me the photo as it turned out I traded a video that I had taken of a rumored haunted cemetery and the last photos of my father in law alive were on the tape I gave to him.. in any event, likely ever seeing the tape that I shot again, is extremely low, but again it would be cool to get back in touch with the guy who took the photo that I have..
Dear Eyes and Ears I totally agree with you about respecting others property. I teach a summer class at a MA boarding school called “Curious New England” and have told my classes about Bara Hack but have never attempted to go there because of the no trespassing policy. If we could have permission from the owners to take a group of 10 students and 2 adults into that area that would be interesting for both students and staff. We are taking a field trip to other CT sites and that area next Tuesday 7/12. We don’t litter and treat people and property with respect. Sincerely Neil
Neil and others….If you are truly interested in going to Bara Hack with permission, please get in contact with me. I have written permission and have now been there twice. I’m planning a trip, taking another group with mine. I’ll take anyone there as long as I have some advance notice. You can reach me via my email at Also, you can find us on Facebook, by searching our group and/or organization name New England Spiritual Team. Hope to hear from you soon and enjoy the day!
~Michael Carroll~
I visited the cemetary and the surrounding property back around 1971 with a teen organization called Acadians that was led by Paul Eno who was a Seminary student in Bloomfield. I remember we spoke to a very old man with a long beard who lived alone in some kind of one room shack in Pomfret. He may have owned the property at the time and we may have been getting permission from him to walk the property. I don’t recall seeing anything unusual except that there were no birds or live vegetation within the cemetary walls. We took polaroid pictures near grave stones and by the wall. After the photos were developed we noticed small transparent orbs in the background. I also recall the father of one of my friends breaking down on the path on the way to the cemetary. He was a grown man in his 40’s and he broke down and cried like a baby each time he tried to get past a certain point. He stayed behind and the rest of us visited the cemetary that day. I will always remember that experience because it was the strangest experience I ever had involving the paranormal.
I have extensively documented the area and the three video segment is up on my youtube channel. First part can be viewed here:
I have written permission from the owner of the property herself and can offer assistance to those interested.
Hey everyone. While I don’t mind taking interested people to Bara Hack with my group, I will not give out directions to the location nor will I give out any contact information. I will not be responsible for you coming here on your own and damaging anything, if that occurs. Also, if you are truly interested in coming, we will be up there on Sept 24th. We will be meeting up in Putnam, CT around 3-330pm. By the way, I’m not taking all whom want to go. I already have quite a few people but cancellations do occur from time to time. Thanks!
Bara Hack is private property. Permission is required to enter the grounds. I am in contact with the owners of the property and will alert them of this visit, Michael. If you have permission, then you should not worry. If not, then I am certain the family will have have someone there to watch the property.
Erik: I know Bara Hack is on private property. I’m not one of these teens out for a thrill. I have a paranormal group, of which holds alot of respect in this field. We’ve been featured in newspapers, books, and local TV shows so we are not amatuers in this field. We have been to Bara Hack quite a few times and better yet, we have permission. We were even escorted out there our first time by an author in the field, whom also has permission. I respect your desire to help weed out trouble and such but rest assured, we are perfectly fine.
I am not here to play mall cop. If you have permission, then so be it. I have contacted representatives of the owners who will, in turn, be in touch with them. If you check out, then you should have no trouble with your visit. I am not familiar with your group, but private property is private property, no matter how many TV shows, books, or newspapers you have contributed to. I have forwarded links of your group to the reps.
I do take issue with any paranormal group soliciting individuals who do not have permission to enter the grounds to join them on an ‘investigation’. In fact, this could be a significant issue with the owners who I have been told do not want this land opened up for this purpose. They have, in the past, used the land for local schools to investigate the history of their town and the way people lived back in the early 1800s. Your post suggests a ghost hunting tour of the land: I’d be willing to wager that they are not happy with that.
As per the owner of the property, you are NOT permitted to be on, nor giving tours of the property. You and anyone with you on the property WILL be arrested for trespassing.
Mr. Carroll,
I am the owner of bara-hack and I’m adding a note to the caretakers message: I have NOT given any form of permission to you or for you to take any groups of people onto to my property at any time. If you do so, you will be arrested and charges will be pressed. Plain and simple.
i am the sasquatch that lives in the woods..i will eat all treaspassors..mmm people the other white meat
And I am one of the ghosts who haunts Bara-Hack, and I agree with Mr. Sasquatch. Come into our woods and we’ll haunt you forever.
I am Erik Kubic… Mall Cop… I am trying to stop fun. Subsequent posts by “owner of bara hack” are just me again trying to be tough. I will not arrest you if you come. Just show up at night kiddos and there’s no issues with going in.
Mr. Kubik,
You are incorrect. I am the owner of bara-hack and all people MUST have written permision on them and signed by me or the police will be called.
@owner, please take notice that “Erik Kubik Mall Cop” is someone posting sarcastically while using my name. I only say this b/c you addressed this person as Mr. Kubik. My name is always clickable.
Mr. Kubik and all,
Just remember THE DEAD NEVER SLEEP! Just try me.
I am a former resident of the quiet corner and am very interested in taking my son to see bara hack. Anyone with info on how to go about doing this legally would be greatly appreciated..
you can find me on facebook
Mr. Klimas,
You might be able to contact the 4H camp and see when they will be going. Permission is only granted to certain groups.
Hey Kevin,
It’s Hoppy, if you get permission to get on the land let me know. I have been wanting to go there for years!!! I am not on face book but you can email me at
No permission will be given to individuals.
I have lived next to Bara Hack for more then 30 yrs. AND IN REGULAR CONTACT WITH THE CARE TAKER and i have and will continue to notify them of strange activity as i can even hear people talking in the woods because of the way the sound travels.I have had people stop in my driveway asking for directions to get back to their car ,sometimes i tell them the wrong way just because they said they didnt have permission to go back there.This is not a State Park.Leave Bara Hack and its neighbors alone.
Once again i return to say to the owners of bara hack; [edit] just because you have a certain foundation series in your back yard does not mean you should be able to keep that to yourself, it would be like my associates over on wolf den road saying “no you need permisssion to go in the park”, it’s a very selfish act, it displeases me to see you hog such a rare artifact, and claim your reasoning as “how would you like somebody walking through your woods?” well guess what?! today i did catch somebody walking through my woods to photograph my old foundation! and you know what i didnt do?! call the piggys! instead i asked to see his photos and made him smoke a bowl with me! what a concept! the very fact you threaten troop d on people makes me sad, and also lets me have a vague understanding that ct is a place for jerks.
ive lived here 24 years, and it gets worse every year
I’m an art photographer who specializes in historic cemeteries. I love to photograph them both from an artists perspective as well as a preservation perspective. When I hear about a particularly old cemetery I try to get in and document it before vandals/nature/time completely destroy it. Unfortunately on numerous occasions I’ve been too late. I would love to come photograph the site if I could get permission from the owners, any help in that matter would be greatly appreciated. The means to get in touch with me is through my website:
Thank you,
I’m very sorry, but no permission is granted ot indiviuals. Owner
I myself was completely intrigue by this place. I’ve been looking up different areas in New England for the group I belong to – to beable to investigate. It’s too bad that there has been so many issues with other people taking advantage of the owner and thier property and has made a bad name for anyone else curious about the paranormal activity that maybe happening there. I can completely understand the owners standpoint though, it just comes down to having respect for them and thier wishes. It sounds as though too many people have taken things onto themselves and has ruined the possiblities for others to visit the area.
All this is very interesting over something quite trivial. If the land is privately owned, then the land owner clearly has a right to protect himself against any trespassers- and I can only imagine the types of people that these ghost stories attract. Is there an actual contact for the owner(s) of the land? I don’t expect that to be published on here but I DO think that there’s an opportunity to make a lot of money off this, if done properly. By saying that, I’m not ruling out that this isn’t what is going on right now. Weed out the weirdos, take a donation and let people have a look at the historical site. I don’t see anything wrong with that. Am I somewhat close to the truth? I realize it’s not all about money and if the owner just likes to check out who is visiting his site before granting permission, then I give him even more respect. Hey…I grew up in Coventry and while I live far away now, but this would be one great idea for a date if given permission…..just saying.
I went to Bara Hack when I was residing in Putnam, CT for 15 years (which also has a haunting past due to the flood in the 1950’s). I walked the entire area and nothing had happened. When I say “nothing” I mean there were no animal sounds and the air was very still kind of stale. That in itself was creepy considering it was very cold and windy that day. The cemetery is beautiful and very old as are the remains of the houses that once stood there. I did not feel unpleasant as I walked through the grounds, however I did get the feeling of being watched or followed. On the way out of the grounds I did hear a peculiar rapping on one of the large old trees on the main path towards the exit. I distinctly heard 3 very loud knocks! I examined the tree for any animal nests or holes and saw nothing! I then got into my vehicle and proceeded to turn the key to start it, NOTHING! The darned vehicle would not start. I took this as a bad omen considering the vehicle was in like new condition. I proceeded to try and turn the engine over and finally got it running. Once home I could not stop thinking about it and that night I did experience sounds of children in my home and strange nightmares. I did not return.
wow belinda have you ever hear of a bird called a woodpecker..hmm they love rapping on trees.i live in these woods and see lots of animals and birds.even beer cans from the local people who like to tresspass out here..the erie feeling you had of someone watching you was me from a bush watching your excuse of exsistence creeping through my forest..the only thing that haunts these woods is the pressence of you and all your friends bugging me while im trying to rest..yes i am the first sasquatch to have internet out here..thank you verizon..well i have better things to do now like scare away more people.. please just tell people the teruth about my forest stating that it is not haunted,it is on private property,and it just belongs to some very wonderful people ,and i get to sleep in it with all my woodland friends,sfae sound and proteceted KEEP OUT …squashy
Mall Cop…….. It’s people like you who make the kind people of this town want to keep others away, I’ve lived in this town for 4 yrs now, My wife ( an awesome photographer)and I find things like Bara-Hack interesting and wonderful places to visit and learn, Please stay out of our town and not ruin it for those of us who greatly appreciate all the wonders and hidden places this town has to offer. This is our town!
If the state police are wasting their time “arresting” people wandering around empty property we are wasting tax dollars. I live in the area and walk the woods daily. If i run into posted property i just make my way off the property as quickly as possible. The police can’t even find addresses out here within 45 minutes let alone someone walking in the woods. Even if they do there is no way they would arrest you unless you were hunting/trapping w/o permission. If someone is hunting/trapping w/o permission, littering or destroying property that is another story. Shame on those idiots. Book them if you catch them. For all others, Lighten up people. I would strongly suggest blaze orange on anyone wandering the woods this time of year.
it’s just funny to me that a man goes out of his way to ask for permission, never mind your weird phobia about tresspassing in “the last green valley” , “the quiet corner” “quaint” ct, and you blantently deny him, explain to me how keeping that all to your greedy self is justified, i wasn’t aware one could be so stingy. HEY, ANYONE IF YOU WANNA SEE A GREAT VIEW EMAIL ME, GOT SOME FOUNDATIONS AND AN OLD CEMETERY.
@eyes and ears, your in the woods, it’s not that hard to run from a bunch of fat, out of shaped coked up cops, these are our woods. the woods are the woods. its kinda like the ocean, property that should be given equal rights to travel through. if you disagree, move to jersey. because that’s some straight jersey [stuff]. seriously, you’re treating walking through the woods like its some act of treason against the united states, using scare tactics…while i’ve been in your area of the world many times, and i can clearly note, that people in the woods do not disturb anybody, and your house isnt even relatively close to the actual abandonment (from what ive heard), its just a reflecting on how self centered human society has become, especially these upscale areas like pomfret and woodstock, thankfully im born and raised with a sense of neighborly love, seriously irritating, i bet you call the cops for any little indiscretion you see…one of those types.
I bet they don’t want people finding their secret garden I found out there in the fall..
All i have to say about these last 3 comments is wow.. you people are rude and inconsiderate and thats why people like you ..will never get permision to be on someones preoperty..If the preoperty is not ure’s than just leave it be.. stop being such wine babies about the whole thing..and go rummgae through a state park where it isnt treaspassing and is 100 percent with that being said good day to you all
No kidding! I wrote a neutral comment way up there somewhere and have been flummoxed by all the iddy biddy wickums. “Mine!” “Now!” “Unfair!” “Gimmie!” “You’re bad!” “Want!”
There are cellar holes all over New England. Tons. Many are very accessible. Go where you are wanted. It will make you feel all grown up, and that’s a pretty nice feeling, I promise!
wow…to all the people out there that are in it for the fun of seeing something that will turn you white, there is no need to be rude….look around u there is spiritual energy everywhere that you can see…there has been death and dispair no matter which way you turn….most people lose the ability to see what is there hiding by a certain age….i see it everyday and everywhere i go, sry that you dont know where to look anymore…stop harassing the owner and go look else where….the past a bara hack dont want to be bothered by anyone, they are just as lost as you are in this modern world that most just cant handle anymore…
There are some far more interesting places to see around the area. Clearly the people presenting themselves as owners and caretakers on this thread do not want people near their property. Threats of police are not necessary and would likely just fall on deaf ears even if they did call, but just leave these people alone. No need to stir up trouble when there are far easier places to access. It is probably because someone littered, damaged property, or some sort of stupid acts of a few individuals. Respect their privacy.
I walk the woods all over Pomfert, Woodstock, Brooklyn and hardly ever see people. When I do it is more often than not a very pleasant discussion about the birds I have seen. Great season for Timber Doodle.
Have a look at the old Trinity Church on Church Street in Brooklyn. You can easily get permission to see the church and maybe even a tour if you inquire at the Trinity Episcopal Church on route 6 in Brooklyn. They even have prayer services during nice weather on Sundays if you are into that sort of thing. Ask for Mr. Booth. There are old carvings of ships on the walls upstairs that reflect some real history in the area. This was an underground railroad stop for the slaves. This place was always said to be haunted and people often report car trouble when parking. Careful what look for because you may find it in places like this one.
People on this board that are stating that the property owners are selfish, greedy etc for not allowing the public on their property are honestly incredible. If any of these same people have anything of value, like your wallet or your home, your car etc. give it to me to let me use (and or abuse) because based on what you say you are greedy if you don’t share or give stuff you own to strangers no less. Pfft!! Take a look at the U.S. Constitution/Bill of Rights, indeed people do have the right to own private property and they have the right to keep it all to themselves if they so choose. Besides, I am so sure these ignorant people claiming they should have the right to other people’s stuff (private property) will spend their free time cleaning up after and guarding the property against ppl who are disrespectful and some do go so far as to damage property. I sure wouldn’t let the public march through MY HOME even if I had 100 million dollar art hanging on the wall (oh duh, most esp if I did I wouldn’t lol) and there is not a sole out here who would. It is not Greed folks, this is hard working people that earned what they own and they surely have the right to do with it as they please and this includes keeping it all to themselves. To the disrespectful ignorant trespassers, where do you live? where do you keep your wallet and your car keys because I sure could use some extra cash, a car I don’t have to pay for and why not let me crash on your couch because I don’t want to pay for my own. And don’t be greedy and say I can’t use your stuff!! PFFT! Sure in what world do these people live in??
I lived in the United Kingdom for several years and they have a set of rights designed specifically around walkers. Walkers have a near unhindered right of way to pass on public and private land provided they follow certain rules. The rules are quite simple don’t litter, don’t destroy property, don’t walk on cultivated land, stay away from structures, don’t interfere with landowner activities, and some others. Sounds like a good set of rules. If people would have followed these simple rules they would probably still have sights like bara-hack open. Clearly this is not the UK and people need to heed to trespassing laws. If it is posted don’t pass. If you find yourself walking on property and run into a sign change your direction to avoid conflict. If you run into a landowner just apologize for your error and respect their wishes. Ask them for permission to continue your walk through the property if it makes sense. Clearly Bara-Hack owners have made their wishes known. It does sound a bit unreasonable to liken someone’s car keys to walking through vacant lands. People just need to relax. Constitutional law does have limitations related to private property, but that is a whole new discussion. Most of the posts here do not represent the way people react when walking through properties. Let’s not reinforce the stigma of New Englanders being unfriendly by writing aggressive posts because most are very friendly. It is starting to sound like the land of the less than free and home of the brave lawyers.
Welcome to Para Hunter. We are an eclectic group of Paranormal investigators exploring the unusual and unexplained. Our team is happy to investigate claims or perceived hauntingās. If you are experiencing unusual phenomena and need some clarifications or some support please contact us. We will not divulge any private information regarding you or your location unless you want us to do so. We are willing to investigate homes, businesses or locations which have unusual or unexplained activity.
To the owners of this property. You are doing the right thing to keep these people out. If its a huge problem then the local police should be watching the place very closely. These crazies will trample and ruin a piece of history and it will be forever lost to us. I live in Putnam and lived in pomfret for short time. I think the historical society should be the only ones allowed in and if you choice to allow people in at certain times. Charge and have guided tours perhaps the money can then go to maintaining a piece of history.
How does one contact the owners with respect to visiting this site with some students? I’d prefer an emailed response away from this board. Thanks.
No permission is be granted at this time. You might want to try again in the futhur. This is done only by written permission. Please repect this.
Yes, thanks for your reply. I’ll wait for the owners to send me an email.
Darius higginbothem or something
To owners of Bara-Hack. Ive been there a few times. I’m respectful and a resident of Plainfield. What you own is listed on every haunted web site on the internet. Why not just make some money off of this and conduct tours? I would donate a few bucks if I could go there at night and snap a few rolls of film. You would never know I was there. You didn’t the times I was. I am a blue colar guy that has a hobby like spirit photography. Beleive or not. I’ve been doing this since 1994. I’m sure some asshole is gonna post something stupid about my post, so bring it! All I’m trying to say is what you own is really awesome, and is heavily saught after. Also being a resident of the area for 37 years, Bara-Hack isn’t a secret, neither is it’s location. I know of people that have been going there since I was 12. Also we all know out here the response time for police response isn’t the quickest. with that said, I mean no disrespect. I have no interest in seeing your house, or your possessions. I own a home and pay my taxes. You don’t own the cemetary, unless it’s a family plot. If the stories are true, what you own is very historic and should be shared. Even if it’s by your terms, unless they are outlandish. I guess what I’m trying to say is, the more you try to keep people out, and forums like this exist, the more people are going to be curious. Look at Dudleytown. I would like to walk around and not worry about police, and having to explain myself. I just want to take some pics a couple of times a year, get in my car and leave. then go to the next place. That would make an awesome haunted attraction. You should think hard about making a fortune a few months a year. Look at Salem Mass. Tons of haunted tours of the graveyards witches were buried in. I paid 20 bucks to prowl around an abandoned jail houdini escaped from. People would pay to have a couple hours of a ghost walk and a bbq before. We should talk. I also cater. We could make some money off of these paranormal groups and people like me. Also let teachers and students have their time. seriously… Your sitting on an awesome peice of history that needs to be visited. Old trinity Church is a gem. That place is cool, and you can get permission to go there. THese places should be visited and people should know about the history of the area before it’s forgotton. Or just a handful of morons can brag on these sites about how they can police activities of Bara-Hack. and to the mall cops on this site… Look for the flashes in the woods late at night. FYI, You don’t wanna come creeping up on me!
Please stay off our land. Owners of bara-hack
I don’t believe the owners of Bara-Hack are on here. If you are the true owners then you are fools to think nobody will go there without your permission. Just google the name. It’s everywhere. And to the people on here with”permission”, Mind your own buisness! Like I said in my previous thread, The response time up here for police is slooww. when a real crime has been committed. A tresspaser with a camera on foot has an advantage. I know where to park. Nobody wants to break in your house, or steal shit. We just wanna peak at american history at its finest! So jump off your high horse and stop trying to hog history. I’m going to make some calls and see about having the town step into this. Or maybe the state it is election time. hmm. I bet if enough people called the state would see dolar signs and want it for themselves. Then what? People shouldn’t have exclusive rights to something so historic.
History? You said you were a spirir phtographer. I doubt you know or care about the history of thiz place. There is a fundamental rightto property in this country and eminent domain does not apply to ghost groupies like yourself. So get off your soapbox and respect the property owners wishes. Not only have they posted here, but so has the caretaker who lives nearby as wel as locals like me who support her rights over idiots like u.
And we will be looking out for u.
You know something, your right. It’s open to people as long as they respect the property, and don’t litter. Oh yea… One more thing. Starting October 1st, there will be tours starting at 25.00 a person. See the caretaker for details. Thanks
Erik, what do u care if I take a few pics of the woods where I grew up too? Seriously!
Why should these people take history and keep it. Btw. I’m a huge local history fan. Not a
Quack into ghosts. I take pics of lots of things. I just dig cemateries at night. So don’t judge!
I’m local too.
Stay off my land……………………Are you the jerk who called me at 7:15 on a Sunday morning? The state could care less. STAY OUT!!!!!!! It’s people like you that, make us NOT give permissson to cerditable people. And by the way………………we are here, understand that!!!!!!!!!!!
This is stupid. Ha. No I didn’t call u!
I’ve only been there twice. If u don’t want anyone there then I understand. It’s not worth the hassle. I’m not gonna ruin anything for anyone. I thought this thread is funny. Like I said, the location is no secret and has never been. U should ask for donations for upkeep and let people there. That’s what I would do. Boy scouts, schools etc… There’s some cool history there and I’m sure your hassled all the time. It comes with the teritory. There’s plenty of other places to take pics at. I’m realy not any of the “jerks” who harass u. Your land is on every weird website for thousands to read. I would be on
My guard too.
If people come up to my land, just call me early in the morning when a rise out of bed. I’ll grant special permission slips. Kind of like when you were in school. Some will have priority over others too, just to confuse things. Because I can. I’ll also have the”caretaker” write some out, to be even more confusing. Then constantly call the cops and be a nuisance to them. Finally the outcome will be that I’ll be chasing people away all hours of the night. Maybe scare the wrong person, get injured or even injure someone else. Go to jail, then anyone will be able to go. Oh don’t forget about Erik, he’ll be out there policing the trees and run into Sasquatch and get eaten. The picture guy will document it, then all the ghost hunters from all over the place will be out there looking for the ghost of Erik known to be flying up the trail on his segue way in his goofy mall cop helmet! So how about don’t get hurt, and just peacefully come up to pomfret. Don’t mind the gate, the posted signs are there to scare people. Cops don’t care. They’re paid to watch the Laborers academy that’s nearby. The caretaker is useless, but should be bothered with stupid questions and empty promises of dancing monkeys in return to lurk in the shadows of my land. That’s why they get paid lots of bales of hay and wheat. It’s like the wild west up here, hence the reference to gun country in this neck of the woods. So be careful, don’t sue if u get shot, fall, or if my Sasquatch eats you. God speed, and I’ll post directions for those of you who don’t know how to get here. It’s pretty easy. Actually, ask the damn caretaker or things. Bother them. I hve to take my Add meds now so happy walking through my woods. Time for a shot and a beer.
Btw, once you come up my rd. there is a few different trails on your left. It’s like let’s make a deal. All over grown cattle paths. A couple have gates. You decide which one it is. Gate number one before the brook near the newer bridge they just built. Or take that first left and go up what looks like a state forest rd. I have a little bit of a god complex so if I come out in boxers and a shot gun, don’t mind me. And your permission slip better be valid. Or else! Also I could give you permission one day, and the next take away your privlages. Because I can. Ha ha ha. How do you like me now?
Erik, don’t kiss my ass, because everyone but you can come here! You will never have permission. Where did you come from anyway? If I get more people asking permission to come on my damn land I’ll burn the woods down! Why do people feel entitled to trespass? I don’t go onto anyone’s land. I have spies up here just watching. Deer stands and hunting hits, so I wouldn’t come up here at all. ANY HOUR!!!! See, my meds are wearing off now. I’ve gotta go smoke pot!
I’ll go anywhere I want! I have been there a lot! If you are watching your Land then the nights I was there, something must have been on tv because I haven’t seen anyone. Come try to find me. How many acres are the woods? I dare you to come out late at night and look for me. Or find me! Then what? I would say screw these guys who own this place and just come up. Park down the street and walk through the woods. No cops in their right mind is gonna arrest anyone unless they hunt like someone mentioned. Ive been reading these posts and I think people are stupid. I will never go up to your house and ask permission. Also I would never walk through the woods in pomfret empty handed. I mean no harm, just dont act tough with me if I am found. I’ll leave, but don’t strong arm me! Cops can’t get there for a while. If you don’t own the land, don’t patrol the woods like you own them. It’s not worth it!
Stay off of our land………………owners
Your pathetic! You better camp out in your woods everyday! Now I might go there every night! You cant stop anyone from going there. Call the cops now, because I’ll be there tonight. And I’ll be ready for anything that jumps out, so pick your battle. I
Might even have some friends come out too.
Go away and grow up
Despite a few of the last posts, the owners of bara hack have posted on this board, in this thread, with their warning not to trespass. Given the lack of any moderation or registration here, someone is posting under their guise.
Mr. Mac, you are very wrong. We are the owners, so I suggest that you also go away. Leave our land and us alone. There are laws made and whether you or anyone one this website likes it or not, they will be up held. You are all the most childest, self centered people I have ever heard. All of you, just grow up. Take your games somewhere else.
Owners of Bara-Hack
By the way Mr. Mac, how would you or anyone else know who the real owners are?
Who cares who the owners are! Your pathetic. If anyone wants to walk around the woods then come up here and do it. Now you might have to worry about weirdos in the woods, just come prepared and don’t worry about cops. Sounds like the owners of this place are up to no good. Maybe growing something they don’t want anyone to find. I’ll look around more when I come up. I looked around last night but wasn’t looking for plants.
Just be careful. If the true owners call the cops, they might lie and say your doing something else to try to get police there quicker. It’ll still take 1/2 hour for them to get there.
We aren’t bad people. We will let certain people enter. There’s dumb asses on here posting as us. We will give written permission to certain people because we can!!! If people don’t like that then tough. I’m tired of going back and forth. Come up and just ask. If u sneak here then watch out for Sasquatch. Because he will eat you. Plus we do creepy things out in the woods at night. We just might sacrifice you if Sasquatch doesn’t get you first. So is it worth finding out what we do? If you see a Bon fire, it just might be too late. We won’t call the police. We’ll deal with you. So y’all com back now, ya hear! Hail!
Welcome to pomfret. Ha. For people that don’t know this area, it gets really weird from taftville up 395 north until Webster mass. Strange folk up here. I would bet things might get real interesting. The people are touched if you know what I mean. I’m good. You can keep Bara-hack. I’ll go back someday.
I have met the owners, although they might not remember me but i remember them…They are really nice people who like to use the trails for riding….they dont have to let anyone on the property if they dont want to….ive been there several times never without permission it is the polite thing to do in any case and any where….i go there for the hike because it is such a beautiful place and despite what i have found there i will always enjoy a nice hike in the woods even at my age with my kids…all the history in the place is beind disrupted with all these so called paranormal societies that cant hold a stick with any evidence i have…seeking out the spirits old or new, be careful what you wish for…and again all you have to do is go in your backyard and you will find the spirits you are looking for, sry your not tuned in with the finer senses and have to hunt ghosts in order to find anything…and people orbs and i cant stress this enough dont mean shit…stay off their property and go somewhere else….
There’s actually more in tuned places to take pics at than others. I don’t disrupt shit. I enjoy the hike, and enjoy history also. I only carry a camera. I could see a spider on a web and sit there focused on it. When there’s places people say could have energy around them. I grab my camera and go take pics, then leave. I’m good with this place. Like I said, there’s other places in the area. I don’t need to get shot! Sounds like a bunch of damn cowboys in the woods in pomfret. The owners, looker in the woods guy… Satanists, Sasquatch… I’d rather run from state cops when I go
To Norwich state hospital. At least I’m safe if a cop busts me! Have fun
In the woods in pomfret.
I just go to find me some damn illegals. Never found any so that place is clean. I did see a Sasquatch eating a Mexican so I just let it be. Needless to say, that damn Sasquatch better be legal or I’m gonna bust him, and the owners for aiding a fugitive of the USA! So heed my warning and clean up that land. I’ll be watching! As for any other foreigners that border jump, I’ve got a van and will be looking for ya in this Bara hack place.
Were wonder how to contact owners to do an investigation
I was there tonight this place is cool funny I didn’t see any Bigfoot but the cemetery is cool
Hi my name is Missy and ive started my own paranormal investigation team we are completly still amateurs at this ,but i am very sorry to the owners of this property that people are so disrespcectful to you and your land…… We go to private cemetaries which i have always gotten permission to be there and im hoping that my friend and i would be aloud to get permission to go our be invited by a team or even go on the tour you offer if you still do.. Im trying to find more info on this as we would love to have the opportunity to explore your amazing land if anyway possible Thankyou for your time , and if anyone has any info on how i could go about this respectfully and properly that would be appreciated Looking forward to any response from anyone willing to send me in the right direction Thank you, Missy Rocco
Another paranormal group? You do realize how many of these groups are out there…..
Haha so true
Yes I can only assume , that’s why I’m respectfully trying to ask if there is a group that we could go with or the owners with the guides they provide if it was possible
Take it you had no luck by the reply you sent me. I wasn’t looking for anyone’s sarcasm or being made a joke of so if you don’t mind respectfully this is something I take seriously and was hoping people would be kind at least.
Thank you Rocco missy
We are not giving permission to anyone at this time.
That’s cool Darius is giving ppl permission cuz it’s his land
Not here physically but still here spiritually
Thank you for letting me know , I appteciate you getting back to me so soon. Sorry that people haven’t been kind to your land or to your privacy. Take care
Rocco, there is a group on Facebook that I believe does have permission to go to Bara Hack. If my memory serves me correctly the name of the group is New England Spiritual. The name of the founder of this group is Michael Caroll (I am not sure if the spelling of his name is correct but it would be his group that does have permission) So maybe you can try a look up on Facebook and see if you can join the group to see if they might be going to this location again. I believe they went a few times last Autumn. I actually hoped to go and was told I was welcome to join but for me hooking up with this group that is on the other side of the state from me when it was convenient for ppl living closer didn’t work out at that time. With this said, Michael did tell me that I could let him know what a good date/time for me would be and if he could get enough people he would try to schedule this date. Thus, he is very generous with his time if distance (and/or maybe life obligations) might be an issue.
Personally for me though, I also hesitate to go with a group b/c as it goes if you get one person behaving foolishly the drive time, and the subsequent time hiking out to the location would all be lost since I feel distractions like this would make the experience nothing more then a pretty hike in the woods & maybe a stressful one which of course would defeat the purpose. Thus, as much as I would love to one day go and observe what I feel must be a truly incredible place since they only give permission to groups it is likely I won’t get an opportunity to visit.
Last, I honestly find the people that post to this forum that blatantly express a lack of respect for the owners of this property abhorrent. It is people like this that do in fact ruin it for all of us who will always respect other people’s property and wishes- and to these people you only have yourself to blame that the owners of Bara Hack don’t allow individuals to visit. & Finally, to the person above that is antagonizing the owner(s) by stating he/she trespasses on this property without any regard for the owners, I so HOPE you get caught and arrested AND receive at min a stiff fine to teach you a lesson to respect these people and their property.
On a separate note, I provided a link to a photo I have that was taken at Bara Hack over 20 years ago by a person that I became acquainted with at the time. To me, the photo is one of the most incredible photos I have ever seen where I personally feel it very likely could be evidence that there is something quite unique and special about this place. Though unfortunately not long after this acquaintance gave me the photograph we lost track of each other. However, to my surprise a family member of the photographer of the photo saw my post on this forum and subsequently I became reunited with this gentleman when he contacted me. When I finally had an opportunity to speak with this gentleman after all of these years, I was grateful to learn that he did in fact have permission to be on the property when he took this most incredible photo that includes a figure of what some believe to be a little girl behind the stone wall in the cemetery. If I did learn that he did not have permission, I guess I would have quite the dilemma concerning sharing of the photo since again, I am adamantly opposed to people trespassing and violating the rights of the property owners at Bara Hack.
Micheal Caroll does not have permission. If he remembers correctly, I wrote him a letter last fall stating that he DID NOT HAVE permission. At this point in time no one has permission.
Owners of Bara-Hack, I apologize for the incorrect information and I stand to be corrected. Thank you very kindly for the update to inform me that Michael Caroll no longer has permission to visit the property. Well, this answers a question I had wondered about this past fall as to why he didn’t schedule visits to this area- of course it makes sense now with the information you have shared with me. I would like to extend my thanks for the kindness you have extended in the past to allow some groups and/or people to visit your property. I for one find have thought it is extremely grateful of you to do this, even though personally I have never had the opportunity to visit your property. Last of course, I too am sorry you have experienced the aggravation you have from disrespectful folks that have no regard for your property and the law. I will promise you this, I will NEVER even so much as attempt access to your property without your express permission and will always respect your right to do with your property what you wish. Sincerely & respectfully, Linda P.S. One more final note, though I believe the photo I have of your property may no longer be available by search to the public at least at this time, I will in fact add a note on this photo to folks that might come across it to share the information that your property is private and trespassers are strictly prohibited.
Update: FYI, to the Owner(s) of Bara-Hack as I stated in my prior post as promised, I have added a notice on my photo that your property is private and violators will be prosecuted with hopes that I do not have any part in encouraging anyone to violate your property rights. The link to the photo I refer to is here: which now includes this notice in bold at the top of the description to warn anyone interested in visiting your property that it is of course prohibited. Again, thank you kindly for all of your efforts in the occasions in the past which you have chosen to share your property with others. Again, Sincerely & Respectfully, Linda
Don’t appologise to these fools! Just go up there and take pics. This stupid website has these people all pissed off. The amount of ass kissing to the pathetic souls who own this place is amusing. Just walk up and take pics, then leave. I live in the area and I go there all the time. They give permission to who they want. just park on the road and walk in. I know where it is. Sounds like they’re doing something illegal on their land. Maybe growing something they’re not supposed to. The police don’t care.
Pfft!! I am not a pathetic looser like you that doesn’t respect other people’s property. Maybe they like to dance around THEIR PROPERTY nude!! It is THEIR PROPERTY TO DO WHAT THEY WISH WITH IT!! I expect you have never had anything in your life, and likely never will so it seems you feel entitled to take what doesn’t belong to you and what others have spent a LOT of money on. Sorry pal! I am not a looser like you, and I definitely will NOT trespass on anyone’s property most esp when they make it very clear they don’t want people on their land. I have been a property owner, and boy I wish you would have come on my land uninvited b/c I personally would have said I felt you threatened my safety and I would have beat the living tar out of you, and yup defending myself IS LEGAL. Trash like you definitely should be locked up!!!
Calm down its a well known piece of history that intrigues everyone like it or not ppl will continue to go there for years to come permission or not
Too bad we don’t have the same laws in CT that they do in Texas so the owners of Bara Hack can ‘very calmly’ shoot you Jaybird when you trespass on their property
Btw, Jaybird, Border Patrol and the other derelict loosers out here that feel you have some God given right to trespass on someone’s private property, how much of your lifetime might I ask have you worked your tail off and saved to buy something to have someone come in and disrespect, destroy and devalue it because they have no consideration for what you own??? (Likely NEVER!!) How do you know that the these woods at Bara-Hack don’t have extremely valuable trees that some looser who doesn’t care a rats ass for will throw down a match and burn up all that one worked for in a life time?? Was it Border Patrol that stated above, the owners allow the people they want on the property? Really??!! and so what!! I have a Jaguar maybe and I let everyone in the neighborhood drive it but I choose one looser like you maybe that respects nothing to go no where near it. We can choose to share it or NOT if we paid for it!! Indeed, the fact is it is the choice of the people that bought and paid for Bara Hack, and NOT YOURS to decide what they should do with what they own. Until you have earned enough to purchase something that has value to others, how about you shut up and spend your ‘free’ time working so to attain anything of value .. and stop acting like you are entitled, aka you should receive some welfare benefit to appreciate something you NEVER earned!!
Losers who said anything about disrespect or destroy you are confusing me with some teenagers when I leave its the way I found it so your gripe is not with me
Linda, I am a property owner! I own a house, bike, and two cars!
If I owned a piece of history that people wanted to visit, I’d let them. And btw, you wouldn’t beat the tar out of anyone! Ha ha! If it was Texas I would win!
No matter how worked up you get, they still won’t let you there! Loser! Ha ha!
Maybe offer them something else. You act like you own the land. I don’t vandalize, I take pics. And I don’t go there empty handed, because of people like you! I also work very hard every day so be righteous somewhere else. I also don’t throw matches down to start fires either. Your pathetic! People like you suck and make our world a difficult place to live in with your self righteous bullshit! Save it for a tree hugging rally!
one more thing Linda, who has pics of Nara hack? Not you!
Oh yea, I do. Ha ha. So while you have nothing to do but tear me down and try to suck the owners ass, I’m in there taking pics. You truly are a loser.
No Border patrol, you would be right I don’t have a photo of Nara hack, I have one of Bara Hack and very likely it is one of the most impressive photos ever taken there. I am all good. LOL
Oh and Border Patrol, newsflash! There are countless historical properties all over the country and for that matter all over the world. If you are such a big shot to claim b/c a place has historical significance & you and everyone else has the right to go there (trespass) when you choose, please do try this at the Whitehouse as I would be extremely entertained to hear about what the Secret Service would do to you in insisting how very wrong you are. LMBO!!
Hi all it’s Rocco , wondering if anyone knew if things have changed at the property if there doing group trips or anything along those lines thank you. Missy Rocco
What a sad day when people can’t work together to preserve and share a piece of history. Sounds like there is enough interest here to encourage a responsible representative of the owners to provide tours that could be used to preserve the site. Perhaps CT needs to start putting some real rules in place to encourage “owners” to preserve these sites for historic purposes. We have all seen the old barns, stone walls, indian burial grounds go to ruin over the years. Perhaps there is something to be learned from cities like London that have strict historic preservation rules.
If I wanted permission to go and visit not even to investigate how would I do so. Please anyone who knows the owner or is the owner please call or text 2394709070 I will answer text more often but please call me. I am very interested in the history and the sites there.
Good luck with getting permission these ppl have there heads up there ass
Anybody thought of offering the people who allegedly own the property MONEY to visit the site? Money talks . . . BS well, you know. .
If you want to know who owns the property, check with the county assessor. .
yes barahack is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i brought two freinds and a drunik dog . saw nothing then my freind says oh well freind its not like your going to hear a …and ekkk mother fuckin crack crack dope eek ….something fuckin screamed….place felt creepy as fuck though
fuckin you dont need permission ….just dont get caught done it plenty
The thing I notice about the story is that with every retelling (website or other) there seem to be more mysterious or unexplained pictures or stories but NO copies of those pictures seem to exist.
The next thing I notice is that EVERY TIME it comes up, there are two or three people who admonish anyone and everyone NOT to go there because of property owners that will call the police post haste. No one reports getting arrested or even approached by the police or sheriff. YET, I see several postings with pictures of people and groups heading off into the woods to “investigate.”
No ever mentions WHO the property owners are. . despite repeated requests on several forums, it always goes unreported. Strange with all the people and “Investigation groups” that claim to want to get to the bottom of the story.
Likewise, I find no good directions about exactly where the thing is. In this age of everyone with a phone having GPS, I would think someone would report the location by GPS. . instead vague generalities and suggestions to park on the other side of the brook. . .on the highway, which WOULD seem to be a tip off that someone was headed back to the cemetery.
I find a couple of reports that there are no houses within “miles” of the cemetery, but lots of reports that neighbors watch out and call the police. I will say, I did see a no trespassing sign posted on a tree in one of the groups heading out pictures.
So, most of the recent treatment stems from one old picture with a ambiguous dark spot which is circled and reported to be a woman with a shotgun. . .The guy who took the picture reported nothing weird when he took the picture. . . by the way, WHY was he taking a picture of the cemetery? And then, two years later, his son breaks his leg in the same place where he took the picture.
Seems like the proverbial Gordian knot. The more you dig, the more convoluted the story gets. . . stories upon stories. . People swear they heard children, other people state they NEVER heard a thing. .
Lastly, why is that EVERY “Investigation team” in the country makes requests to be put in touch with owners as they want to investigate, but I don’t recall seeing a SINGLE posting of anyone saying they found the owners, or visited the site, or reported anything . . If these “investigation” teams are so skilled, why can’t any of them:
1. locate exactly for us where the site is and
2. Have the ability to go to the County assessors office and find out WHO owns the land.
3. Come back and tell everyone what they found, or what they were told by the “Owners?”
Sorry everyone, I love a good rush, a good scare and would LOVE to really encounter a “Ghost” Yet in 53 years, I have NOT found a single verifiable case. . . NONE. . But then, I don’t expect every rustling of leaves, or raccoon scurrying around in the dark, or cold breeze to be proof of anything supernatural. YET. . you watch entertainment shows like “TAPS” and believe that you can sense and verify ghosts with temperature probes, infrared pictures, alleged cold spots, UNEXPLAINED noises, or the camera catching a door, chair or other object mysteriously moving. . .DO YOU KNOW there was not a crew member or production assistant that made that happen? How long do you think they would have a Television show, if NOTHING HAPPENS???
I said this before, there is a principal of logic, called Occam s razor which states, when an event happens, usually the least complicated explanation is the cause. No, it does not make for good television, or a good scare. Do you really want to believe in the same “supernatural” stuff that we supposedly left behind after the SALEM WITCH TRIALS?
How about instead of relying on a blow up of a snap shot taken years ago, and scanned (Possibly SCAMMED) or manipulated before being posted, you insist on visiting the person who has the picture (if it still exists) and looking at it YOURSELF? Stop taking everyone’s word that there’s spooks and haunts in them Thar hills. .
A committed skeptic.
Oh, one last thing. . EVP. . Once again, unless you are there for the whole time the recorder is there. . and have secured the perimeter, how do you know someone didn’t just walk in, and whisper. . “GET OUT. . . I’m an evil spirit. . . ” or something. All you have is a recording that you are taking someone else’s word that it is “authentic” or “not tampered with”
It’s like watching spook videos on youtube. . . there must be hundreds of videos that purport to show everything from Bigfoot to Casper the friendly ghost in some dark and unknown place. . you honestly believe they are all real?
IV been many times over 20 year span never encountered any phenomena lol
Please don’t take this as a personal affront, it is not intended to be. BUT
I notice you continue to make postings “to the owner of the property” But they never respond. . . you constantly admonish people NOT to go there. . .Face it, you have contributed to the problem by posting the picture. . by constantly telling people, “Don’t go there” you will make the owners mad. .
As many web sites as there are about this story, how could the “owners” every hope to keep up with all the “brough haa” about the whole issue. . .
I am reminded of the story of the person that swears he alone speaks for GOD. . .and if you question it, you will surly go to hell and burn in eternal damnation. No, I am not accusing you of that, but stand back and look at the whole thing from the outside.
I did see in a picture of a group going in, a yellow “NO TRESPASSING” sign. You can’t be responsible for everyone that has read the stories and wants to go experience this thing for themselves. Let a couple of people get busted for trespassing and post what happened to them to get put in jail, make bail, go to court and explain themselves, and then most likely get fined or given jail time. . . THAT will put a stop to it. .
One last thing, may I ask why you have such a serious warning about using the picture that you taught as being the best proof out there? Are you or the original photographer really getting slammed by people illegally using the pic?
How about if some of these “investigation groups” pitch in some money and go down and have the original picture scanned at a HIGH resolution and then posted? Or has the picture and or negative mysteriously gone missing? Personally, I think you should make a better copy available. . .I am surprised no one has really called you out on it and demanded you make a better copy available.
You are fighting a losing battle. People will believe what they choose to believe, will see what they choose to see, and will hear what they choose to hear. There is a reason that ghosthunting is a pseudo science; it is the study of a phenomenon not based on a solid scientific foundation. Michael Shermer called it anomaly hunting: temperature changes, below threshold noise, over ranged IR readings…..It is the very definition of junk science and, unfortunately, causes people like NEST’s Michael Carroll and his group to trespass on private property.
Whomever you are, you are wrong. We never trespassed. We had permission as we were in attendance with a solid friend of ours whom had obtained written permission. Please stop slandering us here on this site or we will be forced to take this up with the proper authorities. You know nothing of us and our work. Anywhere we go, we always contact the police and town to let them know of our arrival on scene, if even at a private residence. This protects us in any event. IF the police and town say no to us being there, we abide by that and don’t go. Again, please refrain from using our name in any way shape or form, especially because you don’t know us.
Wow, you really want to go there. Clearly, you have no problems lying to the forum. This says a lot about your credibility.
Post 59: The caretaker September 13th, 2011 8:50 am
As per the owner of the property, you are NOT permitted to be on, nor giving tours of the property. You and anyone with you on the property WILL be arrested for trespassing.
Post 60, owner of bara-hack September 13th, 2011 10:19 am
Mr. Carroll,
I am the owner of bara-hack and Iām adding a note to the caretakers message: I have NOT given any form of permission to you or for you to take any groups of people onto to my property at any time. If you do so, you will be arrested and charges will be pressed. Plain and simple.
This is AFTER you posted an invitation, post 52, to take groups of people onto private land. You bragged that you had done it before, with an author who was NOT given permission to take groups of people on the land. I know this for a fact.
Go ahead and take your action. Call the ‘authorities’. But this forum knows what you did.
So there lol
Couple of things to say here. . .
Bill, you are 100% in your assessment. It is good to know that someone else who is a skeptic is also here. The world is a little less dark, thanks. (It is better to light a candle than curse the dark. . )
Michael Carroll, Couple of things to say, First, I don’t know Bill, but when I saw your posting I thought I had seen the name somewhere before, I had:
One thing, and don’t take this personally, as it is not intended to insult, but the “internet never forgets.” By your own admission on Mar 14 and 15 of 2009, you went wondering around the property, after acknowledging it was private property. Actually, you danced around the fact by initially acknowledging it was private property, and stating”
“While we have not gotten to the main part of the settlement, due to it being on private property, we did find what we believe, is another part of it or at least from the same time period. We came up an old house foundation, complete with the foundation of where the fireplace used to be. We also walked some more and found a well and”
How did you know where the property line was?
In Nov 2010, you return, no mention of permission or speaking with or knowing the owners. . and specifically state you go to the cemetery.
Then, you have as Bill noted, a new site:
Where your stated purpose is:
“The New England Spiritual Team (NEST) was formed in March of 2009. The mission of the group is to fully research, investigate, and try to figure out what really is going on regarding cases, whether it be paranormal, natural, or psychologically based. We are a nonprofit organization and, in addition to the paranormal and historical fields, also love assisting with many different charities.”
But yet, neither page gives any sort of serious attempt at a report. Your first site concludes the “bara hack” page with:
“A night time investigation is in the works and is higly looked forward to.” No follow up. . but 6 pictures that may be incriminating.
So, what scientific methods do you use to discover truth? Can you point to any scientific data that proves any aspect of the supernatural? Any proof that there is life after death? Does a cool spot in a room translate to a spirit, or a draft? I notice one of your investigators Elisibeth, lists as a EVP specialist. Is there a university program for that?
What training do you have for investigations? What do you do to ensure that the tapes are not tampered with when you are not there?
Your facebook page lists Taps as the first like for Television shows, followed by Ghost Hunters, Syfy and Ghosts R.N.E.A.R.
As I said Michael, I am not trying to attack you personally, nor anyone with your team. But you need to remember an old axiom:
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.”
Would really like to hear your objective opinions on the questions I have posed.
āFor me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.ā
ā Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
One last observation,
There would seem to be two things driving the problems for the owners.
1. No one really states WHO owns the property and more importantly a verifiable way to contact them.
-Although I was able to locate the owners name from the internet, and in a state half way across the country, It took a while. I suspect most people who run across the story via a website such as this, do not have the time or inclination to find out who the owners are in the first place. I noted before, lots of people have asked about who the owners are and how to contact them, but never a reliable response.
And even though someone has posted under “owners of bara-hack” and some of the posts are reasonable and metered. Some seem a little out there. Consider post 105 which ends,
“I hve to take my Add meds now so happy walking through my woods. Time for a shot and a beer.”
And post 107, which ends:
“See, my meds are wearing off now. Iāve gotta go smoke pot!”
Posts like that should make anyone question the legitimacy. Especially when there are other posts that are simple but direct, consider post 94:
“No permission is be granted at this time. You might want to try again in the futhur. This is done only by written permission. Please repect this.”
Although I would hope that the owners of the property would be able to spell better. It would seem that, if the owners are posting here, they would at least provide SOME sort of contact information. By not doing so, it would seem to encourage people trespassing as they don’t know WHO to actually ask.
-The other thing driving this would seem to be people retelling their story of the “supernatural” but at the same time, holding up the talisman of “It’s private property, don’t trespass without permission. The more people keep the story alive, the more people want to go there. Putting “Bara hack” into google returns 91,000 Plus results as of March of 2013. It is only going to get worse.
Humble suggestion for the owners. . .(very humble) post some sort of website, perhaps linked from the Pomfret city website. After all, it is associated with the city, and draws people. More importantly, post some sort of CONTACT INFO. You need not give them your phone number, but perhaps an email address. Spell out the conditions that you would allow people to visit, and not visit. If people don’t know, there are just going to go. More headaches for you, more headaches for your neighbors and more importantly, the State police, (I suspect most people know that trespassing is going to be a low priority for the police. As a result, response times are going to be slow.)
I am much more inclined to believe Bill, who said:
“People will believe what they choose to believe, will see what they choose to see, and will hear what they choose to hear.”
As a result, they are going to discount all the reports that NOTHING HAPPENS. . No GHOSTS, NO PORTAL THROUGH TIME, NO SPOOKS. . Just wind, the occasional animal, and more important, the occasional hoaxer, who, knowing you are going, will be there first and out of site. . . making spooky noises and sights for you to falsely believe.
I will say, Kudo’s to Erik Kubik, who has probably done more in his videos to show the truth of the place. That a visit is not going to produce Spooks, presences or any such. His part II video did more to lead me to conclude that the picture posted at:
IS not anything supernatural. There are a couple of times when he has the same point exactly where the pic appears to have been taken, and gives you an idea what “Skyelyte” may be alluding to, but is actually seeing.
Lastly, I would point out that the owners obviously DO allow people to visit under controlled circumstances. See:
There was a walking tour that was widely announced on Oct 13, 2012, AND it went right to the heart of the matter. After watching some of the other videos of people tromping off in the middle of the night to investigate, I would get tired of it real quick. . Once again, if people knew when access was available, many would then visit legitimately.
(That pesky skeptic)
It is worse than that. He ventures out 3 times in 2009-10. On March 14 with two friends (no permission); on March 15, alone (no permission); on November 28 with writer Thomas D’Agostino who Carroll claims has permission but does not have permission to lead tours (I know this for a fact).
As to your second part, you don’t need any expertise. You need a credit card, the ability to run around at night and/ or trespass. Hell, you could be a manager at Cumberland Farms and still claim to be a paranormal expert.
Anyway, this looks like of a million paranormal/ghost hunting groups trampling NE with their investigations. They are all over youtube and FB. Yet for all their sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Apologies for the redundancy, Wes. I noticed you mentioned the Mar 14,15 visits in your first post. Credit to you for noticing that first.
The owners and caretaker have posted here. I have been in touch with them in the past. When that flurry in March occurred, the owner/caretaker were alerted and came here to stop Carroll from organizing his tours. After that, I cannot vouch for the posts but I will say that the owner is a beautiful woman but elderly. Small misspellings should be forgiven.
Hi again , ok so this place is apparently off limits. Curious if anyone knows of any other places to go in ct or groups that would be willing to take someone along or tours as you call it if you could let me know it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Rocco
Wesley….the photos on this website belong to my father….before that property became private property…anyone was allowed on the property…i can tell when they were taken cause i was there and that is my brother….
the last time we were on the property a few years ago when it was just bought by the new owners we came accross them while we were in the woods….they were on horse back and we very nice people….they let us continue and if we want to go back just need to find them….but we wont go back cause it is there property…..
i agree with you on NEST…i went to there webpage and i believe it and they are a load of crap to me….it is a game to them and most others that go do investigations….you are either born with the gift or you are not….you dont go out looking for paranormal activity…if you are sensitive and intune with the world it finds you…..i dont mean to offend anyone but i dont like people that portray themselves as something they are not….
No offense taken. I certainly respect anyone with a differing opinion, as long as everyone can keep the conversation civil.
I had to go back and re-read the postings, both here and on your flickr page.
In comparing your picture with others that were taken years later, as well as some videos which were shot about the same time of year. I think I have an idea of part of what was seen and pointed out in the picture. Interesting to look at some of the pictures that were taken years later and see some of the changes.
One thing that struck me right off, was the tree size. It would appear that the area around the cemetery had to have been clear of trees about 10 to 20 years BEFORE your picture was taken.
The angles of observation, were easy to line up based on the uniqueness of the tombstones and the unique pattern in the rock wall. I am guessing the picture was taken late afternoon and facing South. Do you know what YEAR the pic was taken?
Looking at the area of high luminescence at the center top. Obviously, I cannot say for sure, but I noticed the same thing in another picture taken years later. Given that the Sun is roughly 45 degrees to the right of the picture, it is likely that the bright area is a reflection off of something. The color temperature of the “reflection” is very close to that of the daylight.
Next the filamentous immediately to the left of the above mentioned item. Small branches and possibly ivy vines that have lost their leaves for the fall. If you scan through the wooded area, you can see other similar vines and such.
Next item to the left of that would be the small area that looks like possibly the letters “d” and possibly “h.” The transparent color in that, as well as the circled area match very closely. I suspect it is just some notation that was written on the pic at the time the woman figure was circled.
Lastly, the womanly figure. I have another picture taken years later, which shows a similar darkly contrasted item, just beyond the stone wall. It appears to be a tree stump that had been cut with a chain saw sometime before your picture was taken. There are several other large trees that have been cut in the area, and are visualized on the videos supplied by Erik Kubik. Once again, I cannot say for sure, but the next time someone DOES go there. . please take a moment and go over the stone fence and walk about 15 feet and find out what it is. . .
It was interesting to note that as I looked more at the circled woman, and let my mind run free, I could see that the woman was actually hugging a taller man with long hair, who is facing us. . . as though they were dancing. . . Look for him just above her head. .
Regarding “The gift”
I understand totally what you are saying when you say, “you are either born with the gift or you are notā¦.” My interpretation of that “gift” is widely different that yours might be. I grew up in a home where my mother was a chemistry and physics teacher. I very strongly believe in the physical world, and that everything is understandable and explainable. The Scientific method. . It has served us very well, and if we had not embarrassed it, we would have no TV or radio, no electricity, No aspirin, no ibuprofen, no antibiotics, no cars, no railroads, no computers, no internet. . we would still be living in huts and wearing animal skins. All because someone found something in the physical world that they did not understand, and made an effort to understand it, not rack it up to the netherworld, spirits, or such.
For us to abandon that process, to not accept that the noise we heard was the wind, or the house settling, or mice, or whatever is putting us back on the course to superstition and fear.
People have been trying for years to prove (or disprove) there is an afterlife. So far, no one has made that breakthrough. Groups like T.A.P.S. Make someone a lot of money. Money that comes from advertising. I am aware of NO scientific papers or surveys done by such groups. But then, their purpose is in not to prove anything, except entertainment. I look at the cable guide and find shows like “Paranormal entity” on Chiller, “Ancient Aliens” on History2, “A haunting” on Destination, “The lost tapes” on Animal Planet and so on. People see there is money in such things. . . people want a good show. Not to mention the huge number of “Paranormal investigation” sites and groups on the net. (“Paranormal investigation” returns 6,730,000 results on Google.) And NO one had been able to prove or disprove “paranormal events”
Sorry, I really did not intend to go on this long Amie.
I am however waiting for the illustrious Mr. Carroll to weigh in and respond to the questions raised.
Kindest Regards,
Wesley, the pesky skeptic
I sent you a little more info to your Skyelyte flickr address. Incidentally, I must compliment you on your pictures. I wish I were so talented with a camera!
Michael, We were hoping you would come back and respond to the questions posed.
Amie, Any thoughts on the material I had sent? I would like to chat a bit more about the issue.
Kindest regards,
Wesley Horton
He is on twitter. Maybe ask him there. Also has an internet radio show. Don’t know if they accept calls. Would be interesting to ask him during broadcast.
At the end of the day, Wes, it is just a small potatoes paranormal group looking for attention. I think the Mansfield Mansion group is much more dangerous since they directly assert that a demon was inflicting harm on people in the house and that the previous owners may have been committing crimes. Reckless accusations.
Bill, given that he responded within two hours to your post, I would suspect that he moniters this page.
I can’t say that I know anything about the dreaded “Mansfield mansion” group, but it might be interesting to give them a look.
Well, I was hoping Amie would get back to me, before I posted the response I had sent her and link to the picture to compare. It’s been a couple of days, so, I will go ahead and post the reply I had sent:
The other main picture I was comparing your fathers with is located here:
You can see the same dark object just above the rounded headstone to the right side. Notice also, the grouping of 4 to 5 larger trees just to the right of the object. (which are the same group to the right of the object in your picture.)
Interestingly this picture was taken in the spring and the lighting is different enough to allow a more clear view of it.
BTW, the cemetery is actually called the “Randall-Botham” cemetery. A quick look under geneology sites, returned a listing with all 9 complete names:
āRandall-Botham Cemeteryā
at Pomfret, Ct., located on Ragged Hill.
Botham, Adeline C., daughter of Andrew & Emily, died Aug. 11, 1858, age 2 yrs 2 mos Higginbotham, Darius, died Sept. 8, 1855, age 75 yrs
Higginbotham, Dorcas, wife of Obadiah, died July 1, 1849, age 100 yrs
Higginbotham, Mary, 2nd wife of Darius, died Nov. 26, 1849, age 75
Higginbotham, Phebe, daughter of Obediah & Dorcas, died Nov. 20, 1802, age 19 yrs
Higginbotham, Rhoda Diah, daughter of Obediah & Dorcas, died Aug. 1, 1808, age 30 yrs
Higginbotham, Sally, 1st wife of Darius, died Feb. 16, 1812, age 28 Randall, Pattey, wife of George, died Jan. 15, 1809, age 31 yrs
Randall, Miss Patty, died Mar. 30, 1893, age 84 yrs
You can view this listing here:
At the bottom of the page.
Kindest Regards,
I welcome any feedback regarding my thoughts on the picture Amie has one her SKYELYTE flickr page, which her father took.
Hey Bill,
It gets better. . .They even have a video dated 7/10/11, where they are visiting the site and cemetery. There seems to be only a few minutes of video though. .
Pesky Skeptic. . .
Wow, i learned nothing from that video. I dont think they know anything about the property. I suggest everyone watch erikkubik’s video. So much more meat there and no paranormal hocus pocus.
Might help if I gave a link:
If anyone else has any doubt about the “woman with a gun” picture, previously discussed, I ran across this picture of the Randall Botham cemetery, taken in winter. The bulk of the mysterious object is visible.
Thanks to Andrew Lecasse for posting the picture. (on Flickr) The picture was taken on Dec, 25, 2005.
I had seen the NEST video previously. Nothing like watching a parade of people trespassing on others’ property. Pretty damning evidence against our missing paranormal ‘investigator’.
i understand where you are coming from….unfortunatly you have not seen or been through what i have…i dont try to photograph what i see there is just not enough reaction time and i dont keep a camera handy….the things you here when you try and sleep is enough to drive one person insane….i understand the picture completely….it was put out there to be questioned…there will never be one conclusion to the picture but that is okay….i can say though that science cannot prove everything in life, not after what i have seen….
In order for an event to be supernatural in origin, one cannot simply rule out natural phenomenon. There are copies examples of unexplained observations in both everyday life and the laboratory. Even in astronomy, there are a number of puzzles which are at the forefront of current study. No one is ascribing these observations to angels, ghosts, or demons simply b/c there is no theory which describes the phenomenon to an acceptable level of accuracy. To attribute an unexplained observation to a paranormal phenomenon makes a giant leap of assumption as almost all unexplained events are unexplained due to the inability of the experimenter to repeat the observation and/or the inability to know/repeat the conditions in which the event occurred.
If you want to establish the existence of ghosts, demons, angels,…etc, then one must show that life after death exists. Although you may believe it, there is no physical evidence that demonstrates a deceased being’s ability to interact with the physical Universe. Once this is proven, it is at that point which one can define the interactions of deceased beings with this world: ghost, demon, angel, poltergeist…whatever.
Bill, I could not have said it better. I also understand Amie’s recollection of previous events. I suspect that had I been standing next to her, when the things she alludes to occurred, I would have reached different conclusions on what happened.
As I said before, I would love to have proof that ghosts exist, or that supernatural things happen.. . but in 54 years, I’ve not yet seen that. A noise, a breeze, especially when topped with an expectation of finding such (that, “hair standing up on the back of your neck” phenomena.) It can be very hard to step back and ask yourself, what did I just experience?
When someone can come out and win the lottery twice in a row (the big win, 175 million to one) twice in a row, and tell me a dead relative told them the numbers, then we have a starting point. . . I really wish my dead mother would take a few minutes from the afterlife and give me that data. . . or even who will win the next few super bowls, or world series or such. . .
Interesting development today. I received an email from the REAL “Skyelyte” who posted the pic on Flickr at:
I will say this, it AIN”T AMIE! I made her aware of this thread and the discussion regarding the picture. I hope she will take the time to drop by and dispel a few “misrepresentations” that have been made here.
The PESKY skeptic
I have just received notice of the claims you have made about the Bara Hack photo on my site. If ‘Doug’ is your father, please speak to him before you make the serious claims that you have regarding this photo. First, Doug, the photographer of this photo gave me the hard copy image of this photo, aka the physical photo that I have posted on my site 20 years ago. 2nd, I talked to Doug a few months ago and I offered to send the photo back to him if he wanted it. He told me he did not want it back and as I recall he stated something to the effect that he gave me that photo. So Aimee, the ‘photo’ belongs to me.
Next Aimee, you have stated the photos on my site all belong to your father. I hope you have stated this for a lack of understanding. I have over 300 photos on my account and save for the Bara Hack photo, they were all TAKEN BY and BELONG to ME, not your father.
I would agree that the copyright of the Bara Hack photo that I have posted on my account which I absolutely did give your father credit for as the photographer belongs to him. And that is that ONE photo on my account, most definitely it is not ALL the photos on my account.
Last if you thanked Wesley for compliments of the photos that I am the artist and creator of on my account I hope you did that because you are confused about this because I do take pride in my work for the photographs I have taken and the credit in all of those cases would go to me, just saying.
Please do talk to your dad Aimee if Doug the photographer of that one photo on my account is your father and verify with him that he gave me that photo 20 years ago now. Please do not imply I have done anything dishonest and I certainly have stolen no ones photos, as your post does seem to indicate. I received an email (and or emails on my Flickr account which was addressed to you, where it seems you led someone to believe my photos belong to you, and that is just not true.) I hope you understand the confusion that is implied here.
Yes Wesley, you did contact me on my Flickr account. I responded and I have had the pleasure to speak to you.
Though no, most definitely contrary to what Aimee has said, unless I have misinterpreted her posts in the comments on this site, my Flickr account does not belong to her, nor have any, not one of the photos on my account been taken by her.
All the photos on my account in excess of 300 of of them have been taken by me, save for the ONE photo of Bara Hack that was taken by a long lost friend of mine named Doug.
Doug has commented on the Bara Hack photo that is posted on my account for the record if one chooses to scroll way down in the comments due to the fact that I lost contact with Doug many many years ago. Doug commented on this photo to acknowledge that I had found him after many years and yes Doug did take that one photo.
I am not sure what the confusion is here where it has seemed like Aimee claimed the photos on my account belong to her in any respect but I most assure you, all of the photos on my account do belong to me, THE REAL SKYELYTE AKA LINDA.
Of course as we both know, or at least I think we both know we have cleared up the confusion. You sent me an email on my Flickr account addressed to Aimee because Aimee has claimed in this thread, or more precisely implied in this thread that the photos on my account belong to her. You state as we know Wesley that you had hoped that ‘Aimee’ would get back to you on March 28th I believe but of course Aimee has no access to my account what so ever and she could not respond to you.
Now I do understand why I received the strange emails addressed to Aimee on my account based on the implication that Aimee posed that the photos on my account were hers.
Well, Wesley, you are right. That claim is flat out false
Follow up, I regret to say my pc has bit the dust. My husband has been doing work for his PhD so I had no idea that all this controversy erupted on this site regarding my photo on my Flickr site or even ‘me’ regarding my photo about Bara Hack. (We are down to one PC in the house and due to the fact that my husband is working on his PhD, his time on the computer takes priority).
Though, I am passionately awaiting a response from Aimee in which I have received emails on my Flickr account due to the fact that she claimed the photos on my account belong to her.
I am also awaiting a response from Wesley. I believe he requested a full resolution copy of my Bara Hack photo. Though, please do understand in general, I have been asked by so many people for full resolution copies of my images, when I learned most of all of the people making these requests had ill intentions. I do appreciate sharing notes, interpretations and opinions from other people regarding material that raises questions, but most of all integrity is my concern in that no one wishes to use my photos for other means.
Remember of course, that Aimee came out here claiming all the photos on my account belonged to her, and or her father.
I rest my case
With this said, please read what I said above, as much as I would love honest interpretation of my photo taken of Bara Hack- I am thinking for now that anyone is free to make the accusations here that they choose, for instance, like, the d H on that photo was marked by the original photographer. Well, it wasn’t is my response. Please do review my photo here: The circled part of this photograph that was done in black magic marker ink, displays the purple shades that are typical when someone uses a marker on a photograph. On the contrary, even on lower resolution this photo does not display any of the characteristics even remotely similar to a marker. Second, I guestimate that my photo of Bara Hack was taken in or around the late 80s. Again, I have the hard copy of this photo. Then, now closing in at almost 30 years, PLEASE, then ppl did not have the technology to manipulate photos since photo software did not exist during that time. Look again, and I expect any reasonable person would see my photo was not taken by any person that had any skills in photography, then access to a darkroom to manipulate that photo. So, all of these claims in all due respect are rubbish.
Last, with all due respect anyone that contacts me on my Flickr account from this site to request larger or full resolution copies of my photo of Bara Hack, know that I have been burned. I expect any reasonable person can make assessments that make sense based on even the lower resolution size that is offered on my site.
Remember again. there are people in this world like Aimee that state something to the effect that my 300 photos all belong to her. Due to people like this, unless I have extensive personal information about anyone, I would say I doubt that I would share larger resolutions of any image I own with anyone~ Just sayin!
Camping in Pomfret, was interested in visiting. Anyone know how to get permission to view the bara-hack cemetery?? Thank you
Bill with all due respect, get off your high horse. I have more then one science major, I have at least 3 that are academically recognized but I have at least 5 or 6 after the fact. I am absolutely not an idiot and I surely do understand scientific proof in that no real, or more precisely honest scientist in the world will state absolutely they have scientific proof of anything and here in lies the falsehoods of your claims.
I am still passionately waiting for a response from Aimee that stated on this site blatantly that the photos on my Flickr account do not belong to me. Has Aimee pulled a Michael Carroll in that when she is confronted with accusations that she made that she can not stand up to, she disappears?
Patricia, good luck with getting permission to go on the Bara Hack property. Please review the thread. I don’t know what the problem is of the people that are entrusted with the care of this property but clearly they take issue with anyone that seeks an interest in attaining access to this historical site.
Wow, if you are majoring in 5 or 6 different fields of science, you probably have no time to even replay to this message.
Wesley claimed that he found a physical object which was the source of the questionable object from your photo on a video made by someone else. He wanted a high res to confirm this.
Pretty straight forward request. And probably not worth the time he has already spent debunking meritless claims on this board.
High horse? Well, incredible claims require incredible proof. Time to suit up.
I have received a higher resolution scan of the picture, graciously supplied by Linda. I will be taking a more detailed look at the picture in the next few weeks. I also believe there is a reasonable chance I can get a representative of the owners to visit the cemetery and get a good photo of whatever is just outside the rock wall to the right side in Linda’s picture. That alone should put the issue to bed. I have asked that the owners of the property designate a contact person for the casual observer who would like to visit the site. There have been several postings from all edged owners commenting, but the posts are questionable at best. Its about time for that nonsense to cease. I will contact the owners and ask them to designate a verifiable contact person. If they refuse and choose to remain anonymous, I will either post who they are, or an easy way to find out.
I will say, in their defense, they are older, and wary of people wanting to visit the site based on “haunted” claims. Many of the people who trespass, litter and destroy property are younger people looking for a thrill. Many of the tombstones in the cemetery have been repeatedly broken and or vandalized. How would you feel if people were doing that on YOUR property?
The owners also believe the site is a valuable historical and archaeological site. I would agree. Once again, they have a vested interest in protecting it.
Face it, when it comes down to it, we have an allegedly “haunted” site. The only reported things happening there are supposedly hearing disconnected voices. No ghost sittings, no magically slamming doors or infared “cold spots” or reports of ghosts chasing people off. Therefore, forgive me here, but its NOT that damned interesting.
Save yourself the trouble, visit the infamous haunted prison in Ohio or Pennsylvania. After all TAPS “proved” it was haunted. It sounds a lot more interesting. I bet the TAPS group would provide you with detailed info about getting excellent EVP recordings and such. Just think how popular you would be if you validated TAPS findings. . (hear that Michael Carroll? Instant fame awaits)
As far as I am concerned, the only thing interesting about Bara-hack at this point is linda’s picture. I think there is nothing “supernatural” about it. People are always going to disagree as none of us were there when the pic was taken, but I do believe everything in it can be explained by mundane and boring ol’ reality.
That pesky skeptic
Bill, you appear to have misunderstood what I said. The majors I have completed requirements for I did in the past. I continued my education for a great deal of my adult life. However, I am not enrolled in college now.
Wesley, I look forward to when you have the time to view the larger resolution of my photo. I believe I shared with you that my husband is a skeptic (he believes nothing that can’t be proved with science) so I am quite accustomed to differing opinions. To reiterate, there are 4 things in that photo that I personally found interesting. Of course you are correct in what you shared with me that it would help if there were more photos of the area of the right section of that wall. With this said, I personally find it not very likely that the photographer of the photo would not have seen something physical in that particular place (e.g. a tree stump). He had visited the cemetery more then once. As I shared with you he is an intelligent person. Thus, it is just my belief he would have never circled the photo to indicate he captured something interesting in that shot if there was something perfectly logical there to explain it (again, for instance a tree stump). In any event, I will enjoy your opinion on what you believe you see in the photo, even if it might and could very well differ from my opinion.
As for science explaining everything that we believe to exist in the world today, I always recall that in (lets say) the late 1950s science stated it was a fact that there was a nucleus in a cell, though if someone were to say there was a Golgi Apparatus, mitochondria, organelles etc, someone from a scientific viewpoint would have said that was rubbish. Does that mean that the cell did not have all of these elements because science was not aware of it at that time?
We could give numerous examples like this, including the most remarkable scientific finding over the last few decades of DNA; though because science had no proof of this in lets say the 1970s doesn’t mean because there was no scientific proof of it, that DNA did not exist.
It could be that there could be an explanation that is verifiable of what is causing the appearance of a figure (or multiple figures?) in that photo; but, it doesn’t mean absolutely that is what is causing it either. The only way to be sure I would say is if we had several photos taken of that particular location, at the same time and date- actually differing times of day would help to see what displays when the sun is in different places. Though again, even if we had several photos done from that time it doesn’t mean it would necessarily identify what is cause of the figure like appearance in that section of the photo.
I personally have had many experiences in my life that to date could not be explained. As recent as approximately the last month, there has been huge banging sounds in my house that lasted throughout nearly the entire night. Interestingly my husband experienced this too, where he described it as being so bad he thought the ceiling would come down over his head. And even though he is an extreme skeptic, he has stated he knows of no reasonable explanation as to this loud banging that has occurred in our house. (Btw, unexplained sounds have happened many times in our house, but I mention the night of nearly non-stop banging because it was the most severe). Certainly, there can be what we understand to be logical explanations for a lot of things we may not be able to explain at a particular time; though, it is my belief too that at times when there seems to be no explanation, maybe one day quantum physics will provide answers to things people have generally believed to be complete & utter bunk š
First, i did not misunderstand your point about your education. It was written in a manner in which it could not be understood in the manner you intended.
Second, science never pronounces judgement on whether something does or does not exist. However, if the model of a cell, a galaxy, or even the Universe itself is consustent with verifiable and repeatable experimental observations, then the model gains consensus
And conforms to our picture of nature. Bangings on the ceiling, blurry shapes in photographs or even in the skies have a number of possible physical explanation, thus require thorough inquiry such that the outcome if any test is repeatable. Observation from any single witness is never accepted on the merit and demands repeated experimentation.
I sincerely doubt quantum mechanics will explain your banging since macroscopic behavior of quantum systems are highly prized discoveries. But all pozsibilities in physics are considered and evaluated on their experimental merits.
Well Bill, when someone has a major in a particular discipline I hate to tell you that this means exactly that they have completed a specified number of classes/credits in order to achieve that. So, ahem Bill, clearly that means my education that I mentioned here is past tense. & you should talk about writing in such a way that isn’t understandable when your spelling is horrendous. LOL Last, nah, I don’t believe there is a team of scientists out there willing to run out to my house at a moments notice at 1-2 am to conduct studies to determine if they can repeat the outcome of banging in my house. My husband and I could find no reasonable explanation for the banging; though of course, that doesn’t mean there absolutely wasn’t one & it doesn’t mean there was either.
Bill, let me put it this way in order to be clear, I might respect your shot(s) about my writing and/or my opinions when you learn how to spell; but PFFT! I doubt it. š
Wow, two shots about my spelling. Shaking the straw man, I see. Easily explained though. In my defense, I was writing the post on an iPhone in a moving car. So please take that into account. Mmmmmkay? I understand what you were trying to say after you explained it b/c it wasn’t clear the first time. Mmmmkay?
My point still stands about the nature of scientific inquiry. Wesley’s point about the image(s) in your photos being explained by other video/photographic sources is sound. Watching the erikkubik video, I see exactly what he refers to and am willing to say that was the object.
As for the banging in the house, well, since you admit that you have not conducted a thorough inquiry, we can pretty much disregard that line of evidence out of hand.
Bill, I am now absolutely convinced of your superior intellect and ability to reason after your report of texting on an iPhone while driving. I can see it in the headlines now, “Bill kills a family of 5 due to attempting to display his impressive intelligence on an iPhone while driving”. Pfft again! If you are so sure I can benefit with an education by you Bill, maybe you might want to work on educating yourself first and take a look at this site to take a pledge to never text while driving.
Since surely Bill, stupidity will never be a defense in a potential manslaughter charge.
Oh yes Bill, and your point about the straw man, or you might want to try to portray it as an Ad hominem debate, I do certainly consider the source when someone attempts to portray me as an idiot. If you want to throw shots, please pull over if you are on an iPhone and take the minute or 2 to use spell check or as it goes you have failed callously in your attempt to demean anyone else. Seriously……….
oops, sorry, too funny, I did mean it was a colossal fail on your part Bill. Now my excuse is it 2am; but, I did catch it as soon as I hit enter (or submit). Unfortunately, we do not have an edit button here. So, I apologize for the second post and error- but not to you Bill LOL
Btw Bill, just as an FYI I am an atheist so the chances are slim to virtually none that I will attribute an unexplained event to an angel or demon. I would not say certainly that unexplained events (phenomena etc) could be attributed to ghosts either. I can only say in certain times (experiences etc) in my life, I could find no reasonable or logical explanation and I continue to seek answers to questions in life I personally do believe are not yet answered at this juncture in time.
The only reason I shared that I am educated and have majored in science (at the top of my class I might add) is that I am not at all a person that doesn’t first attempt to take time to think something through rationally, consider anything at all that it could be reasonably before coming to a conclusion that it is something interesting to consider as potentially non-explainable with the information we have at our disposal (if you will).
Believe me, the banging in my house I mentioned only because for the life of me I can think of no reasonable explanation for it. I do understand mass, I do understand that a squirrel for instance can never sound like a person that weighs at least 150 pounds (but more like almost 2 hundred pounds) and Bill, I am pretty sure if you heard a sound of running on 2 feet for instance, you would be able to identify that the sound definitely did not come from something running on 4 feet. You would not need a team of scientists or not even one scientist to tell you this and conduct formal studies for you to know this. I am only saying here that a person that isn’t an idiot that surely does use reason to access situations doesn’t flippantly say any or every unknown sound or shadow in the woods is a ghost.
Now if you would have extended respect from the beginning Bill and not assume I was an idiot, I would have returned respect back to you. However, it was my impression that from the onset you have assumed I was an idiot. Oh and also, it should be worth noting at least, my husband has a genius IQ. When I state that he could not imagine a reasonable explanation for the pounding in my house, his intelligence along with the fact that he believes in nothing that can’t be explained in terms of what we know to be fact, I was only saying should be worth considering to be at least moderately strange. Though, the debate is always interesting in my house, I will be honest and say likely my husband would state though he can’t explain it ‘there must be’ a reasonable explanation. I find it comical though personally that some people do insist there is a reasonable, logical explanation (in terms again with what we know to be true today) when there absolutely is not one. Just sayin..
I choose to remain objective. There is in fact studies that can be argued that were done by the most prestigious of scientists in the most of rigorous parameters of scientific study that have determined, just for instance that there is evidence of life after death, or more accurately there is communication after death. I personally believe Alfred Wallace’s work in this area is the reason everyone believes Darwin should be credited with the theory of evolution when it was in fact Wallace that published theories of evolution first. Wallace’s reputation was ruined I do believe because of his interest, scientific studies etc with the paranormal. Well, as it goes that turned out to be extremely convenient for Darwin who it could be argued was his most vocal and vehement
I believe personally that mainstream scientists can at times be worse then the most of religious people that exist in taking a position of science as a faith. Faith though has no place in science. No, I do not have unquestionable faith that scientists are all knowing and what they can prove by their methods is all there is in this world. I personally chuckle at the ignorance of this belief.
Yes, this has most definitely degenerated into an ad hominem attack. You have succeeded in dropping even lower.
Second, why do you assume I was texting and driving. All I said was that I was typing my reply into an iPhone while in a moving (admittedly bumpy) car ride. I was not the driver. It would be quite a trick to execute a reply like that while at the wheel. Are these the same deductive skills you are relying on in defense of this photo, the noises, and your expert witness?
Perhaps you should ask your ‘genius’ husband to proof your logic before posting. All those ‘majors’ too….jeez, what a waste.
Finally, I have no idea what you hear at night. Make a recording and upload it somewhere so it can be analyzed. Frankly, I have serious doubts about your reason base logic abilities based on this conversation.
Wow, two shots about my spelling. Shaking the straw man, I see. Easily explained though. In my defense, I was writing the post on an iPhone in a moving car. ….”
ok Bill, I attempted to give you the benefit of the doubt that you intended no malice from the onset even though I saw clearly you had issues of self esteem to be insulting and demeaning (another science major I have is in Psychology and ahh yup, you do have psych issues Bill!) and now after I spent time to attempt to bury the hatchet and still you insist on winning with your ahem, Less then superior intelligence.. oh the hell with it Bill, you are not worth my time. Get help dude!
Bill has serious doubts about my logic skills when he can’t spell then he claims his defense is that he was moving at a high rate of speed while texting in a motor vehicle? Well, Bill has to constantly make excuses for himself.
Bill PLEASE!! You have can not write legibly in your own native language so really I am so done with your claims of grandeur. Pfft!
If you were the passenger Bill, you would have no excuse at all to not have the ability or the mastery to communicate at a grade school level of your own native language. LMAO
Bill, let’s just compare since you have so blatantly verbally assaulted me from the start as to your skills in a moving car versus mine. You claim now that you can’t spell in a moving car, really? I believe you simply can not spell. I have taken this photo as a passenger in a car on the highway moving at least 60 mph. I could spell correctly and better then you can clearly I think in 3rd grade but the skill of photography came a bit later for me LOL
K really, I am done here Bill. I do get bored with online Trolls that like you that have no other interest in life but antagonizing other people. Get a life and find someone who is interested in your utter ignorance. I am not at all.
You seem to have some real issues yourself as you keep coming back to post again and again. At this point, you seem to be talking more TO and ABOUT yourself than to me.
“Easily explained though. In my defense, I was writing the post on an iPhone in a moving car. ā¦.ā
Do you need someone to explain how utterly insane you sound when you claim this sentence says I was texting and driving? Maybe you should go back for your sixth diploma.
To those whom it may concern, I would like to ask questions about the property of Bara Hack. I am itching to go onto this property but I would like to have permission, and not trespass. From what I understand, one of these members (perhaps Mr. Steve Frank?) who posted on here knows the owners, but I believe that it is possible the owners also post on here. I would like very much to visit this property but do not want to go onto someone else’s property. I simply wish to see the land, I have no desire to break any laws, invade someone else’s property or damage anything. Would one of you be kind enough to tell me how to contact the owners so that I may seek permission to go here? Thank you.
Bill, no need to reply since this is completely rhetorical but you might want to look back and explain where exactly I stated I had multiple ‘diplomas’ or even that I made any claim at all that I have any ‘diploma’. This is rhetorical because I in fact said this no where. If you must know, I have exactly one ‘diploma’ and that would be a high school diploma. Maybe a high school ‘diploma’ is your frame of reference, aka that is all that you are aware of (hmm, you do behave a tad juvenile I have certainly noticed!) but the fact that you are implying I have several ‘diplomas’ could be considered, ahem! insane!. LOL Really, give it a rest!
Distractions aside, it would be appropriate to get back on topic. The topic in this thread is of course Bara Hack and as the description states in this topic in the heading, people have reported various phenomena, one being a little girl. I was not specifically aware of a ‘little girl’ being reported in this location. I have only learned more recently this was the perception maybe of the photographer of my photo that there is an image of a little girl. Wesley has certainly provided interesting examples of similar photos to consider what it ‘could be’ that is displayed in my photo. However, I have sent along a larger resolution of my photo to Wesley for his review. I passionately await his interpretation upon a closer examination of my photo of what he might conclude.
I still do not know what ‘I have multiple science major’ (or something to that effect) means.
Annoyances aside, multiple images of the same area should shed light on the object. Since there appears to be a stump or solid object in a video at that spot, ghostly apparitions appear to be on shaky ground. But I don t have enough majors to be sure.
Bill, you are forgiven since you don’t understand what educated means, e.g. a major and/or multiple majors- it is not here nor there.
As to multiple images of the same area, you are not exactly correct Bill. Please review that my photo is nearly 30 years old- 1st you certainly can not compare a photo that has been taken in the last few years then state, Ahhhh!! There is a tree stump somewhere behind this stone wall 30 years after the fact and it explains what is in ‘my photo’. 2nd, if you have any integrity whatsoever and/or interest in facts, you should surely recognize that there is nothing at all remotely close to appearing to be a tree stump in my photo. If you are interested in honest and reasonable debate and/or differences of opinion Bill, I would look forward to your opinion and invite your opposing viewpoint. However, it has been my strong impression that your only motive is to be nasty, mean, and demeaning and with all due respect when none is deserved, I have not at all been interested in such bullshat.
Linda and Bill… why don’t you two just bang and get all this back and forth fliting over with?
Gaucher, you and Bill have the same intellectual animal level, thus I am absolutely certain you are much better fitted for him then I am. Freak!
Whatever it takes to stop your childish bickering back and forth. Stay on topic.
Yeah ok Gaucher, thanks for your point about banging to assist in staying on topic and banging of course wouldn’t be a childish remark. pfft!
Wow!! Linda and bill are using BIG WORDS!!! They gotta be SUPER SMART AND SUCCESSFUL!!!
Im gonna tell more people to stop by this site so they can read smart people postings too!!!!
Thanks guys!!!
I haven’t personally been to bara-hack but I have friends who have. My best friend’s family owns one of the most successful businesses in the town of Pomfret. the directions for finding the village are easy enough to locate on the web and as everyone has already stated.. troop D(ouchebag) have an incredibly slow response time, at least an hour for real crimes, trespassing in uninhabited woods might be lower on their list of priorities especially on the weekends (just a suggestion).
while I understand the owner’s hesitation to let people onto their property who could litter, light fires and set up camp, forbidding people from going to a haunted site only makes it more appealing (especially to thrill seekers!). At least by granting permission they would have more control over who shows up on their property. Would hate to hear that the owners, or anyone really, snuck up on somebody who came to the site armed.
This place has been known as a haunted location for as long as I can remember, and buying the property on which the freakin Blair Witch Project is based and then complaining about people trying to sneak onto it? You purchased a historic site, one that shouldn’t even be allowed to be owned as private property, with no intention of maintaining it. I think that’s the real crime here, not the trespassing. A rich part of our state’s history, one of our very first settlements, is being destroyed by neglect from those who own it.
Keep the memory of bara-hack alive! Continue to be interested! Because soon the weather and complete lack of attention from it’s caretakers will turn this site into nothing but a pile of rocks.
Also for the record, I have known many many MANY people who have gone to bara-hack and not a single time have the police shown up. I have also never seen an arrest posted in the paper for trespassing in this area.
just a few comments after reading these years of postings. First I cannot believe how many people have no respect for others. If this historical site is on land that is privately owned, no one should enter it…off limits. if someone trespassed on my land they would wind up picking rock salt out of their arse secondary to the spread of a 6g shot gun. while I find these locations fascinating and read all I can on the net, I only visit sites, in person that are on public land….what balls you people have
Any idea how I can get in contact with the owners? I’d love to go explore but would like to do it the right way. I don’t want to disrespect the property or its owners. Any information is appreciated š
If you offer them a couple grand I’m sure they’d be happy to let you look around. Otherwise it’s private propery so stop bugging them
I have been researching Ghost Towns (abandoned places not haunted ones) and visiting them as much as I can with my family. We enjoy the history and the stories behind he people who once lived there. We have a very strict philosophy of leaving the area better than what we found it (picking up trash or reporting anything that is out of place, etc.) and leaving no trace of our visit, just taking memories and photos.
We respect the fact that you would like to keep your property private and this is the only place that I have found where it appears that the land owners may be contacted. I do not want to go through a “middleman” or accompany someone who may not have the same philosophy as we do. My husband has a degree in Natural Resource Conservation and mine is in Criminal Justice. We have a great respect for both nature and the law. I would like to do this the right way and direct permission from the owner themselves.
I am very willing to give any information that is asked for. My photos are for personal use only and would never be used commercially. I am willing to show pictures from previous places that we have visited and show any pictures that I take to the landowner.
hi everyone,
I am a native to north eastern ct, and having gone to 4-H camp in pomfret most of my childhood, I know a LOT about Bara Hack (aka the Lost Village).
According to what I was taught, Bara Hack is a Native american name for the town, which means “A gap In Time”. Legend has it that the settlers had all passed away tragically and suddently from small pox, even though the natives had warned them not to settle there. They did, and they all died.
“A Gap In Time” means that whoever had lived and died there continued living their lives as though they were still part of the living.
My exes aunt had taken photos out there back in the seventies, and she had captured a face of a man on one of the trees, and a baby in the tree limbs.
Also, when I was quite young, a group of campers and counselors from 4-H camp had a sleepover near the cemetary (which is difficult to find). In the middle of the night, everyone was woken up by what sounded like a horsedrawn carraige RACING by us (yes, I was there), and although I was young and afraid to open my eyes, many of the people with me swore they actually saw the carraige, drawn by two horses, racing down the road (or whats left of it). It was terrifying for an 8 year old little girl to experience, but it was actually quite magical.
I believe very much that there is so much to be seen and experienced there, u just need to be patient, open minded and unfortunately not LOOKING for it. It seems to look for you.
Also, I have found that younger people in a group tend to see much more, almost like the people who haunt there are attracted to the high energy of adolescents… young children, teens, they have so much more innocent energy that adults. Most of my experiences were when I was young, quite young.
also, to clear something up that I even saw a paranormal investigator get wrong, at the first foundation along the path into the woods (about a fifteen minute walk, I think, maybe less), there is an eerie face carved into one of the stones around the foundation. That has only been there for a few years, it wasn’t even there back in 2006 if I remember correctly, but it definately wasn’t there from when the settlers were there.
Thanks for reading, and if anyone is interested in hearing anything else about bara hack please get in touch with me.
The comments on this page are more frightening than any rumors of a haunting. You guys were arguing for years.
This is my first time go to see at here and i am genuinely happy to read
all at one place.
I posted a couple of comments on this site four years or so ago. I have been scrolling over the comments since and none of the questions I had then have been answered. The comments made by people who claim to be the owners of Bara-Hack don’t impress me as anything other than a crazy hillbilly trying to wind up the rubes. I wouldn’t pay attention to any of this garbage. The people who are talking about how intelligent they are and how many college degrees they have, well if they are that bright and educated, how is it that they have so much free time on their hands that they can argue for so long and say so little.
Why not go to the local authorities and find out who owns the property, and then contact them in a decent way and tell them what you want? If it were me I might put some flowers on the graves and say a prayer to the deity of your choice, and help to clean up the garbage like the one truly decent soul I have seen here? If there are spirits around, be they living or dead, show them some respect and ask their permission to be there, and make an offering to them. And if there aren’t, such actions wouldn’t do any harm.
As has been said… its all about respect. I like the idea someone had about cleaning up the place. Perhaps someone who is friends with the owners could work out a deal that…. they would act as the only authorized guides. They could take small groups once a month and the rules would be clear. Pick up all litter, no removal of artifacts or anything, etc. Just a thought.
I had the opportunity to
I had the opportunity to visit the site when I was in second or third grade, and the cemetery is still as fresh in my mind today as it was the day I actually stood there. Would love an opportunity to visit again, now that Iām able to appreciate the site for its significance.
Today is Mar 20, 2014, Almost
Today is Mar 20, 2014, Almost a year after my last posting on this issue.
I am still waiting for someone who does visit the cemetery to PLEASE take a photograph of whatever is to the right beyond the rock wall. . .
Still no takers. . .
What really amazes me, is that will all the data presented here, no one else has been able to come up with the name of the owner of the property. Iām gonna spill it for you. .
If you have read through the threads and watched the videoās, One person actually got access to the property and had a guide. Big clue here. . .if you watch, He did not persue the property from the āI wanna go ghost hunting,ā but rather the āI am interested in the HISTORY and the story of this place.ā The historical village info was given and the story was primarily told in this book:
The Lost Village of the Higginbothams: Rhobaās Story, By Doris TOWNSHEND. The OWNER OF THE PROPERTY. . .
You find out the owners are:
Doris and Harry Townshend
It was not hard to follow the other clues and discover the woman who the Townshend family trusts to allow access is a woman named Donna Dufrense.
Now, I must apologize to the Townshend family and Ms. Dufresne, who from the video seems like a wonderful and generous person. Mainly for publically letting their names be known. If they request, I will delete the information. (The owner of this page has my email from posting.)
DO NOT BE SURPRISED if they turn you down cold to go ghost hunting. The owners see themselves (rightly) as the stewards of the land and its history. Please respect them. Put yourself in their place.
I would remind all would be āParanormal investigatorsā that Ms. Dufense led a tour of the property around halloween. It was a legal way to visit the property. I suspect they will offer it again.
Just remember too, that as an investigator, people judge your veracity on your actions. I seriously hope that one certain āParanormal investigatorā should be hounded every time he seeks publicity because he was exposed for lying on this board. He walked right into the trap. I understand trying to get a bit of publicity, but in the age of the internet, stuff comes back to āHAUNT you!ā
Wesley H.
That pesky skeptic
Hi Wesley,
Hi Wesley,
It is great to hear from you again. I hope all is going well for you. Indeed, it would be really great if anyone does get the opportunity to visit the graveyard that they could take current pictures of the back right side of the stone wall, post the photos and share where they are posted for our review. I donāt know if you ever had an opportunity to look at the full resolution of my photo zoomed Wesley, but likely I told you if you look closer, the photographer that took the photo and circled the āfigureā if you will in black marker, did not notice there is the appearance of a second figure standing just to the left of the marked figure. In any event, I hope you have finally had an opportunity to review the photo as you had wished to. Of course, that does not say you would believe what displayed in the photo is a ghost. However, I still find the photo remarkable and until it is proved there is an explanation of actually several things in that photo (another one being what appears to be a figure of a woman in the middle of the photo and some strange orb like, almost twin beside the figure.) Of course, I say āfigureā for lack of any better description. Take care, and as always I look forward to hearing from you. PS, I might have found you on Facebook, I am not sure and I clicked follow on your page, that is unless there is another Wesley H, from your town & state. So, if you were wondering who the āLindaā is, it is me š
Hi again Wesley,
Hi again Wesley,
Just for the record, and I believe you are aware of this I am an amateur photographer. I do nature photography primarily but my second passion is photographing architecture, historical places etc. After photography, history is my second passion. I am not a ghost hunter at all, and in my own photos (not the one I gave you a copy of), on more then one occasion strange things have showed up in the photos that I did not see when I was photographing. Interestingly this happens always in historical places, and/or homes. I of course, would love to go to Bara Hack and photograph as this is a place with both beautiful nature and history. Fall of course would be the most beautiful time, to photograph in the woods. With this said, if there is any chance I might find away to contact the owners and they would be so kind to let me photograph there, I would be happy to photograph the cemetery even if it just so happens to debunk my photo. I am interested always in a logical explanation though as you know I am also find things I can not explain interesting. So for now, it is just on my wish list. Though, if it happens where at some point I would be so lucky to photograph this beautiful place in the autumn, I will be sure to let you know š Note, of course, it would never happen that I would go to this place without the owners permission and trespass. Last but not least, shame on the person that has stated above detailed information regarding gaining access to this property and what this person claims are low chances of getting caught by police. It doesnāt matter what that person thinks about how the owners should use their own property, it is their property to do with what they wish to.
Ok check this out, I am
Ok check this out, I am interested in the history, I have researched and found the enterance and read both books from author Townshend. I am going. Anyone else interested in attending, get a hold of me
go check it out
I like to go check it out how do I talk to owner to get in
Can you people all please
Can you people all please stop crying about trespassing and start talking about the article? Every post that isn’t about the historical significance of this site is off-topic and selfish.
I used to off road with friends in Ashford, we would drive down logging trails for hours. One time we started off toward the North West corner of Ashford where it meets with Pomfret, although in the woods there are no signs. Several times we stumbled upon a large area of old foundations, ditches, stone walls, and oddly stacked stones. All these years later I discover it had a name Bara-Hack. Thank you DAMNED CT for sorting this out for me. While we were there we heard weird noises and felt funny but that’s it. We explained it away as odd and thought nothing of it. The huge trench / ditch with the stacked stone in it had a cut out under it where you could crawl in but not stand, more like a ledge.
I have video of it somewhere.
bara-hack, pomfret,ct
i would like to know how to find the owners to get permission to just walk and take pics. i live in the next town east of pomfret, ct. and would like to experience the history of the area. i would also luv to see if anything shows in the pics as well. plz advise ASAP to my email address please.
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