The Damned Story: In East Haddam, a few miles north of the fabled Goodspeed Opera House and near to the border of Moodus, is a 62-acre parcel of land that once was the village of Johnsonville. Once a thriving mill community, then a Victorian Era tourist attraction, it’s now an abandoned ghost town, stuck in limbo waiting for someone to either come and restore it or to put it out of its misery and knock it down.
Of course, Johnsonville didn’t start with intentions of becoming a deserted village. Originally founded in the early 19th century, Johnsonville was home to a number of twine mills, who used the Moodus River as a power source.
In the early 1960s, Raymond Schmitt, the somewhat eccentric owner of AGC Corporation, an aerospace equipment manufacturer, bought the property with unclear intentions. He seemed to want to make it a tourist attraction, but despite making an effort to, never really officially did so.

Ray Bendici
After Schmitt took possession of the property, he purchased other vintage buildings and had them moved to Johnsonville, including a Victorian stable and chapel, which hosted weddings. Schmitt didn’t formally run tours on the property, but he did open the property for visitors on a regular basis. He also allowed special events including charity benefits and weddings.
According to a November 2000 article in Business New Haven, he also had “an exceptional collection of antique horse-drawn carriages, which he displayed in the livery stable.”
More details of the property, according to the Business New Haven story:
One of the jewels is the Emory Johnson homestead. Built in 1846 by the son-in-law of one of the original owners of the mill, the four-bedroom house has three fireplaces, pillared porches, a formal garden and original Victorian-era details. In later years it served as a museum depicting décor and furnishings of the 1800s.
A small one-and-a-half story single-family dwelling was built in 1900. A two-story Colonial-style house was built in 1846. The remaining residence is a two-story dwelling built in 1800.
The office, overlooking the 15-acre Johnson Millpond, was built in 1899. The former location of the Neptune mill office, the building was once a post office. The Gilead Chapel, which seats approximately 75 worshippers, was built in 1876 and moved to the village from Waterford in the late 1960s.
No one knows the exact age of the one-room Hyde School, which was the original schoolhouse for the community of East Haddam. The Red House Restaurant was built in 1900 and has been renovated into a restaurant/banquet facility for 150-200 people. A clock and toy store, originally used as a meeting house, was built in the 1800s; Frank General Store was built in 1845 in Peru, Mass.
The Gilbert Livery Stable was reportedly built in Winsted in 1920. Its three levels contain oak stalls with unusual woodwork, including beadboard and raised panels. All of this is in a beautiful setting with views of the river, a millpond, island, waterfall and some man-made features such as a covered bridge, wooden dam, paddlewheel riverboat.

Ray Bendici
In 1994, Schmitt got into a disagreement with the town of East Haddam and shut down the attraction, putting the property up for sale. Schmitt died in 1998, and his estate started selling off many of the antiques and other pieces of the property, including some of the buildings.
At one point the property was listed for $3 million, not a bad price for 60-plus acres of scenic Connecticut countryside. In October 2014, the property was put up for bid on, where a high bid of $1.9 million was accepted; however, a year later the deal fell through, and the property was put up for sale again, this time at $2.4 million.
Some suggest that the ghost of Schmitt roams the grounds of Johnsonville, content to spend eternity in a place for which he had so much affection. We haven’t heard of any other specific ghost stories here, but like any long-abandoned settlement, there’s an undeniable creepiness inherent to the place.
Our Damned Experience: We took a trip to East Haddam in April 2011, which included a ride down Johnsonville Road and through the abandoned village. We also returned in 2014 to be part of a CBS News report regarding Johnsonville’s sale.
As you can see, we stopped and took photos of the buildings that were still there, including the chapel and Johnson House. The village is in okay condition — some of the places could use a little paint and care, but it’s not like all the walls are collapsing and the ceilings are caved in, although one or two of the buildings are close.
Here’s inside the general store, which obviously needs a bit of interior work.

Ray Bendici
Another one of the transplanted buildings, the 1843 Centerbrook Meeting House:

Ray Bendici
There are more images from our visits in the gallery below.
Like any good “abandoned” area, it was very quiet—although the funny thing is that just on all sides of Johnsonville is normal suburbia, with plenty of modest homes containing average American families. Kids ride bikes down the street, men tend to their lawns, minivans are parked in driveways … Johnsonville is like a weird dead spot in an otherwise regular Connecticut neighborhood.
We didn’t see or experience anything unusual, although it would’ve been great to hang around and take more pictures. Like others, we are curious to see what the new owners do with the property.
If You Go: The remains of Johnsonville can be found on Johnsonville Road in East Haddam, just off of Route 149 near the Moodus end of town. No trespassing signs are posted throughout the property, although there’s nothing to stop you from driving along Johnsonville Road.
I visited this place as a child every Christmas (mid 80’s). I remember it being decorated very beautifully with tons of Christmas lights. I asked my mom more about it and she said there was a restaurant there open for a short time called the Red Door or something like that. I think a trip down memory lane is needed and I plan on visiting Johnsonville soon!
This is not haunted at all, it is a very scenic location. It just has been uninhabited for a long time which is why people become skeptical. There are houses all over the state just like this.
Sorry to read about Johnsonville. I was married there 35 years ago! Mr. Schmitt gave us a tour of all the buildings…it was quite interesting. Our reception was at the Red House. I would go to Johnsonville every Christmas to see all the decorations…my favorite being the elves climbing the mill…was so sad when that burnt down. I don’t get to CT very often, but when I do, I’ll have to take a trip to Johnsonville
It is neat to see this article. I drive through Johnsonville every day on my way home from work. I love to walk my dog down that road or run down it. Around the back of Johnsonville it connects to Machimoodus State Park. Over the last few years looking at the buildings have gotten more dilapidated. I wish someone would buy it and restore it. It is such a nice spot. Hike into Machimoodus and there is a nice lookout point where you can see all of Johnsonville. I always wish that I could have seen it when it was still “alive”. It has the same feeling as walking through the old Sunrise Resort. So much potential……so much work and $$$.
Hit up my Facebook page if you want to see comprehensive photos of the place now. Michael Mathis. Profile picture is the American Flag
Hej.I am living in sweden.I have look at johnsonville on pictture .Ilove the old buildings and the atmosfare it gives me.sad that Inot have all this dollars .tho build up start something new. cristina troenius
Hi All,
Great posts folks! The history of Johnsonville is truly fascinating. I am constructing a website all about site’s past as a twine mill and a tourist village.
I see some of you have memories and pictures of your Johnsonville experiences, past and present. This project would benefit from your participation.
Here’s the site I am building:
Please email me with stories, pictures, submissions, and I will be sure to give you credit!
Drove down there today…although there are no trespassing signs posted EVERYWHERE you can walk down the road and still see everything completely unobstructed. It’s kind of neat, the buildings are in decent shape, it’s not over grown, not even any graffiti or garbage anywhere. There are cameras on the property which seemed to be in working order. They are fairly well hidden, I only accidentally found them out of the corner of my eye. People were driving through while I was walking the road and no one stopped and said anything. I could hear normal life all around, but it was odd because that stretch is deserted. Very pretty area though.
it was’t ever a real town – it was an invention of the builder. He imported all the buildings to estimate what his vision was of a small NE town.
Moodus was the twine town. Some of the mill buildings are still there. Not nearly as scenic, but very much more historic.
After the site was abandoned and closed to the public my mother and I would sit on the stone bench by the millpond and feed bread to the white and gray domestic geese that lived there. these geese were no longer there when I took a ride thru the area 3-4 years ago. Many years ago I went to a co-worker’s wedding in the small chapel and the reception was in the Red Door restaurant. Her wedding photos were taken with the waterfall in the background. It appears that someone is living in one of the smaller white houses near the road (I’ve seen lights on in the house), not sure if this a caretaker or what, because the grass is kept mowed all summer. It’s a shame to see everything neglected; once beautiful wrought iron gates and fencing now rusted, wooden fencing falling down, most of the buildings need painting. It’s too bad someone doesn’t purchase it (even some sort of foundation) and restore for the viewing public; once restored i wouldn’t think maintenance and upkeep would be too expensive. Oh, and the riverboat is no longer on the pond, don’t know if it rotted or was removed.
Visited on Friday kind of sad that you can’t go in that the part that sucks but it’s a beautiful area. We also visited Sunrise Resort which has all abandoned buildings which you are able to go inside and look around pretty cool place. Don’t go alone though it can be dangerous due to rotting floor boards… Be Safe Have Fun and sunrise is said to be haunted.
I want to buy and restore the town.
Johnsonville CT
Well, lucky you! It was just announced today (Oct/2014) to be up for auction. Prices of $800,000 – $3,000,000 are being bandied about, altho I suspect large real estate firms will out-bid any individual shoppers. The Kommunist State of Konnectikut would no doubt make it financially impossible for any lone taxpayer to own it, and that governor Malloy would either declare it a ‘gun free zone’, a ‘gay-only town’, a ‘welfare town’, an ‘undocumented alien town’ or move inner-city thug kids into it to ‘balance the local demographics’. Save your money and buy elsewhere; CT is dead, dead, dead.
Rolling my eyes
“The Kommunist State of Konnectikut would no doubt make it financially impossible for any lone taxpayer to own it, and that governor Malloy would either declare it a ‘gun free zone’, a ‘gay-only town’, a ‘welfare town’, an ‘undocumented alien town’ or move inner-city thug kids into it to ‘balance the local demographics. Save your money and buy elsewhere; CT is dead, dead, dead.”
Riiiiiiiiight. CT is dead? Sure you don’t mean Alabama? Or W. Virginia? Where redneck racist retards have taken control and spend their time ranting about “them”? Them being “Dem dang gay commie furriners!” Save it pal, CT is doing fine. Better once the sad ignorant relics of the past, finally burst their last paranoid brain cell, and start taking up space in the ground.
Libtards are Just That , , ,
The freaks on the Left will certainly UCK up anything they touch. The libtards, retards, in breed liberals, out right criminals, unions, and other scum that hate America will certainly screw this up. Look how well Detrilt, NYC, Boston, Chicago are fairing, Oops, all demorap run . . . see the pattern. American, turn dip-stick liberal, and then ruination. Now lets look at what works, where American conservatives are running the show, that would be Texas, Dakota’s, yes, the south. If you want to Puck something up, let a democrat run it. They are just too stupid to learn from their own mistakes and we all pay for it. Prime example is the stupidest government in American history – hey, if you like your ebola, you can keep your ebola.
Texas Texas Texas 😛
Yeah buddy, keep spouting hate filled delusional rants from your anti reality Fox news stupidity bubble. Because we all need the entertainment 😛
Snorts and chuckles
Sounds like John has had one too many snorts of Rush Limbaugh this morning! As usual, with angry and hateful people like John here, all of his statements are based upon his pure blissful ignorance. If he took the time (but he won’t) to do a simple google search about how lovely “the south” is, he’d find that “the south” benefits the most from the taxes of people living in all the places he hates. In other words, “the south” takes more than it generates – and still has the highest rates of poverty, highest deficits, poorest infrastructure (for John: that means road, bridges, sewer, waterworks, etc.), and have the some of the poorest performing education systems in the world (yes, the world!). To John, republicans “running the show” like that is a glorious success! What John doesn’t seem to understand is that the Republicans have been at the helm in the south for several decades, now. They took what was once a prosperous part of our country – yes, run by democrats! – and drove it into the ground. They did that by cutting education, cutting social welfare programs (that actually HELP the economy of third world states in the south), falsely claiming the moral high ground (more republicans are caught with their pants down, have you noticed? – and those are the ones we can find!) and hijacking christianity and creating angry, hateful “people” like John P. here. If you voted, John P. you helped to elect the “stupidest government in American history…but I doubt that you did…you’re too busy blaming others for your apparent misery. Do us all a favor and educated yourself about the facts, though I know you won’t because you don’t want to know the truth, because brewing anger and hate is easier in small minds. but PLEASE, I hope you and your friends will keep talking and saying stuff like this on comment posts – it only proves how little republicans have to offer the future of our nation. So, thank you!
Ah, another highly intellectual troll outing himself in his true ignorant glory!
Any time I see “libtard” used in a sentence, I can immediately write off the speaker as that dinosaur of anti-patriotism, the ultra conservative who has drunk the cool-aid of Faux News and will eventually expire, as dinosaurs do, from malnutrition of the soul and spirit.
Well we are in the same boat
Well we are in the same boat in (OWE Mally) ville . The state formally known as Maryland and
Yes it is run by a democrat lol I must look up the meaning of that word as it obviously has changed.
Here is one for you we are taxed on the rain water now because it goes from the land and into the
Bay! Do I need to say any more !!
Anyone know who owns it?
Village of Johnsonville
I have recently been hired by the existing owners in conjunction with to bring the charming village to auction next month. If anyone is interested please contact me directly at (860) 241-2704 or (917) 297-5434
Interested to live and work there to make the community
I just saw a video about the recent auction of Johnsonville and I like to start a new life there. So if you are looking to built the community then please contact with me at given number and email address.
Thank you
Suman Sengupta
Are you going to be working with the sellers again since it’s going back on the market?
How can I get in touch w mike the caregiver?
Would also like to talk to caretaker ,please email me
don’t know about johnsonville being haunted , but rays house on the salmon river was. worked on it in the 80s. I experienced a wild day in which doors slammed shut,and locked generators shut down(switches in the off position in a locked panel ! ) tools also changed location’s. i told Schmitts crew what had happened , and they were not surprised. they related a story that while moving an access road they disturbed an old grave yard. seems that a previous owner had only moved the head stones and not the body’s. the guys reburied the bones and kept it to them selves. I was asked to do the same . ray and wife were never told
We were married there 32 yrs ago. Carol Schmidt played the organ, the only one allowed to play it. It was wonderful and I’m sorry to see it go by the wayside. If only someone had the $ to preserve it. No way is it haunted, just abandoned. I used to take my kids up there to walk over the covered bridge, and we would go swimming at Klar Krest. Our wedding reception was at the Hathaway Inn on Lake Pocatapaug, now Angelicos Lakehouse. Really nice memories.
If you want to get hold of Mike get hold of National Geographic channel.
I worked at AGC for many years. During that time I got to know Mr. Schmitt. I also had the
opportunity to do some work in Johnsonville. I remember my boss and I used to leave AGC in the morning and travel to Johnsonville and return at night. That little village was always amazing to me. The people who worked there were more than just employees. They were all craftsman. I enjoyed working around them and learned so much from them. The Neptune Twine Mill was partly in operation when I was there. I’ll always remember being there and the people who worked there. As far as you Mr. Schmitt, I hope you never leave the place you love, Johnsonville.
@Dan – This is the great story of Johnsonville – the construction and the actvity between the Meriden-Moodus operation. Would you like to share your experience of Johnsonville with the web museum? My contact is listed above.
Does anyone know who you would contact about buying the church to move?
I’ve driven through there. It’s so pretty!! I use to work in the area and my first day on the job, I accidentally ended up going down Johnsonville Rd.
This is a shame. I was there in the early 60’s as a young boy, when Ray just received the paddle wheel boat from Disneyland in Cal. shipped across land. The dam had not been re-built then. Ray had only the church going on ( from Vt.) I also remember when he bought the saw mill that was on Boy Scout property in the Hopyard, and had it move there to. He had some great idea’s and it a shame the town has put up such road blocks, when this could have been the jewel of the town. I guess the same can be said about all the resorts that date back over 100 year’s too. One can only hope maybe a special use permit is issued , and some one with deep pockets, can save the remarkable place.
I grew up there from 1980 – 1995 and lived in the house beside the pond. Mr. Schmitt “adopted” my sister and I and he was an amazing man – who loved this village. He was proud of his “hobby” and brought antiques from around the world for people to see. I can not travel to the village any more because I want to remember it in the pristine condition that I grew up in. My last visit was about 5 years ago and I just wept at the site of the grounds. I had always dreamed of taking my children back to show them where I “grew up”, and they saw it and wanted to know how I could have lived there. All I have now are the pictures and memories…I fished in the pond, had prom pictures taken there, explored the woods, sledded down the bid hill in the field, and spent Christmases watching people come and go to appreciate the lights and attractions (he never charged anyone admissions). Living there was like living in a fairy tale and will always be among the best memories of my life. Thank you for your collaboration!
I’d absolutely love to see the pictures you mention in your post here about Johnsonville. I am enthralled by this “abandoned” town. I’m searching for and reading anything I can find. My Niece’s and I are planning a road trip up there this spring to see t. We can’t wait to go. I only wish we would be permitted to walk around. I just love this stuff. Thank you so much for your time and I do hope you feel you could share your pictures with me. I promise you that they are just for me to enjoy. Barbara Coogan
Barbara, there is a video on youtube of johnsonville which shows the entire town deserted. Just google johnsonville, ct and a a bunch of stuff comes up. you’ll see the link for youtube.
Johnsonville, CT Movie
Just watched a movie filmed in Johnsonville, CT and the surounding area. The movie is called, Deep in the Darkness.
Johnsonville is now on the market for $2.9 million!
I spent many good times there with you Jeanette. I have wondered what happened to you. Email me.
I have fond memories of weekends spent there with my grandparents, who lived in the middle of the three houses. My grandfather, Roman Ryczek, was the living connection to the Neptune Mill past. He worked in the mill from 1927 until it burned in 1972 (two lightning strikes), then was the property caretaker for Ray until 1992. He would take my brother and I to feed the ducks and geese, to the barn that was behind the “Doherty House” (as he called it) to feed the horses, exploring the construction equipment up in the “pit” behind the Schmitt house, and of course poking around in all of the buildings. There was always a trip “upstreet” to the post office, or Harry Weinstein’s Soda Shop for breakfast, where all the locals told tall tales and swapped lies. My mother grew up in Johnsonville as well, but in those days they lived in the lower house, the one right across the street from the dam, on the second floor. Apparently my grandmother was quite the carpenter; my grandfather would come home at night from the mill and bump into walls that were not there when he left in the morning. My grandfather was very proud of his connection with the mill, and I can’t imagine what it must have been like for him to see nearly 50 years of his life burn to the ground from his favorite easy chair right across the street in the sun room, probably watching Archie Bunker……
I too have fond memories of Johnsonville. My auntie Nellie and uncle Roman lived there. That’s my cousin Rob Bradway that left the comment above. I enjoyed visiting my aunt and uncle. The grounds were beautiful. I would help my uncle feed the ducks, he always had corn on hand. I had my high school graduation there back in 1978. At the time Mr. Schmitt had horses that I enjoyed petting. I remember he gave me $20.00 as a graduation gift, and he had never met me before. That was quite a bit of money in ’78. I was so sad to see all his antiques auctioned off to the highest bidder. I remember one building with pull cord top flush toilets. It was a long time ago and I don’t remember all the buildings and what they were used for but there was a General Store that had all the appropriate items on display when you went in. We can only hope someone buys the property and restores it.
They are currently using the site to film a movie. I believe it was about slavery. We swung by a small antique shop right there, and got to watch them set up the scenes and fix up a few buildings. Hopefully they fix it up nice. This place is gorgeous.
I am Ray Schmitt’s oldest daughter. I had my Antique Shop in Johnsonville and my brother, sister and I grew up watching Dad build and re-invent Johnsonville one building at a time. However, when Dad died 15 years ago, the executors of his estate chose to sell Johnsonville and liquidate its assests. My sister and I begged the executors to keep Johnsonville intact and to let us try to open it to the public and let the village finally pay for itself. Their short sighted decision is what you see today but that is only part of the story. Dad’s spirit may or may not haunt this place but he is the one who damned the village to its current fate.
I sincerely hope you and your
I sincerely hope you and your sister are the new owner’s of the town. It is a great place and should be restored to it’s former glory.
I would have loved to park and walk around this area. They were doing a lot of construction with big trucks so it wasn’t much of an area to adventure. Interesting drive by though, and truly right down the road from Sunrise resort.
Wow – lots of information here. I met Mr Schmitt when working down the road from his Johnsonville while he was visiting one of the men that built many of the stone walls at the properties.
He seemed like a nice guy and we were in awe of everything he had going on, especially the Barn that was moved from Wisconsin I think up by the old resort.
Curious Candace how your dad damned the village.
Regardless, it is a great place and I hope that it gets put back to the state it was when Mr. Schmitt had it his way.
Who do I go thru for permission to use the property?
We visited here on Friday Nov 8th and found it all very interesting. It is really a shame that you can no longer go in and that it is just left to deteriorate. It would make a perfect Sturbridge Village if someone has the funds for it. We can’t just let it sit there and auction off it enclosed treasures.
Hi Candace my name is joe i spent alot of time there in the mid 70’s rideing the horses and swiming off the paddle boat had a friend up the road brett u might remember him if u can contact me on my email trying to contact laurel talked to her years back but lost contact i had a lot of memories there wish someone would bring it back to life thanks again joe
Greetings all! The Johnsonville Facebook page is live! ‘Like’ it, and share your memories and enthusiasm for the site here!
Stopped by Johnsonville today after yesterday’s snowstorm. The road into the village was plowed, there are lights on in several buildings and there is even a Christmas tree in one building. Is someone living there?
Hey Damned Ct, or Ray Bendici, check this out,
Somebody ripped somebody off word for word and Im guessing it was them.
Does anyone have any information about Andy tierney trying to kill Ray Schmitt? – there should be a further investigation; just because Ray died tierney shouldn’t have gotten off scott-free…
Why doesn’t someone buy the property and build a 55 community there, somehow incorporating the buildings that remain and adding some new, reproduction-style small housing authentic to that period? Ray would probably approve.
Beverly, I like your idea-to a point. But my Mom moved to a place like that and there was no way she wanted to be in the middle of nowhere. She wanted public transportation and plenty of “outside” life. Unfortunately Moodus is very rural.
Skip the 55 and over plans
No way we need another 55 and over retirement community, or more New Yorkers with McMansions and changing the town they first saw as cute into the New York suburb they left behind. Build some affordable housing for local young people. Rent out the stores and building very cheap to young artists, bakers, crafts folk, eating establishments and other businesses. You’ll start the kernel of a community that can grow. Just need a property owner to forget greed for a minute.
My husband and I visited Johnsonville last summer and Dennis took some photos and set them up on our web site. Thought some of you might be interested.
I came across this page as
I came across this page as part of my research for the defunct theme park Freedomland U.S.A. in The Bronx. I noticed a couple of mentions of the riverboat, with one stating it was from Disneyland. I believe the riverboat was The American sternwheeler that worked on the Great Lakes in the Chicago section of Freedomland. Still doing my research. If anyone has info or comments, you can reach me at .
We also have a Facebook page where we relive the memories of Freedomland. If you remember the park, join us there. Search us at Freedomland U.S.A. – The World’s Largest Entertainment Center or just use this full link:
Hope to see you there, Mike
Johnsonville Road
I recently returned to see the place I grew up in and am so sad. The house I lived in is still the same as when we left in the 60’s right across the street from the pond. Has a kid this place was great, the hills, fields, rivers, brooks, pond and woods were a young kids dream come true. Fishing, skating, swimming, flying a kite, and adventures thru the woods like Huckleberry Fin or something. The best was bought in the 60’s and lost to all the kids after that for all these years. Now after half a decade it makes me so sad to see it still blocked off from the joy’s of my childhood. As I lost my cousin this past week who lived next door I long to see this opened back up and put back to the rest of the neighborhood like years ago, home’s full of young kids to share the same joys of this place that I did has a kid. Not the sad ruin of a once rich man.
Visited the town today 5/15
Visited the town today 5/15/14. Such a beautiful, mysterious place. I just wish my friend and I could’ve looked around on the grounds. It’s a shame it’s closed to the public. I think many people would pay a donation to be able to explore (respectively) to get a taste of the wonderful past.
Is it still for sale? I read somewhere that it had been purchased.
Moodus resident
I have recently moved to moodus, ct and drive by the mill every day .. it is an enchanting location where nature is gradually reclaiming the abandoned buildings .. There certainly are a lot of very large “no trespassing” signs .. making me feel very uneasy as a town resident seeing an exceptionally beautiful location blocked off so aggressively from exploration .. Although, it seems the signs have successfully protected it from becoming damaged .. I am hopeful this land will be protected from corporations and will perhaps become a wildlife refuge or preserve 🙂
No trespassing for a reason
Blocked off aggressively? So can I come walk around your yard and home? As you say the property is relatively undamaged, and it stays that way by keeping people out.
its nice to see that people
its nice to see that people have good memories for this place. I lived in Moodus for awhile and am very familiar with it. And Sunrise, I don’t see the comparison. There is most certainly a caretaker, cameras and almost a cult like protection over Johnsonville at this time. No one is there, but someone is there, not paranormal, more Big Brother-esque. It is more comparable to My Father’s Place at this time. Freaky religious overseers. Plus, I have experience with hauntings, lived in New Orleans for years, and this is more of an occupation. Beautiful place, sadly being kept for whomever “they” are. If anyone has any serious money and could rescue this place from itself, that would be a worthy grace for all who hold any real memory or love for it.
“You don’t know what you got
“You don’t know what you got til it’s gone…”
Anyone have info on the dispute that seems to have killed Ray’s inspiration?
I met Sue Beck while we both worked at Burr Brook Day camp. She step father was Ray Schmitt. Candace, I was wondering if you could email me with how I can get in touch with her. I have been trying to find her for years. She always came over to my home in Deep River.
I met Sue Beck while we both worked at Burr Brook Day camp. She step father was Ray Schmitt. Candace, I was wondering if you could email me with how I can get in touch with her. I have been trying to find her for years. She always came over to my home in Deep River.
Johnsonville on Auction
Yes, the village of Johnsonville is up for auction starting 10/28/14:
Millpond ducks
It’s quite lovely there. I drove through several times between 2010 and 2013 while en route between Montreal and Newark conducting an import business. I had a wonderful time blasting away at the ducks in the pond with a shotgun.
People like you are the ones
People like you are the ones who need to be blown away with a shotgun.
Outdoor Gas Fireplace
Should you be looking to buy the fire wall-mounted power flames then you have choose one out from the available options all on your own. Outdoor Gas Fireplace
Johnsonville, East Haddam
I want it!!! I would love to be able to make this into something great for the community! Can’t afford it, lol! If only…
Very Sad
It breaks my heart to hear that this beautiful village has fallen in disrepair. We lived very close in the next town and I remember when the restaurant was open we took my Dad for Father’s Day brunch. Everyone was in period costumes that served us. It was excellent food and wonderful atmosphere. I heard the Hartford Courant food critic gave them a bad review and after that the attendance dropped off very quickly….very sad. I thought it was WONDERFUL!
After moving out of state I often remember what a beautiful place it was to share this special day with my Dad.
The property was just
The property was just auctioned off for $1,900,000.00.
Hope the new owner restores it.
Just letting you all know that Johnsonville was bough tOctober 30th, today, at action for 1.9 million dollars. Lets see what happens to it in the future.
I spent many summer vacations
I spent many summer vacations at Klar Crest just up the road, when I was growing up. I never remember this place attracting huge crowds but it was fun to go there and watch the water flow. Thanks for
Cara mengobati penyakit miom
Greetings from California! I’m bored to death at work so I decided to browse your blog on my iphone during lunch break. I love the information you present here and can’t wait to take a look when I get home. I’m shocked at how fast your blog loaded on my cell phone .. I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyhow, good blog!
Cara mengobati penyakit miom
Galatasaray taraftarının
Galatasaray taraftarının güncel spor olaylarını yorumladığı lider interaktif sözlük platformu. rerererarara
Naruto the last movie
Naruto the last movie soundtrack
21 years ago I was married here people still remember it it is a PERFECT wedding spot
It’s all nice happy whenever
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