We’re gearing up for October by compiling a list of damned-type events going on around the state, from haunted houses and hayrides to special lectures and lantern tours. If you know of anything that you think we should include, please either leave it in the comments or e-mail us at damnedct@gmail.com.
In the meantime, our friend Margey at the Connecticut Drinking Skeptically Group has another great speaker scheduled for this Thursday, September 17, at The Field restaurant in Bridgeport.
Michael Faison, astronomy professor and director of the Leitner Observatory.
“What’s Your Sign? Astrology, Astronomy, and Pseudoscience”: A look at the cultural phenomenon of Traditional Western Astrology, its historical connections to astronomy, and why astrology is not a science.
Should be another fun night. Make sure to pre-register so Margey can get a head count.