The Damned Story: If you have any interest in ghosts, haunted houses or demons—and the fact that you’re on this site pretty much says you do—there’s no doubt that you’re very familiar with the work of Ed and Lorraine Warren, America’s first couple of the paranormal, a.k.a., “The Real Ghostbusters.”
For more than half a century, the Connecticut natives traveled the world investigating thousands of claims regarding earthbound spirits, poltergeists and all variety of spectral nastiness. They were heavily involved in many famous hauntings, including the real-life stories behind The Amityville Horror, The Haunting in Connecticut and The Conjuring.
Ed—who grew up in a supposedly ghost-plagued home in Bridgeport, and passed away in 2006—was an expert demonologist. Lorraine is a trance medium, a psychic who claims to have made contact with spirit entities; she continues to partake in paranormal investigations with other family members and those who have trained with her. In addition to their investigations (for which they never charged), the Warrens were popular on the college lecture circuit, especially around Halloween, when they would share their most chilling cases. Lorraine still does appearances, often with support from her supportive son-in-law Tony Spera.
In the course of their travels, The Warrens created an occult museum on their Monroe property, which is open on a somewhat regular basis as part of Warren-sponsored events. The museum features hundreds of “haunted” objects collected from investigations.
See the Shadow doll that can come to you in your dreams, and stop your heart! See the Satanic Idol found in the deep woods of Connecticut, the Conjuring mirror used for summoning spirit, the Vampire’s coffin used by a modern day vampire, Bare witness to a Ragedy-Ann doll which is responsible for a death of a young man, and multiple attacks on those who once mockingly came in contact, See Masks used as a Topa for Diabolical projection, Child Tomb stones that were used as Satanic Alters, a Famous Organ that plays by itself. You will also see Psychic Photography, Pictures that would combust, and Crucifixes that were malevolently thrown from walls and desecrated, Egyptian, and African cursed items, Death curses, a Shrunken head, Possessed toys and animals, Voodoo, Fertility and other Killer dolls!
Yes, step right up indeed!
Of course, the museum’s most famous resident is Annabelle, the cursed Raggedy Ann doll that is supposedly possessed by an evil spirit. According to the Warrens, the doll has caused harm—even death—to anyone foolish enough to touch it or even challenge the spirit within. Annabelle is now locked in a special blessed cabinet, which allegedly contains her malevolent actions.
From all accounts, Annabelle hasn’t caused any harm in years. The museum is a fascinating place and a terrific chronicle of the Warrens’ long career in paranormal—a fitting tribute to two people who have helped to make sites like Damned Connecticut possible.
Our Damned Experience: Although we have attended more than a dozen Warren lectures, including back in the day when Ed was still alive, we have yet to take the grand tour, which is pretty inexplicable in itself.
If You Go: The Warren’s Occult Musuem in located in Monroe. They offer tours as part of their regular Warrenology events, which is an evening with Lorraine and sometimes features special guests and other Warren-related activities.
I just recently went to the
I just recently went to the Warrenology event, absolutely wonderful experience! You are invited right into Lorraine’s home, and she is a sweetheart. She and her son-in-law, Tony, take several hours to talk about their experiences and answer everyone’s questions (and boy, were there more than a few!). If you’re a longtime fan, or a total nonbeliever, this really is a once in a lifetime opportunity to hear some amazing stories and see some very interesting things firsthand. The fact that her cats and pup were weaving in and out of the guests made the experience that much more welcoming! Definitely worth checking out, it’s an unforgettable evening!
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