Guess she couldn’t bear the cops? [April 19, 2013] A woman causing a disturbance in a hotel discharged a large can of bear repellent in a hallway, affecting police and others … …
Ray Bendici
She makes it seem so simple, it’s actually kind of sweet … and creepy! [July 7, 2010] A former Connecticut woman who made national headlines after it was discovered she was living …
Weird News
Woman’s Body Found in Hartford Home Months After Neighbors Reported It
by Ray Bendiciby Ray BendiciApparently “ripe” doesn’t seem to cover the stench from this place. Ugh! [July 30, 2011] The badly decomposed body of a Hartford woman was found on Friday, almost three months after neighbors …
Now she doesn’t have a leg to stand on? [October 30, 2010] A handicapped Waterbury woman was run over by a minivan while on her electric scooter and her prosthetic leg crushed …
Nice when neighbors have your backāand half your house. [February 19, 2015] A New Fairfield woman whose property straddles the NY-CT border unknowingly lost half her home when the company servicing her …
So will the ghost move when the house moves? [April 10, 2011] A worker helping to dismantle the historic Harwinton House before its New Canaan moves claims he saw a ghost in …
“Nate wuz here!” [July 10, 2011] Renovations of the Nathan Hale Schoolhouse, built in New London in 1773, have uncovered carvings and drawings believed to be done by children back when the …
What was the oozing green stuff? [July 31, 2014] The state bomb squad removed an unexploded World War II mortar round from a Manchester home after it was discovered to leaking a …
Connecticut CuriositiesOdd Things
World’s Largest Jack-in-the-Box, Middletown
by Ray Bendiciby Ray BendiciIn Middletown sits what is purported to be the world’s largest jack-in-the-box: a 50-foot high silo that has a giant clown head pop out of it.
Now that’s someone with a bit a free time. [December 16, 2009] A Naugatuck man has spent the last 18 months building what he hopes will be a world-record largest Popsicle stick …
Reminds us of the long-forgotten tale of Abraham Q. Lincoln. [November 23, 2011] The city of Derby mistakenly put James J. Butler on the recent ballot for the board of apportionment and …
Hope the parents have been saving up — a lot! [December 18, 2009] A set of quadruplets from Danbury have been accepted to Yale University, possibly the first time such an event …