Wouldn’t it have made more sense to give the money to a website that specializes in weird, unexplained and unusual (and lucky) things? [January 9, 2010] Yale University announced that they have …
Ray Bendici
Even if it’s not so magical, it still looks like fun. [November 13, 2010] Yale University students playing a modified version of the game popularized in the Harry Potter books will compete …
That’s a lot of quarters! Oh wait, this is some kind of new-fangled video game thingy that you don’t play in an arcade, right? [March 12, 2009] A Yale student is suing …
This is horrible. [April 14, 2011] A Yale senior was accidentally strangled when her hair got caught in a metal lathe while working in the student machine shop of the Sterling Chemistry …
Okay, the inn won’t exactly be the star, but it should be heavily featured, like Charles Nelson Reilly in “The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.” [May 6, 2010] Film production is underway for …
NBC 30 recently reported that “zombies” are invading Connecticut’s college campuses — not surprisingly, we’ve been preparing for this eventuality for years.
This past weekend Zombieland was the No. 1 film in America, which only proves something Norm MacDonald never said: Americans love zombies!
Mystic pizza, topped with brrraaaiiinnnnsss … [March 23, 2011] A Rocky Hill production company will be filming Remains, a zombie horror film, later this summer in Mystic … Source: The Day of …
Lights, camera, braaaaaiiiinnnnsssss. [May 28, 2011] Zombies are getting ready to invade Norwich, part of the nearly month-long filming for Synthetic Cinema’s Chiller network movie “Remains” … Source: New London Day