The Shroud of Turin: An image of the Lord Jesus Christ burned into linen at the moment he was resurrected, or an elaborate hoax?
I was going to write this blog and present each side of the story, but I realized that’s been done to death.
Both believers and non-believers claim the shroud is the most researched artifact in the world today.
I think it’s a hoax, though it’s easy to see both the spiritual and the scientific bias, depending on who is presenting the facts. It’s so hard to pick through fact and fiction that it leaves me a little skeptical of everyone.
I highly suggest you do read up on this relic…errr, or fabricated relic.
I must say, the whole thing is quite aggravating to me–I honestly want to read something that isn’t slanted.
I just read an article that claims the image can not be of a man as the dimensions are too large, and then goes on to say how the hoax was pulled off:
“A male model was daubed with paint and wrapped in the sheet to create the shadowy figure of Jesus.”
Well, if the dimensions are incorrect, then it can’t be a man!
My question is, how was it done? I would appreciate someone that doesn’t have a bone to pick explaining how this image was created. Because it really has baffled me. I don’t believe it to be the image of Christ though I haven’t seen a good argument for exactly how it was done.
Today I got frustrated by the lack of objective articles on the Internet about this topic, and ended up storming out of the house, my son in tow, to walk along the New Haven green and think… (Ok, in reality I wanted to see if I would be accosted by pretty women fawning over my son while we sat in the park).
While waiting for the onslaught of women, I noticed a priest or minister quietly reading on a park bench…
I introduced myself and explained that I was wondering what he thought of The Shroud of Turin.
His answer I think will satisfy both sides of the argument.
He said, “It doesn’t matter. If the shroud is real, then it’s a very important artifact of Christianity. But Christians should not be in the proof business. Faith is belief without proof. Proof would hinder freewill.”
And if its a hoax?
“It very well may be,” he said. “The 1300s were a time when a relic could fetch a large pilgrimage, and there were many such hoaxes and fake relics being developed during this time.”
Well said, Father…..
I think the answer is clear: It’s the work of Leonardo Da Vinci! If you don’t believe me watch this YouTube video for PROOF!
Some links involving the Shroud: