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How about a poltergeist with your chicken parmigiana? Didn’t think so.
Cemetery at the Connecticut Valley Hospital, Middletown
by damnedadminby damnedadminThe headstones in this cemetery have no names—only numbers.
It’s Halloween time again, so check out our monster list of damned-type events going on all around Connecticut, from haunted attractions and graveyard tours to Halloween events, lectures, parties and more! We’ll …
More fuel for the mountain lion debate … [March 15, 2014] Canton-based Cougars of the Valley claims that a recent sighting of a mystery cat in Massachusetts was a mountain lion … …
Hmm .. they don’t just come apart like that on their own. [March 8, 2014] Police are investigating the discovery of the remains of a dismembered Shetland pony along Route 262 in …
If you grew up in the Valley, you’ve probably been to Hookman’s Cemetery (Great Hill Cemetery) in Seymour late at night looking for paranormal activity. The version of the legend that I …
That wasn’t very nICE. [March 15, 2014] A large sheet of ice sliding off the roof of a Winsted apartment crushed a car, completely destroying the vehicle’s roof … Source: NBC 30
ALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — A news report says a burglar who broke into a house claims he was held captive by a “supernatural figure” for three days without food and water.
Too bad there’s no mug shot. I really want to see his teeth! [August 19, 2011] A 39-year-old New Haven man was arrested on charges he stole $2,242 worth of Crest White …
Too bad there’s no mug shot. I really want to see his teeth! [August 19, 2011] A 39-year-old New Haven man was arrested on charges he stole $2,242 worth of Crest White …
So the guy with the head wound was the one who was wielding the belt, not the spatula? That’s embarrassing… [August 28, 2009] Two men face assault charges after allegedly battling with …
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