The Damned Story: The story starts in 1867 when the Union Metallic Cartridge Company opened shop in the East End of Bridgeport. Successful, the company was later purchased by Remington Arms, who in 1915 expanded the factory to a 73-acre manufacturing complex. During the first half of 20th century, it was among the biggest munitions factories in the world, employing over 17,000 workers and literally producing tons of ammunition and weapons each year. It was a shining example of the Industrial Era, a huge bustling facility in the heart of a burgeoning city that served as both a powerful economic engine and key cornerstone for American military complex.
Of course, like many factories in the Northeast, it was only a matter of time before someone somewhere else could do it better and cheaper. In 1970, Remington moved the majority of its production to a new plant in Arkansas, eventually abandoning the site altogether in 1988; other companies, including General Electric, have also used the site for stretches before finally leaving behind an empty sprawling complex that has slowly been eaten away by urban decay. Gone are humming assembly lines, busy rows of machinery and hardworking employees, replaced by empty buildings, broken windows and . . . the ghosts of the past?
Like any major factory, there have been occasional fatal accidents on the premises, including two different employees falling into giant pots of molten metal. In 1942, during the height of its war-time efforts, a deadly explosion occurred on the production floor, a horrible accident (some say it was wartime sabotage) that killed seven workers and wounded 80 others — an event that some claim is responsible for the shadowy black figures and dark shadows which have been reported by numerous folk over the years. Old employees still lurking after having punched out from this experience? Or maybe some of the less prosperous locals hiding out for a night?
Or maybe it’s the spirit of American freedom, still trying to protect the right to bear arms? (Or to arm bears, which is always so much more entertaining!)
In addition to the shadowy figures seen, there have been reports of various paranormal activities from eerie voices and disembodied screams to spirit orbs and mists. Those who have ventured inside the gates also claim to experience feelings of dread and unexplained cold spots. Bridgeport police officers, often investigating sightings of figures on the grounds, have also reported seeing unusual things on the grounds.
In short, more than one person has labeled Remington Arms as simply “cursed.” Considering its unfortunate history, and that the property has fallen into such disrepair, it’ s easy to see why.
In 2009, Travel Channel’s “Ghost Adventures” visited Remington Arms.
Our Damned Experience: We visited Remington Arms on a snowy day in December 2008. Although we didn’t crawl under the fence and go inside the buildings, we were able to get close enough to get a good look at many of the decaying structures. The spots you see on a few of these photos are rain drops, not orbs! Well, I think they’re mostly raindrops — I’m not quite sure if I can tell the difference (or if there is one).
We didn’t see any unusual figures in the windows of the factory, nor on the grounds, although there was a neighbor or two standing on nearby street corners seemingly waiting for something . . .
One of Kate’s friend’s husband did a bit of work at Remington Arms recently, and talked about it to us, including sharing some odd images.
If You Go: You probably shouldn’t — not because of things otherworldly, but because of people this wordly: drug dealers, gang members and other troublemakers you would expect to find in a poor blighted neighborhood in the cosmopolitan mecca that is Bridgeport. Steve used to deliver legal pharmaceuticals in this neighborhood, and often required police protection to do it!
Remington Arms is located at 812 Barnum Avenue in Bridgeport, and is easily spotted by the dilapidated buildings, barbed wire fences and glaring deterioration.
View 812 Barnum Ave in a larger map
One of my irrational fears is of abandoned industrial spaces, so it is unfortunate that I have to drive past Remington Arms quite frequently.
My husband had to go inside that place and do work with the company he works for. It’s not totally abandoned yet because General Electric has been using about a tenth of the property for storage and that was the area he was working on. While he was there him and his coworkers experienced shadows moving across the bathroom when they were alone and heard strange noises in different parts of the building that were supposedly vacant.
We had no idea he was working in the abandoned Remington Arms until he told me weird stuff was happening and asked me to look it up online. In my opinion that place really is haunted. His company is planning on going back soon to finish more work, so we are hoping to maybe get some good pics of the inside.
Remington shot tower
I’ve been inside the shot tower,the Rem-Grit bldg and a couple of the brick bldgs next to Barnum Ave. I can say without a doubt those structures contain some kind of energy. I have a YouTube channel Danny Warpotion.There are a couple videos of my visits to the property.I’m a paranormal researcher and I’ve captured voices,some answering intelligently in the form of EVP.
Me and a group of friends went inside these buildings because of a bet. We went in the morning because of the fear that there were ghosts or homeless people. When I first walked into the building I had a feeling that we were going to find something unexpected and that feeling was proven when I saw shadows movings and when my friend heard a man speaking behind him though when he turned around he saw nothing only a brick wall. I have no doubt in my mind that it is haunted because we also brought a digital camera along for our own amusement.
Ive been in this place and its great! no stupid ghost crap, just a huge, sprawling, dead facility. Definately got lost, climbed to the very top of the shot tower ( which was awesome and filled with cell phone gear), went in just about every room, checked out the catwalks….too cool. Be careful and youll be fine.
i live in bridgeport my school is down the street from there me and a group of friends went in playin around till we herd a scream in this area there was chairs rocking and we found shotgun shells till this day wego and try to find somethin i know its dangerous im a kid tho we like to be nosy and look at stuff im am 14 and so are my friends feelin to go 2daii
I am a loyal fan and regular watcher of the Travel Channel’s “Ghost Adventures”. Those guys are to be highly commended for some of the harrowing places that they have investigated! They’ve got balls like an elephant! And, kudos to the Travel Channel for producing this show, it’s the hottest ticket on tv right now!
I was a caretaker at an abandoned sanitorium in northeastern Oregon in 1981. I lived alone in the building for 29 days before finally leaving in the mikddle of the night, because the paranormal activity became too much for me. I can assure any doubters out there that ghosts DO exist!
i went in there alot we explored the whole thing yet i didnt see nothing just like the house on lindley st they say its haunted and i still didint see a thing i mean i belive in ghosts but i dont think the factory is haunted or the lindly st house
I went to college at the University of Bridgeport from 1970 to 1974. I had passed these buildings many times in that four years. By that time, most of the production had moved out for the most part, and this was a strange, dark, eerie place indeed, even from the outside.
Anyone in Bridgeport know what the future plans for the building are?
Condo conversion perhaps?
I have lived near the remington buildings at the old Father Panic Housing project on Hallett Street. Since 2004 the site has been redeveloped and we do not have Drug dealers or homeless people on our streets. Bridgeport has changed alot from the 1980’s. I do believe something could be going on at the site, but I have never seen or heard any ghostly ventures. Yes I believe about all the violence in the area, but the site has had a major Housing Project with over 3000 families who lived here. The Project is gone. So has the violence, maybe the ghosts are not just from the Remington Arms buildings, possibly from the area.
Just looked up the Father Panik projects Patricia .. I guess in 1937 it was called Yellow Mill Village..the first housing complex in the state Later named after stephan panik ..a priest who had worked for poor neighborhoods in east bridgeport . Thanks for the actual account .
Seeing as you live near the former arsenal ..let me know if the property at Remington is getting bulldozed or renovated Patricia ok ?
If you hear or see anything going on there.
I heard about this place when I saw the ghost special on tv, that is a good show. I think I like ghost hunters better though. Anyway this is a creepy place. On the show the guys were walking around in the daytime and heard banging in the distance inside of this abandoned place. I don’t know what some of the above posters are thinking. There is no way I would be walking around in there, day or nighttime! Besides it being very old and potentially dangerous (climbing to the top? come on man! That is just silly your asking for something bad to happen!!) I have had some paranormal experiences and seen some unworldly things in buildings that were not over 100 years old, so I am just fine watching this on tv, thank you!
im born and raised in tha port!! and i heard many stories abt that building and none of them good as a kid we heard that the old GE building on boston ave was connected to that building with underground tunnels and i always thought that was crazy so after seeing it on tv with those ghost guys i was shocked that it was true!!! the 1 thing i can see abt that building and this is speaking for my self and a group of friends was a strange redish light in there but never really thought to much abt it like wow thats freaky know its like we live here you see then you dont you get use to it but yea deff a weird place! sad that its being torn apart by crack heads ripping out copper piping lol!! and as far as it being a bad place well it is wat it is, cant change that drug dealers and gangs is a part of life you know get over it!! but i agree with patricia it has changed alot the city is looking better but crime still is around. but like patricia said there was a MAJOR house issue were lots of people died it was very very bad and it was located on the other side of the train tracks so there is so much evil and bad going on a small section were so many people have died messed up deaths look up yellow mill village/father panik village in bridgeport connecticut!!!! murder was like a everyday thing so it could be crossed just be safe if you want to visit cuz more then ghost could get you lol!!! im out BRIDGEPORT ALLDAY
yeh soe ..musta been a bad neighborhood
I worked in the Remington Arms building, part of it in a Company called King Data in the 1970’s and we went upstairs to check out the building and looking through the draws and things we felt an eerie presence that made us give up looking and go back downstairs to work. Also my father used to talk about working in the Remington Arms building making shell casings and about one day people with badges taking them off the assembly line and talking to them. I never understood this until I watched the Ghost Adventures show and saw about Remington Arms and the story. I believe in ghosts and Remington Arms is very haunted.
I would sleep overnight at the Remington arsenal but you’d have to pay me.
MARY BANKS are you serious wow thats crazy, i wonder for years and years why they dont knock that old raggity thing down but now ummmm. i think i know but let me ask if they knock it down were would all those sould go?? and i also heard if you disturb them it makes them very angry soooooo wat to do with it??? does anyone have an idea the plans for it? i should ask CITY HALL HUH
OH IM FORGOT YOU JIM YEA IT WAS VERY RUFF there was so much gangs and drug dealing going on just on the other side of the train tracks< i dont think it was all going on at the same time but after it was all said and done it could be all crossed. the village was knocked down due to the very high crime so dont worry abt father panik village any more if your not from around here, im just saying all those souls could be anggry still who knows
I wonder if they convert the Remington buildings into condos would the ghosts stay. Would make some nice loft apartments. I’d move in.
It’s interesting now that train tracks were mentioned. on travel ch’s show they heard honking, but they never mentioned it being from a train.. it wasn’t car honking I distinguished, it was clearing a trains horn.. cuz it had they echo, car horn is quick n short this sound was long n got louder as if when it aproaches fast. also u could even here tracks of when it rides on the rails. I wish I could go down there but I’m in Texas. I hate to feel doubt, there’s only one way, n that’s be there. but these stories all come together..
Yeah even if they made it a high rise I don’t think I would move in but that was interesting about Father Panik village (appropriate name for the padre based on what I read of the place). I still don’t think I would spend the night there even if you paid me.
I saw the show and for one thing that front gate looked pretty delapidated. I mean anyone could basically sneak in under the crack in the corner of the fence where the two parts of the gate came together. Although I could not imagine anyone wanting to go in there. I guess maybe if they were a crackhead but that is still nuts. The place also seems to have some lingering hazardouse waste issues, from what I have read.
I don’t know if you caught the show but there were several interesting evps the guys caught and what appeared to be a flashing (perhaps red) light on on their night vision cameras. The one that got my attention the most was a gunshot and then a scream they caught with their camera on the 4th floor of the shot tower.
They had caught a car horn honking for almost 10 seconds driving by from both the 4th floor camera and a camera they had on the 1st floor of the shot tower, but the gunshot and scream noise was only picked up on the 4th floor cam. Spooky.
by the way Mary what do you think the ppl with badges talked to your father about? Curious to your thoughts.
Yeah good point Sev I thought that horn sounded very long for being a car horn. I dont recall hearing the tracks but its possible.
For one I’d like to get into those bridgeport archives. There seems like so much went on in around that place. it’s even creepier that there is a cemetery in the back yard. that’s not by design or claimed not true. we need some gutsy ppl that can get down there and utube some more action. iv never been inspired by the dead but sure am by the unexplained. somebody needs to write a book about this place.
I am a local historian and was fascinated with the Remington Arms building and Shot Tower. The Shot Tower was the biggest building in Bridgeport at one time, and Remington Arms what helped make Bridgeport one of the industrial capitals of the world.
But, like alot of historical buildings in Bridgeport, it fell into being a victim of urban decay.
Factory hours in those days were long and hard, and making anything was labor-intensive, so I can imagine that the workers in there found it grueling and dangerous.
As far as the building being haunted, I would say that there at least seems to be an eerie cast over the place both inside and outside of it, since the area is run down on The East Side of Bridgeport, and the factory has a cemetary “St. Augustine’s” right next to it. The cemetary is very old, and I believe it had been refurbished in the last few years, where now you can see the grave markers. Charles “Charlie The Bum” DiStatsio is buried here. He was a famous bum in Bridgeport and died in back of an auto place in 1965 of natural causes, so they say. He used to hang out on the East side.
If anything that I would fear most about the building is that is it deemed “unsafe”; Structurally, it is weakening, inside and out, the stairways are unsecure, and there are holes in the flooring. The walls have lead and asbetos in them, coupled with the fact that there once were homeless people living in there, if not now. So, really, it is more likely that you could be harmed more by this, than perhaps a harmless aparition, who perhaps is stuck between two worlds.
With that being said, I really hope the city has better plans for it either by removing it, or revitalize it, which I doubt at this time, since it would cost too much money.
During the 1940’s I lived on Pearl Harbor St., later moving to the West End and moving from Bridgeport in 1968.
The Remington Arms complex at one time extended all the way up to the powder farm that was to the north of Pearl Harbor St. The GE building on Boston Ave was also part of that complex, being built to manfacture arms and munitions for the Imperial Russian Army, but the Russian Revolution in 1917 put an end to that and the property was acquired by GE To the north of Pearl Harbor St. was a large wooded area known as the powder farm where Remington mixed the explosives in small batches used to manufacture ammunition. These powders were carried via a private railroad down in back of the GE to the Remington factory on Arctic St in a bright yellow self propelled rail motor car several times a day.
During the war the kids in the Pearl Harbor St. area used to play near the fence that surrounded the powder farm and made friends with the guards who patrolled the area, on foot, in jeeps, and mounted on horseback. Even though a war was going on it was a happy time to see the guards and sometimes they even gave us candy and apples.
As kids growing up there we were proud of the role that our town , and the many factories in it , had in the “Arsenal of Democracy” that had contributed so much to the defeat of the axis powers of WWII. I can still remember Corsair fighter planes flying overhead from Chance Vought in Stratford and the whole downtown area coming to a standsitll as people stopped what they were doing to take a look at those beautiful machines
As far as Remington being haunted. If you consider that the plant was in operation for close to 100 years and take into account the hazardous materials that was used it was rather a safe place to work. I can remember a huge sign in front of the shot tower that proclaimed “this plant has worked x number of days with out an accident”.
I worked in the Bassick Co. caster plants on South St. and Howard Ave for two years during the 1950’s and there were two fatal accidents and one suicide during that time.
I believe more fatalities occurred in the bloody bar-rooms of the town, and with more regularity, especially some notorious ones located on Water St. near the RR station.
.The TV show appeared somewhat of a put-on, trying to make something out of nothing. There has always been night-time screams and gunfire in Bridgeport. Most of the other occurrances could be easily explained if you take into account acoustics, reflections, etc.
It did bring back many memories of an earlier and happy times though.
TO Sue Del:
I remember Charlie the Bum. He used to hang out underthe RR viaducts moving between Kossuth St. and E. Main. He always wore a WWI army overcoat even during the heat of summer. And it got hot in those days.
The police used to pick him up with the approach of really cold weather and it was the first sign of spring when he reappearedl
TO: BobinCT
Thanks for the info on the railway that went fron the GE building on Boston Avenue to the Remington site. I remember years ago looking down and saw railroad tracks on the side of GE and wondered what they had used them for in relation to the factory. There was also a lake down there near GE, and that is where they got the name “Lakeview cemetary for the cemetary which is right next to GE. There was also “Lakeview Cafe” right on Boston Avenue which is no longer there. Being a local historian, I did not even know about “the powder farm”. Your right about the bloodshed in some of the taverns down on Water Street. I remember there was a small drinking establishment right underneath the railroad tracks called “The Club Car”. All the winos would hang out in there.
I used to see Charlie the Bum sleeping in store fronts. My father used to take us down the East Side in his truck and yell out “Look! There is Charlie The Bum”. He always did have his wool coat on even in the summer probably because he did not want anyone to steal it by taking it off. They used to take him in and hose him down. He was born in Naples, Italy and from what I read was an violin player. The story about why he became a bum is still unclear to me: Bums all have their stories of course, but the one I heard was that he was supposed to marry someone whose family had money and they didn’t approve of Charlie, so the marriage got cancelled and then Charles dropped out of society and became a bum. I was really pleased that a Italian man named Nunzio who worked for Lakeview monuments by GE, made him a respectable headstone and buried him in St. Augustine’s cemetary, which by the way, is right near to Remington Arms. Supposedly, there was a Hungarian women who was buried alive in there according to ‘The Ghost Hunters”. I don’t know her name, but would like to find out and go visit the grave.
I do historic research on the railway line that once housed the Housatonic Railroad, and then later, by 1872, became the New York, New Haven and Hartford. It started in Bridgeport on Water Street and later made it’s way all the way north through towns such as Trumbull, Monroe, and Newtown. The tracks were abandoned from Water Street in the 40’s, but the line continued from Stepney in Monroe all the way north to Pittsfield Massachusettes. I will probably be at the Trumbull Library in the next few months. You can check the “Community Calander” in The Connecticut Post. The presentation is called “Rails to Back Trails” I use slides to educate the public on the then-and-now of railroad history and how, today, the railroad line has become one of Connecticut’s best recreational trails.
With all that being said, Bridgeport was booming with industry. That is why they have all these on-off exit ramps off I-95 so that people could get in and out of these factories from the highway. I also heard one of the reasons that they started shipping things overseas was because the machinery in the factories were over-taxed. Of course, there were many other factions that aided in the decline of industry. One picture that stands out in my mind was in David Palmquists book “The History of Bridgeport”, where the zeppelin, The Hindenburg, from Germany was flying over Bridgeport. Later it exploded in Lakehurst, NJ. In the Remington building there were believed to be spies, and people were especially wary of German immigrants.
Bridgeport Industries and freight railroads 1940’s
Hi Sue. I enjoyed your article when I per used the historical information on the old Remington Arms Factory in Bridgeport, Ct. I like the history of Bridgeport Industries and freight railroads there around the 1940’s, and I know the City is proud to have contributed to winning the WW II war effort with War Works manufacturing at the time. It fascinates me. I did not know about the abandoned Housatonic Railroad in Bridgeport. Do you have any historical Bridgeport industrial and railroad updates from that era or before or after this time period? I would like to learn more about it. Also, I saw a Bridgeport paperback book at Barnes and Noble book store that had an interesting chapter on this same topic, including obscure pics of Singer Sewing Machine Factory, and how PT Barnum transported his circus and animal acts from his Bridgeport operation to the shows around the country, even with some old black and white photos in the book. I hope to hear from you on this historical topic. Thank you.
Boy did the Remington Story bring back a flood of memories.
In a previous post I mentioned the Remington Powder Farm.
Many in Bridgeport did not know of existence of the area or what was done there. It was top secret, heavily guarded and contain a very dense forest. Deer abounded inside and occasionally came down to the fence.
Very large explosions were occasionally heard inside the area, and usually when that happened an announcement was made in the Bridgeport Post that Remington was testing a new artillery shell for the military. But were they, or did someone screw up?
Using the Google satellite capability I can see that most of the Remington Woods appears to be intact. Before I left Bridgeport I remember some kind of a commerce park being planned for the area, but most of it still seems to be untouched. It is really a very large area, and looking at the satellite image I can see a body of water to the north of Pearl Harbor Circle that we didn’t even know existed. (Not Success Lake).
Just curious does any one know if the property has been developed? I suspect it might be a giant toxic waste site, because it really is a prime piece of property and that could be the reason it hasn’t been touched in all these years.
After the war many pieces of machinery from the main plant were packed up and shipped to other Remington plants.
A long time after this happened I was told that some of the ammunition production line had been secretly sent to the fledgling nation of Israel that was fighting for its very existence. The Zionists had managed to procure an ample supply of war surplus arms including a huge supply of Thompson Submachine parts that had been sold very cheap when the Auto-Ordnance Co. located on Railroad Ave., had all of their contracts canceled at end of the war. However they lacked a supply of ammunition and at least two of production lines from Remington had somehow been waylaid and sent to Israel.
I chalked this up to being another urban legend but a recent TV show about Underground Places had video that revealed a museum that was in a very secret, hard to get to, underground hidden facility in Israel containing machinery that was used to produce ammunition during the 1947-49 birth of that nation. Kind of confirms the urban legend.
To: BobinCT:
Is the Lake that was right across the street from GE called “Lake Sucess”. It was quite a large lake at one time, and now it is a rather swampy area. Also my next question is “Where is Remington Woods”?
Write back, Sue
The lake that you mention was called Stillman’s Pond. It was used by the GE for cooling purposes for its power plant and the WIre and Cable Division. There were spray heads installed all over it and it made quite a spectacular site on winter nights spraying water and steam in to air and being back-lit by the lights on the front of the GE complex. In the late 1960’s the labor intensive Wire and Cable manufacturing equipment was dismantled, and sent to South Korea where it was put back into operation using cheaper labor. A less labor intensive operation was installed in Bridgeport.. I don’t know if it is in operation at this time.
Remington Woods can be seen on the Google satellite maps. It is bounded northerly by Broadbridge Ave, easterly by parts of Broadmere Ave. and earlier by Success Ave. southerly by Pearl Harbor Street and Circle, in the area as known both as Brady Village and Success Park which was another area entirely. It continued along farmland that later became Bullard Havens, Bridgeport Health Care , Highhorizons School and in the west by Evers St. Success Lake was/is right in middle of Remington Woods AKA as the Powder Farm. The body of water north of Pearl Harbor Circle that we didn’t know about appears to be a narrow strip of water (pond/creek) and can only be seen with a real tight zoom.
IT can be seen as a wooded area using the Google Satellite maps, if you zoom in close enough you can seen what appears to be the remains of some of the bunkers where the powder mixing and storage was done.
I had some great RR adventures if you’re interested. Most of my wayward youth was spend exploring many of the RR operations in the Greater Bridgeport area almost being killed for the effort on at least two occasions.
in back of my boys house theres a street that leads to the ge factory and thats past dq on east main street and does anybody know how remition got on fire like last year twice
WoW! thanks for all the history guys. Very cool
I cannot answer mac’s question above about the street that lead to the GE factory and how Remington caught fire last year twice unless you can for him. I did not know anything about the fires. Thanks.
So…the Lake on the side of GE was called “Stillman’s Pond”, not to be confused with Lake Success. I have an idea now where Remington Woods is situated. I will have to Google it by Satellite to see some of the bunkers where they mixed the powder.
Since you seem to know alot of obscure facts about Bridgeport history, I was wondering if you know anything about “The North Bridgeport Station” which was situated on Carson Street which would be right in back of where The Ford dealership is on the corner of North Avenue and Boston Avenue. This station was supposedly a running stop, not to be confused with the station on Water Street. It must of went out when the line was abandoned in say, the early 70’s where they were still pulling freight north. I remember the tracks used to go over North Avenue and then there was a drop and then the tracks went in back of the old Nabisco factory and then along Park Cemetary and continued in back of the Coke and Fuel Company where the big green cilos are on North Avenue. Spring replacement is there, right next to the cilos. It used to be called “The Iron Ledge Company. The train continued north I believe up Sylvan Avenue or was it Resevoir Avenue which both ran parallel to one another. From there it cross over where Shaw’s was on the hill. That used to be a park called “Stadler’s park”.
There was a beach there at Beardsley park called “Sylvan Beach”. Anyway…..the train continued north on the west banks of Beardsley Park until it made it’s way north into Trumbull. There have never been any pictures of The North Bridgeport Station, nor is there a postcard. I was wondering if you know anything about The North Bridgeport station, or if you have a picture of it.
Write back, Sue Del
Hi! If anyone would like to contact me about local history they can e-mail me also at:
Answer to Macs question:
Off East Main St. past DQ is Cogswell St. and it goes to Asylum St. which GE’s back entrance boarders. Next to Park City little league. That whole are was real creepy inthe 70’s when I was a teenager. There was an abandoned slaughter house and Incineration factory that we used to goof off in. Definitly a spooky area with Lakeview cemetery ther as well.
My Bad, York st. is off Eastmain and it snakes over to Cogswell
I did some you tube of the show some days ago and I believe I know the reason why there has not been any remodeling or tear down. the building is pivately owned property. in YouTube comments a guy has a friend who ownes the property. I think this may be a good reason why the city is not involved, from what iv heard thus far. love the history on this place guys, thx! brings a sort of peace to the madness which has evolved.
It is just plain BAD television. Three total idiots! Millions killed, countless police officers, no execration in this program. People actually say that they find this entertaining? I really liked calling the sounds of a train a car horn. It even had the Doppler effect. BTW, I grew up 1/2 mile from that plant and my father worked there in the early ’40s.
hi i lived\ in bridgepor ct all my live i was born in 1970 i wasnt even around when all thhis was happening i was just born but now that i am hearing about all this it is very interesting i wanna hearmore even though i believe in god i live right next to the factory and i did see one night flashlights in there i dont if it was someone in there from the streets there is alot of drug dealers around so it could of been that
i’d love to check this place out im surprised theirs no cops watching this place i live in west haven and the old belt factory in my town supposed to be haunted but ‘ve been in their twice and never seen a thing it boarded up real good and people say its an urban legend but yea ghost adventures is fake in my opinion that and paranormal state the only ghost show i can see being real is taps (ghost hunters)
I grew up on Evers St Ext in Bridgeport, Remington Woods was right across the street. They had guards that drove around the park every day, 24 hours a day. There were deer, fox, owls, pheasant and other animals on the grounds. At times we could see them burning something but we didn’t know what. I think it was bad ammo. You could here crackling noises. As kids we use to walk along the fence from our house to Broadbridge. My neighbor use to feed the deer all the time, they would come up to the fence and let us feed them. I don’t know how true it is but I was told the ground is contaminated because ammunition was buried in the ground, and that it would take a lot of money to clean up the grounds. I had heard that they wanted to build housing but the cost of clean-up would not be worth it. There are office buildings there I believe Sikorsky has some offices there now. The deer have also since been removed. My mother had told me my grandfather worked at Remington as an engineer and that is where he met my grandmother. I also remember Charlie the Bum. They said he use to go to the woods at the end of our street. We use to find empty bottles all the time when went up there to play. I hope this helps BobinCT
Hi, i am interested in the unexplained and what we cant see, i love the show, but after watching T.A.P.S. (Ghost Hunters) For so long, it seems like these guys are going about it all wrong, and they are young guys just trying to get some recognition. I wonder why T.A.P.S. has went international last year, and they now have a third show (Ghost Hunters Academy), And these guys are still only the three original members, and they are aired on Travel Channel!!!
Hi! when my mom told my i was sooo scared. i even told some of my friends!
I went there with 3 of my guy friends a couple of days before hallowen.It was kinda of scary because when we went into one room and we heard a little girl scream and a rocking chair move.It was really weird and i was scared.
There was a yellow railcar that used to go up and down to the two plants. You can see one rail line if you go into Lakeview Cemetary and look over the lake. There used to be three lines. This railcar would bring supplies under Boston Avenue and then make it’s way across Artic Street on the East Side, and then it into The Barnum Avenue and Helen Street Plant. The Plant on Boston Avenue was originally called “The Union Metallic Cartridge Company. The building was built between 1915-1916, and by 1920, UMC leased out the building to General Electric Company, for 7 million dollars. GE owned the building by 1922.
Factory workers had to use their bicycles to get from one side of the plant to the other in those days. The building on Boston Avenue was a half-a-mile long. Remington also made typewriters, sewing machines, and bicycles among other items.
There are two abandoned box cars at the Remington Plant off of Barnum Avenue. They are light blue and have the symbol Remington-Dupont. I was wondering if the Danbury Railway Museum would want them since, the Museum in Danbury has one of the yellow railcars in their lot on display.
As far as the site being haunted, I don’t know why any “self-respecting ghost” would want to hang out in a place like that? It has a really oppressed atmosphere and the building is derelic. I don’t know what the plans are for it except to say that like many other building in Bridgeport, it sits rotting there. It would cost trillions of dollars to clean up the Remington site. There is alot of lead and asbestos in the factory.
To think that Bridgeport was once the industrial capital, and that Remington Arms comprised of over half of the manufacturing of ammunitions during World War I, and World War II. Now, because of urban decay and the stigma that Bridgeport has because of the crime and the drugs, alot of people did not want to do business there. However, I really like how they cleaned up Downtown Bridgeport. Check out the re-furbished Arcade Mall on Main Street. Inside it is really quite like it was in the 1800’s . You can see the glass ceiling and the iron gridwork and the balconies are restored. This idea of architecture is a take-off on today’s mall layouts.
I live not to far from remington arms.ive been in there befor at night and its f***ing scarey! ive heard the noises but never seen the shadows I found a book of guns in there its cool to see how many guns they made in there! i had a good time with ma friend there Id go back but i want to see what ghost aventure guys seen! and by the way this hood is not so bad ive lived here my whole life. tell me were there are no drug dealers, gangs members, and other troublemakers??? try to see good in bad!!! and i believe these people should rest in peace someone should go and prey for their souls!!!
i live in da port i be huntin down dem ghosts
How do you get into the building I live a few blocks away from there
break and enter yo
yo lol…i use to live der..i walked past that place ereday wen i go to school ..mann only iof i had known..
i really would love to explore at the Remington Arms factory…but don’t know if anyone would go with me… whats going on with the GE bldg?? My grandmother lives across the street and seems like no one is ever there???
i lived in bridgeport all my life and never knew what this place was some times friends and i would walk the street the cemetary is on at night and you would here gun shots within the building we never thought anything of it untill i did research on it and realized thie history behind it! . i remember the day the place cought on fire about 3 yrs ago and at the time my ex boyfriend had just started the fire department and knowing that he went into that building while it was on fire scarred me… till this day they never knew how the fire begain and it was a big one! i love history behind it but i will never go in that scarry building!
as long as i lived in bridgeport i never knew that place was haunted but i always thought it was scary looking
The guys from the Ghost Adventure Tv Show were great to work with at the Remington Arms plant. I patrol this area on a regular basis, It is quit creepy in there. We have had a rash of arsons in their lately. The area is not safe to walk around at night time between the homeless people , gang members, shots fired, and large holes in the ground. The owners of the land have tightened up the security and they will not even let the police in the GE portion of the complex.
I have heard the same thing abou the remington Woods having ammo buried in the ground. I lived on Evers Street and in Nob Hill condos. The woods are in those areas too. When I was a kid they always told us it had land mines lol but as we grew up I did my own research and found out the truth. I now live around the corner from the Remington Arms, I pass it every single day. I find myself always looking at it when I pass by. I wouldnt even know how to get inside, I thought the whole place was fenced in.
its all bullcrap remington arms is no more haunted than my car…..give me a break ppl!~!!
i dont believe in ghost so to prove you people wrong im going to Remington arms factory this sunday and if there are ghost in there i will post another comment and tell you guys and girl everything that happen
Cool…Be careful. You staying overnight? Take pics!
the crazy thing about Remington Arms is that i literally live exactly across the street from it and i have to walk pass there everyday to get to high school and sometimes as i walk on by i can hear things (okward)
I used to work there as a security guard back in 1996-97. I would work third shift sunday(midnight) through Friday(morning) and I’m here to tell you that was one scary-looking place! As far as ghost stories about people hearing banging noises, I’ve had incidents like that during my time there. One night when I was doing a tour through one of the buildings( not sure which Bldg, but it was on the second floor), I had finished checking out a room and was leaving when I heard this banging noise and sounds of people screaming for help. I turned around , went back in, only to find no one there. I shined the flashlight around because I think someone was playing tricks on me, and I find bloody hand prints all up and down the fire-door. I got the hell out of there and that was my last tour for the night. The next day I found out that years ago an explosion had killed a bunch of people that were working there
In the interest of keeping my job, I’m not going to mention the name of the security company I was ( and still am) working for. Sweet dreams.
I recently went to the abandoned factory with my friend. This was before I heard rumors of it being haunted. Though I saw nothing, I constantly heard hammering from inside some of the tall buildings that seemed to have no entrance. I didn’t assume a haunting simply because I’m not a superstitious person. It certainly weirded me out though because I wondered why on earth anyone would be working in a broken down factory.
In addition, the friend I went with is a photography major in college and took tons of photos with a high quality camera. I’m interested in taking a look at them but I don’t know what to look for. Could someone email me with info?
Aug 28, 2010 The Remington Arms is on fire as I type this, I JUST drove by this AM around 830 am (fire began at 1030 am) it is basically burning to the ground, the fire is so bad they will not allow firefighters indoors.
I am personally p’d because I have been driving by there for over 10 years, at night that entire block of Barnum Ave is pitch dark & you are surronded on both sides of the street by this building & it is SCARY, no matter the temp outside as soon as you drive down Barnum and approach the RA you feel the temp drop for the length of the building until you get past it at the stop light by Lacy Factory heading towards Stratford or going back to E Main St.
I am certain the temp drop is because the building is so high it blocks out all sunlight.
So, here it 1998, I am all of 22/23. I JUST moved into Kossuth St. on Washington Park . My boyfriend Dennis & I were walking down Barnum Ave towards the hospital. I have no clue as to where we were going that time of night but anyways we approach the block where the building is, he has never really seen it, he just moved to Bpt to be with me, he says “I’d love to take pics inside that old building, what was it?” I did not know myself. Then he stops and stares up at the windows of the building and he says “Do ppl live in there?” “Problly squatters” I told him & he told me he saw a dude holding a gun in the 2nd floor window all the way at the end . I said “A gun? How can you see that with 1 raggedy light on this street at 730 at night in the winter” He insisted he saw a gun & a guy holding it, but not a drug dealer holding a modern gun he said it was different than that, a white or light skinned man holding what looked like a rifle or shot gun, like he was on guard patrol. We assumed they had armed guards that patrolled the building (this area had MUCHO drugs, robberies, hookers, homeless ppl, etc. at this time. They’d trinkle off E Main & from the park or head down that way from upper Barnum area.) Not so much any longer. Not like it was anyways.
So, I forgot about it until I talked to my Dad & asked him about the place a few days later. he’s like “Oh the old Remington Arms plant” then he told me what it was, a gun ammunitions factory. Well, it was kinda freaky cuz of what Denny saw. We thought ti was an old clothing factory or whatever.
Whether he saw a squatter holding a stick or bat or even a shotgun was never to be found out but when I looked up at the window I saw nothing. It was ONE of the ONLY windows on the 2nd floor NOT broken out.
It was also closest to the street light by the parking lot on the R hand side if you are heading towards Lacey Factory/Bpt Hospital.
I have gotten out of my car and walked around the cemetary (also rich with ghostly history) and walked the perimeter of RA in the day. You can sense it has it’s own story to tell if you are in tune to that type of thing or just stay quiet long enough you can get feelings of what it was like there back in its hay day.
Full of life, a neighborhod of working class factory workers, some of the houses around there have hints of that rich history in the architecture, a few original stained glass windows preserved here & there, the architecture of the buildings that have stores on the bottom & apts on top & the roofs form peaks or “princess towers”, as I called them, on the corners of the house,with the original tiling on the roofs, etc.
Kinda cool cuz my old apt on Kossuth wasonce one of the 1800’s era mansions of that area when Washington Park was “da bomb” Doctors, Lawyers, Politicians, etc. all lived on the park in their mega mansions.
I had the original 1893 fireplace in my apt but the chimney had no lining so I could not use it 🙁
Basically the hot shots lived by the park & the “little ppl” around the factories over by Remington and diff areas of the E Side & all over Bpt actually.
60.erica April 26th, 2010 3:02 pm :
i really would love to explore at the Remington Arms factory…but don’t know if anyone would go with me… whats going on with the GE bldg?? My grandmother lives across the street and seems like no one is ever there???
Well, as FraninBpt, has said, the Remington Arms Buildings had sadly caught Fire. And as I type this I have read that the City has given RemGrit an ultimatum, Either begin demolition of the remaining buildings within 48 hours or the City of Bridgeport will do it for them… Wow, Since I’ve moved here to Bridgeport, I’ve always wanted to explore its inner works and DOCUMENT, the buildings and Buck Shot Tower, to preserve more of it’s history for Generations to come, I guess that may never come to fruition…. Sadly Disappointed, of course the Stories of Ghostly Apparitions have always enticed me to visit the Place, going it alone was never an option for me due to the fact, there is always safety in numbers, and I always live by my own standard and Belief, “Safety before Stupidity” … Words I continue to live by….
The GE Building is being abandoned as we speak… They have been removing the innards for the past several years as I hear and I myself have seen them removing crates of machines through windows and barn doors throughout the building…. the Guards of course remain, but as far as the End Date, don’t know, but will try to find out more information, sometimes freelancing my photography helps to get some of the info I’m looking for…
so for now, the GE is still occupied, so trying to get in and explore without permission would be rather risky. I’ll say this much, that building is HuGE, and I mean HUGE !!!!
Is the Remington Arms Factory still up? I was planning one last trip before it got demolished. 🙁
Yeah, It’s still up, Dan. They only demolished a couple of the buildings that were deemed unsafe, due to the last fire that occurred. Unfortunately, though, the Remington is being patrolled and Guarded by Bridgeport Police, Night and Day, so getting in there would be near impossible… I would’ve loved to get inside the Shot Tower at least… guess that will be the one that got away.
Went down to Bridgeport today (from just south of Boston) to see if Remy was still standing and she is, a few buildings gone. I was going to go inside with my group and explore but we saw police so we just walked around the area across from the cemetery and took a few pictures, and we decided we were 100% not going to explore the factory when the same minivan passed us six times… and I didn’t feel like being robbed especially with over $3,000 on me. Anyways, she’s a beauty! even in such decay… Would have like to explore it about 10 years ago.
Would’ve saved you the long trip, Kurt, had you read the post I put up… LOL… sorry… at least it was a nice drive tho’ , I make it up to Boston every so often to visit my Sibling…
Yeah, I was just there today too. I was surprised at how easy it was to get in… Some police officer stopped us on the road and said “Don’t be goin’ over that fence now ya’hear? I don’t wanna have to give ya’ll boys a tresspassin’ charge!” (That’s kinda funny because I didn’t see one single no trespassing sign in that whole complex. The town of Bridgeport would’ve had a fun time telling me why they had a construction site surrounded by a whimsy fence with no “No Trespassing” signs. lol.
But yeah, the place is pretty cool! I liked it, that cop cut our trip short, just a note to anyone who goes there from now on – If a cop sees you around it, they’ll stop you, and then radio in. There were about 5 cop cars that “passed by” us on our walk back to the car. We got out of there quickly. Also, for anyone who goes to fast food restaurants after an Urbex Trip there’s a lot of food restaurants off 95-N Exit 34 (There’s a big sign for it) It’s about 10 minutes out, easy to find your way back though. :p
MY grandmother and her mom grew up in bridgeport back then..we have pictures of the remington forest,father panik,endless photos of the whole city with her and her friends in bars playing in the streets.Me being young this place doe’snt look the same at all not an inch.wE EVEN HAVE PHOTOS OF PEOPLES BANK WHEN IT WAS BEING DEVELOPED!
this archiecter is so cool how long did it take to build? and how many (about) murders and acidental deaths happened? and does anyone know any historical buildings that are not destroyed and open to the public?
I love the old buildings and the history. I saw a wonderful old industrial facility in West Virginia converted to an outlet mall and the effect was quite a crowd draw. I can see any kind of redevelopment like that for the RA facility would be extremely complicated due to the heavy metals and asbestos contamination.
I didn’t know the RA structure was still standing, and hated to hear of the devastating fire of Aug 2010 and subsequent demolition of parts of the complex. In Houston, Texas, an old hospital, long neglected and abandoned and haunted, was converted into Artist’s Lofts with amazing success. I hope the remaining RA buildings can be saved. They just won’t be making anymore like this.
The guys from “Ghost Adventures” are complete goonies. Though I did find this entertaining and a bit scary, you have to take it with a few grains of salt. My family used to live on Central ave when I was young, right across from Harding. I remember going for walks with my mom past the shot tower and the cemetery across the street. I’ve lived in Stratford now since I was 5 or 6, but my earliest memories are of that area.
@April- I believe they are going to save the shot tower, for historic reasons. Unfortunately they had to tear down some of the complex, due to the fires. I drive 95 every day and I always take a look towards Remington and the hospital– it just wouldn’t be the same if they took down that tower.
Im from bridgeport and it is a shame they had to move out. the fact is that we have so many damn abandoned factories here that you could build a whole nuther little state like Rhode Island with the abandoned land we have here. It disgusts me how they just left us and destroyed our city and working peoples lives like they did. remmington GE and others alike should be ashamed of them selves. FU U b*stards! you turned our once great hardworking city into a Sh*t hole slacker ridden Ghetto. 3 family houses that once held working familys now are abandoned sqwats for crackheads. maybe the next time corporate America asks for a bail out they will hear this message. thanks corporate big business your the best! age.
ever since i was little i have had very strange and mysterious dreams about this place i am three months from being fifteen and i still have these dreams and i am wondering what it all means
i was born and raised in tha bpt
“If You Go: You probably shouldn’t — not because of things otherworldly, but because of people this wordly: drug dealers, gang members and other troublemakers you would expect to find in a poor blighted neighborhood in the cosmopolitan mecca that is Bridgeport. Steve used to deliver legal pharmaceuticals in this neighborhood, and often required police protection to do it!”
To the author of this article and to everyone else that decided to talk crap about something that they don’t know about. I have lived in Bridgeport most of my life, gone to school and lived just down the road from this factory and nothing bad has ever happened to be. You will not get ‘robbed’ from just walking down the street, I walk around all the time by myself at night and I haven’t had a single problem. People need to stop making Bridgeport seem like such a bad place when it isn’t even that bad.
As Jaime said, you’re not going to get robbed. The only bad thing my group saw was used heroin needles.
LOL, Bridgeport is a dump. Dont go down there at dark. Its all the heroine users that cause problems near RA. Im not saying you will get robbed, but to think its safe is idiotic. So glad I got out of that cess pool.
ay dont talk like that bout bridgeport my heart and SOUL is in that city i used to live by east main in three family owned by my family next to scoopers and the jamaican club
Yeah? And where do you live now? Come on, I’ve lived in Bridgeport for decades, it’s a dump and everyone knows it. Let’s not blow smoke up our own ass. Now as far as Remington Arms is concerned, I’ve walked, driven, and parachuted by the Remington, okay so I didn’t parachute, but it’s not as bad as everyone is claiming it to be. But , I’m not saying you won’t get robbed either, it’s just luck of the draw.. You could get robbed anywhere in Bridgeport. So to sit there and proclaim your love for a dump, just seems stupid. You could LOVE thehouse you grew up in, in that neighborhood, but not LOVE THE neighborhood, cause you live in a drug infested corner? Get where I’m going with this? Okay….now get back to talking about the history of the Remington Arms … Thanks
In fairness to Bridgeport, Hartford and New Haven are in the top twenty last year for most dangerous cities in America. I think Bridgeport was 33..
But back onto ghost and or spirits. They don’t exist, there is not ounce of submation or evidence in thousdands of years that can prove the existence of ghost. Most are just crazy people who think they see things, or people who want to beleive.
remington arms is really haunted because i be going in there, i be hearing voices or noises like people are still working there, its crazy, but i just ignore it and do what i was going to do. shit is real trust….
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Well its burned down now but if you ever had a chance to go in its amazing how big that factory was. I was explored that place and its unbelivable to be able to walk around their
Well I hate to hear it burned. My father worked there for 35 yrs. He worked in the very top in the shot tower.He said there were big pots of lead that he stirred and keep at the right temp..
then it would drop down to be put in shells. I always taught it was a cool building.When he retired in 1979 we moved to Arkansas. I do think he told me some creepy stuff that happened in the building. Wish he was still here to ask about it.He was the coolest dad ever.Harold Terry
was his name anybody know him. I hoped to get to check it out when i got to the port again
wish it hadn’t burned…..
your so full of shit its not a drug dealing infested city that wa in the late 80’s im a bridgeport representitive my whole life and here you come a stranger to our evironment and because the buildings are run down your quick o say its this and that if your goning to talk about the history of the building do that dont throw the city under the bus if you were scared thats your problem and for your friend supposedly dropping off drugs with police escort he was probably buying
Here ya go
Bridgeport Violent Crimes 1509
Average US City Pop 100,000+ 553.5
Bridgeport Murders 69
Average US City Pop 100,000+ 7
Bridgeport Rapes 69
Average US City Pop 100,000+ 33.1
Bridgeport Robberies 659
Average US City Pop 100,000+ 205.8
Can you Say Filthy Dump?
Do they still have the Jersey Barriers in the neighborhoods?
horace-no barriers took those out back in ’96
Mike-your bringing up statistics from 2003
the city pop is now at 140+ rapes down by 33%
and the murder rate is up as is in D.C, Detroit and new orleans. where are you from the deep woods somewhere out in philly nearest neighbor half a mile away. its people like you that make us not welcome people. Want to come and nit pic so much to say but yet want to come and take pictures of the buildings… but i be hearing voices or noises like people are still working there, its crazy, but i just ignore it and do what i was going to do. shit is real trust….
whats that shoot up and then say the city is shot? right right now i understand
I’m a Photographer that resides in Bridgeport I live in the North End of Bridgeport but I taken pictures of this building didn’t know what it was called until now this makes it even more interesting but that pictures I have taken I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary just and old abandoned building decaying, but my next pictures will be inside
Be afraid of what U could see not what U cant
I used to live on lindley st. And me and a few friends used to go inside remington factory i guess for the thrill ov being scared… (there being nothing interesting to do in a town like bridgeport) Ive been in there way too many times and i can say ive seen and experienced way too many tripy things. My friends and i have seen shadows that appear to be the silouhette of a man atleast about six feet tall in the windows. And crazy thing is, the shadow was appearing and dissapearing from window to window everytime id look away and bk … Another time, we visited the roof all the way up some stairs. On our way back down the stairs, we heard a deep voice that said “GET OUT!!”.( on our way down the stairs, one of the guys got caught up by his nek with a wire that was hanging from the ceeling. but that wire was on the floor wen we first got there.) We ran as fast as we could outa there.Ive also seen a verry tall figure that almost looked like a reaper. exept it had the face ov an old woman with wrinkly dry gray face.And her mouth was wide open.she would glide on the floor. she was atleast 8-9 feet tall. i herd a crying/yelling /sad kind of voice that came from her. long story short, we started to run outa there , but this time we were being chased outa there.As we were running, i kept looking back at her. She was gliding towards us and it seemed like she would be at different distances behind me everytime id take a look back.. i was the only girl in the group. and i felt as if it was following me,not my friends.For some eerie reason ,it felt as if she was trying to only scare me…. One summer night i brought some new friends to a different area of the place. its not in the bk were the gate is. This area is right next to Bushwik factory. You would have to pass an empty driveway right next to the factory and go all the way to the end were there was once a bridge. i was told this was a mental asilium.its a smaller abandoned building…i dared them but they were too scared to go in… (were were standing there outside ,talking). suddently i see one of those tall shadows inside on the right hand corner of the doorway… To proove to myself that i wasnt crazy, i asked them if they see anything. It took them a few seconds to notice and they all immediatelly started yelling and running bk to theyr cars… I breaked out lauphing because it was funny and gave me relief that me and the ppl i went w. before werent crazy…..took my little brother there once. Hes a year younger than me. We went in and ive never seen my brother soo scared before. He said that there were other shadows jumping in and out of my shadow. He said they were shaped like a man figure… but i didnt see anything that day. Although i believe him cause he would never lie to me. And i can feal the look on his face how scared he was. Wanted to keep exploring but couldnt stand to see him this way so we left…….. And one last incident……… Found an old satanic bible in case youre curious as to how it looks in there, there are a few office rooms w. really old rusty metal office desk. And the wole place has hallways and small rooms that have those old school metal beds and bed spring left ov it. There is just this one big room out ov all the rooms that looks more comfortable w. a fire place in it… It seems as if this place was burned down …. If u go there at night i am sertain that you will see shadows in the corners and going from room to room in the hallways… i can guarantee you that as soon as u walk in. you will get the darkes feeling overcoming your whole body. Wen i went at day i felt the same thing. even though it is bright in there cause all the windows are gone , i kept having the feeling of ppl being around me at all times..(instead of having the feeling of watching my bk, i would have to watch all around me. get some sort of pranoiya…verry eerie and heavy feeling in my chest of dread… but try not to let this bother you. Engoy the feeling… relax, and keep exploring… Anything new? write to me at
I lived around the corner from Remingting Arms as a child and we played in the old cemetery across the street and at night we would hear strange noises come from the cemetery. I was always curious about the tower of Remington Arms. I would walk past the building every single day on my walk to school and at night you would get the feeling that someone was watching you from that tower. I was so surprised when I saw Zak, Nick and Aaron from Ghost Adventures do a lockdown at Remington Arms. I watched it one Friday night on the Travel Channel. I was telling my boyfriend all about the area around the cemetery and Remington Arms.
Yes I have been in this place and came face to face with 2 ghost. One was child and the other was a male. They both told me to get out so I took their advise and ran. I was hit in the head by a wooden baton I needed 8 stitches to seal the gach in my head. Believe!
saw the RA building on googlemap.looks creepy
I heard all this property is going to be demolished 🙁 pretty soon how true is that I dont know 🙁
@frik listen ma man robert jr is right you guys got the nerve to be talkin bout tha port as if you own it you dont know notin about us. @vonny i believe that shit cuz it can happen the creepiest thing that happen to me was i was sleepin and right as i was bout ta go to sleep i feel a hand on my head and then this figure of a woman walk through my apartment stare straight at me and then it walked through the wall into my neighbors apartment.@henry listen i can tell your a skeptic but hear this there are historical moments of paranormal phenonmenon you just need to know where to look.
@Gio… My man, Did you even read what I typed? If not, then you could’ve kept the comment to yourself. Go back and read it closely. As a matter of fact, I’m going to copy and paste it for you, so you don’t have to go through the trouble… here you go.
FriK January 18th, 2011 11:38 pm
“Yeah? And where do you live now? Come on, I’ve lived in Bridgeport for decades, it’s a dump and everyone knows it. Let’s not blow smoke up our own ass. Now as far as Remington Arms is concerned, I’ve walked, driven, and parachuted by the Remington, okay so I didn’t parachute, but it’s not as bad as everyone is claiming it to be. But , I’m not saying you won’t get robbed either, it’s just luck of the draw.. You could get robbed anywhere in Bridgeport. So to sit there and proclaim your love for a dump, just seems stupid. You could LOVE thehouse you grew up in, in that neighborhood, but not LOVE THE neighborhood, cause you live in a drug infested corner? Get where I’m going with this? Okay….now get back to talking about the history of the Remington Arms … Thanks”
It’s number 94, just incase you want to check for yourself.
Okay, now I hope you read that closely enough to understand. Now where in there, does it make you assume that, (let me quote you on this) “I dont know notin about us” ?
Obviously, Robert Jr., made the same mistake, if his comment was geared towards me.
I’ll make this simpler, I’ve been a Bridgeport resident long enough (DECADES) to see the changes, in the quality of life in this City, to have the NERVE to talk about it. I’ve probably been a resident longer than you’ve been alive.
The comment also says it can be geared towards any City, as well.
Now to clarify it, I am a straight believer in the Paranormal, but, I’m also skeptic, of some of the stories, I hear. You have to admit, some of them can be pretty far-fetched. Doesn’t mean, they’re lying, just means, that it’s a bit hard to believe, and that’s where the investigations begin.
Again, Thanks. Let’s just keep the comments geared towards the Remington and the Bridgeport Hot Spots.
now frik about the comment i posted #88 what do you think i should because my friend want me to go and check it out says maybe there is something of valueable information that i might need to know so mabye (his theory) thats why remington arms is calling for me should i stay or should i go? and i am asking this as adult to adult advice because i obviously dont want to get into a fight on the internet because thats immature and stupid
Well my man, that’s really something only you can answer, if it’s that. Strong a feeling, then go, but remember, at your own risk. The police are monitoring that area constantly, so that would mean, no flashlights, unless you have a set of night vision goggles, you may be S.O.L…. And getting hurt is not an option you want to have.
i know i told my friend that he said he knows where he can get goggles and then he said we can survey the area to wich parts the police are not covering and go in i told him no matter what we are goin to be caught.
its getting demolished right now
i had dated a man back in the 80’s his mother was in the factory working during ww2 when it had an explosion – she was listed as missing only be found a couple of weeks later wandering around new jersey – of course she could not recall how she got there probably due to a concussion as a result of the explosion
i wish i was there to see it be demolished…..
This is only a shirt ride from the famous Haunted Skyscraper aka the Old Union Trust building in New Haven, CT which is one of the most haunted locations in CT.
I could have not cussed but hey,thats me i cuss and whats ur point? i hope we meet!! your a joke.worry bout yourself, not everyone on here.why do you even care? i dont care bout you, and trust me when i say you will know if im trying to put you down! Are you still in highschool,do you have problems at home,well dont take ur shit out on me,this is a comment site and these are my comments, so tell someone who cares cause i clairly dont care bout anything you have to say ,ur wasteing ur time,saying anything to me ,cause you know nothing about alot of things,talk to someone who care’s!
I noticed there were some personal attacks going on in this comment section, so I removed a number of comments — again!
I would like to remind everyone of Damned Connecticut’s comment policy.
Please feel free to share your views and opinions, but we do ask that you refrain from personal attacks and using profane language. If the sniping and fighting continues, the offending parties will be banned from posting on this site, which we really, really don’t want to do.
So play nice and be respectful. Thanks!
I spent the first 13 years of my life a couple of blocks from the Remington Woods and remember the bunkers, one of which was visible from Gate 8 on Evers Street. As kids in the 1950s, we followed the chain link fence from Evers Street to Broadbridge Road and encountered lots of deer (and also snakes). The perimeter road was patrolled regularly, so most of us kids never ventured beyond the fence. Many of the men in our neighborhood worked in the various wartime industries: Sikorsky, Bridgeport Brass, Remington, GE, etc., so frankly, I don’t see anything particularly spooky about the old Remington Arms factory. It’s just a derelict building where a lot of our parents earned the money to keep us in shoes. Bridgeport in those days was a pretty decent place to live. As a kid, I started taking the 10 North Bridgeport bus downtown when I was about ten or eleven – alone. It cost a dime to ride the whole length of the route, and I never felt unsafe. I used to take art and swimming lessons at the YWCA and then hang out and window shop at Howland’s, Read’s and Leavitt’s, or spend my whole allowance on lunch at Walgreen’s. I remember when I-95 was built, and my dad used to take the train from the old railroad station to Manhattan, where he worked. I remember Charlie the Bum very well. Glad to know he had a decent burial and a memorial. He might have been one of Bridgeport’s most famous characters since P.T. Barnum. But sorry, Remington Arms isn’t haunted. It’s just old, like a lot of things. If you live long enough, you’ll be old one of these days, too. 😀
so simon, does that mean you were the one who did that 30- second carhorn during the ghost adventures lockdown?: 😀
“WOW’…..The article was intertaining until the wordly comments about the folks in neighborhood. I’m 100% sure ever one in neighborhood or not drucg dealers, gang memebers & troublemakers, and whatever other uncharteirze ideal of the residents you may have in that little mind of yours. I thought u guys came to review a buliding and give your opion on your feild of expertise. It seems to me you came with judgement on topic and lifystlye you know nothing about. How about all the folks that work? They don’t count? How unforute to have iive in any neighborhood where there is crime..well crime everwhere…crime… does not discriminated…like your comments did. If we all had our way we would live the way we want..but you deal with hand that was given to and you make the best of it . I ride threw that area ofthen. The folk in the area may not have Million dollars homes & acres of land but they have family & friends and that’s what makes a coumminty. On nice summer like day it may amaze you but we can walk and chew gum a the same time (meaning) a grill is always burning & kids r doing the things that kids do (playing). Bpt. has a lot history. We just need to make sure the correct officals get elected…. poor polictics make a poor city.
Bridgeport is a shining city of love and peace and Baby Jesus loves it there.
Okay, I live some blocks off of Ramington Arms, I gotta say that every time I go past the building it gives me the creeps. Even though Bridgeport is a lot better now a days then before, this part of town is still known for the criminal activity that goes on. There is a lot of trash everywhere and its just not a pretty site to see.
Anyways, these structures are being demolished now. My understanding is that they are making some more projects, I guess like The Greens or something. Kinda sucks cause I wanted it to be a mall. After all, we deserve a mall in Bridgeport.
Is this place haunted? From reading previous comments I think that it most likely is haunted, but I am more then happy to see it be demolished and have a better view to look at when I drive by.
thats not right it should not have been demolished that buildings been around for decades and i feel that the state of connecticut should have seen it as some sort of landmark in its own its own right.
think zak and all the rest are just faking all that. Because everytime something happens it’s so fake. I just don’t believe in ghost. And for aallthe other shows think that all put on to.
I believe in ghosts and I want to visit Remington Arms :[ Scary Stuff
People! The RA is still standing, the neighborhood it’s in isn’t bad at all. Every time I went I see the same nice sweet old people sitting outside with their grandchildren.
I’ve never felt threatened by anyone or anything. Once a cop followed me to the bodega, but that was it…. I just wanted a loosey and an Arizona iced tea!
I bring thousands of dollars in equipment with me and park a street over.
There are NO plans to demolish any of it. Only part that was demolished was burned.
Please check out my abandoned building photography page, it’s constantly updated.
My friend and I have smoked weed in this old factory many times. It’s very fun to explore as long as you don’t mind your hands getting dirty on the rusted railings. I’ve been all the way to the top and down to the basement and I’d say that the basement is by far the creepiest part of the building. If you aren’t looking to get scared and don’t have some sort of flashlight you should avoid the basement. The top floor is the best part of the building by far. From the top floor you have a terrific view of the east side and it’s very fun to look down the elevator shaft when you’re six floors up.
oh and BTW if you ever walked in on me smoking a blunt in there I wouldn’t give you trouble, I’d offer you some. You shouldn’t be afraid of homeless people either.
Great place for a FEMA internment camp…I have my eye on this facility.
Many Westport (as an example) residents would never respond to a hypothetical question like, “Do you live near Bridgeport?” with a legit yes. Too bad it gets such a bad rap, but it reflects the real world more. Now I live over 1500 miles away and there a many Bridgeport like places, north, south, and in between. Yes you could get jumped, but there are a lot of people that would say hi to you. If you act scared anywhere it will have consequences. If you go to Bridgeport Nebraska you might get jumped by a prairie rattlesnake or a mountain lion. Peace out.
It’s an interesting place – I used to rent space there until it closed in 2005. Also did some work in the power house – that was really cool when it was running – all the guages moving and the old indicators on the control panels. When the boilers were running, you could hear / feel the subsonic vibrations outside by the smoke stack even through the thick brick walls. There was also a little glass door on the side of the boiler that you could look in on the flames with – that was really cool – seeing the huge flames in the boiler.
Did sowm work in some of the other basements too and never felt too strange – the only odd thing I saw was a dog skull in the basement of bldg 243 (I think that’s torn down now after the big fire).
I didn’t have much experience personally with the ghosts, except for catching a voice on tape in the second floor above the medical section saying “Help me.” Heard that someone was once working late all alone, I believe on the 4th floor (bldg 241?) and started smelling a sweet smell for a while and it suddenly turned into a putrid smell – they closed up shop and went home and didn’t work late again. I once saw a little white orb thing fly across the room on the side of my vision.
The guard who used to work there said he had a picture of the “lady in white” who used to descend the stairs from the 4th floor. I never experienced that.
I’ve heard other reports of filming of glowing orbs and things, especially on the 4th floor where the bullet making machines are (were?).
Speaking of Westport – if you go to the Winslow dog park (Post Rd E & Compo North) and you look carefully you can still see the foundation outlines of the old Westport Sanitarium – wonder if that’s haunted??
Ok, I saw that Ghost Adventures show and I did think it was interesting. But just because people hear strange noises in a huge abandoned factory at night doesn’t mean it’s haunted.
That thing must have tons of metal in it and that alone would account for much of the noises, when it’s expanding and contracting during temperature changes. And don’t forget about rats, cats, homeless people, and even noise coming from the streets outside.
Any strange lights would most likely be your retinas playing games with you. Our eyes aren’t perfect and in the complete dark you WILL see random ‘glitches’ even just for a split second.
Recorded words are random guesses. I personally didn’t hear the words they claimed were being spoken. Random noise being interpreted as words.
So, no, it’s not haunted and there are no ghosts. You die, your body turns to dust and that’s it. (But I’m not going in there to proof I’m right. Never in my life.)
You what this is Bullshit… Mr Ray Bendici, no disrespect to you, but you claim to run this site and every time someone tries to defend themselves from this asshole, BELLA, you delete their comments but allow this BELLA to ridicule, belittle and downright verbally abuse everyone… She’s a piece of trash who thinks that she’s the Keeper of fk’n souls… come on, it’s getting ridiculous, I enjoy reading about the history of the Remington, but it’s getting to the point where she makes it unbearable. She is not the only person that has seen apparitions or dealt with the paranormal in any and every way. Talks about US KIDS, like she’s older than Moses on the Mountain, I’m sure I’m a lot older than she is… Did she receive the Ten Commandments while there? Geezus, she needs to shut the hell up already and let people post what they feel is relevant to the site… for the love of God.
Frik, it might be the new spam filter I installed. I’ll look into it. Sorry for any trouble this is causing people.
Kate, webmaster,
frik the only person it bothers is you i was commenting on one person’s comment ,if they have a problem with that they can address it to me i don’t bash everyones comments! and who the hell are are you the keeper of this site…did i say anything to you …no everyone is entitled to say what they feel so mind your own business for a change if you have problems with me say it to my face dont hide behind a keyboard cause i just about had it with you! come cry to me not the person who created this site. what is really your problem,for real? if you dont like something i write then guess what DO’NT READ IT!!! how hard is this ? not really that hard. have a great day? 😉
No worries the City of Bridgeport is tearing down the Remington building only to leave us memories of its great past.
i grew up in bridgeport until i was twelve years old and i never knew that this place was haunted and its pretty awsome to know that there’s haunted places in your home town that i’ve grown up in
This was a very interesting article, as I came across it while researching the “old GE building”, as we call it–since they’re about to demolish it to make way for a new high school, reportedly (see
One thing I didn’t appreciate were your comments at the end of the article about drug dealers, gangs, etc. Please don’t stereotype an area which you apparently don’t know that much about. As a resident of this Bridgeport neighborhood, of course you have some knuckleheads running around–as there’s good & bad in EVERY neighborhood, including the ones that try to hide behind their ritzy addresses and high real estate price tags.
No, our neighborhood might not be all glamorous like some surrounding towns in Fairfield County. But the majority of us are regular, hardworking citizens (who, by the way, pay EXORBITANT city taxes) and want the best for our families like anyone else. I’ve lived just a few blocks away from Remington Arms, and I have yet to see drug dealers hanging out on corners, thank you. Actually, the people you see “hanging out” tend to be the schoolkids waiting for their school buses in the morning…oooh, how “dangerous.” Just because a place is largely black & hispanic and might have a PAST history of violence–update your thinking, the same way Bridgeport is continuing to improve.
i agree with von…i never known or even heard of drug dealer or users in there. i been living in Bridgeport my whole life and i must say we are improving alot!
Yes, Michelle–Bridgeport has had its rough periods and still has room for improvement (i.e. the public schools, for example)–but it has definitely come a significant way and isn’t nearly as “bad” as it used to be. There are tons of events, shops, and a vibrant arts scene that gives the city a flavor that others don’t really have as much.
That being said, it looks like there’s some renovation of some sort being done at Remington Arms (especially where it faces the intersection of Boston & Seaview Aves.) Dunno whether it’s actually haunted or not, but I always thought its overall structure would make it a good candidate to be renovated into a work/live/shop complex or something–they would make amazing lofts.
In any case, I think there’s some cleanup going on; I see security guards and an assortment of construction-type folks going in & out, and it doesn’t look nearly as shabby anymore as it does in the pics on this page–they must be from some years back.
Is Anyone intrested in going back to the Remington before buildings get destroyed? I never went but the ERGE to go wont leave my mind. I always investigate anything I can find out of this place. I even ask older people who might know sum things. I would like to be fully prepared wen we go. Maybe a group? I lived in Bpt my whole life, well I’m in my mid 20’s… and as I got older, I wondered more. I’m Extremely excited about visting before these buildings are down for good. Whos down????
hi, just wondering if this place is still worth the trip? any info that’s u.t.d. thanks!
I’ve been in this place, before they tore down the recently demolished structures. Those were HORRIBLY unsafe. We’re talking huge open holes in the collapsing floor, where you could see down multiple stories. I was terrified just walking through there not because of ghosts, addicts or the like, but because the place was literally crumbling down and at any time, I probably could’ve plunged through.
Climbing to the top of the shot tower was way cool, but be careful… It’s nasty on your way up. There’s lots of lead dust, decades old bird droppings, etc. The third story up, I kind of wish I had worn a dust mask, but we trudged on through and made it up. The top was cool.
Overall, I couldn’t help but conclude that the plant was a community liability, not an asset. It would probably be better for that area in particular (and B’port in general) if it were torn down. Sadly, the industrial renaissance won’t be returning to America and even if it did, the Remington plant was in no condition to accommodate it.
I don’t know if you can still get in there… We were pretty lucky in that we volunteered with Bridgeport Habitat who at that time was located in the complex- a friendly security guard took us with him on his rounds. I’ve heard that they no longer do that. It was worth seeing once just because I like spendid-decay, but not something I’d ever go out of my way to do again.
The only problem I see with this is that Ghosts don’t exist, so the whole thing is pure BS. 🙁
Has anyone who has been inside RE ever seen any WPA murals on the walls?
I was eating a Cheese Burger in RA just last night with Jason Hawes. Jason says RA is the place to be for Ghost Hunting. We were both shocked to see a black vapor coming for us, so we ran like little school girls! Stay out of that place or you will have your Cheese Burger eaten by a Black Vapor…..
I have read several of the posts here and I was surprised that no one has made the distinction between the Remington Arms complex and the GE complex (originally built by Remington Arms). They are two separate entities in two separate neighborhoods. I lived in Bridgeport until I turned 18, went to an out of state college and never moved back. My house was just a couple of blocks from the GE building site; My dad worked there until they moved his department to the Schenectady NY office. I have to say that even back then it had a spooky aura.
Funny that you mention it, Posh… GE is being demolished as we speak… They’ve got every building down to its framework, except for their front brickwork…..
I have spent the last 2 1/2 years at remington my favorite place to be is on the roof of the production floor..a.k.a explotion room. its nice to walk around or just lay up there basking in the sun.but if u want the million dollar veiw top of the shot tower 250 ft up so beautiful! I wont stop comeing here till the last brick is gone for i feel a scence of home here and with all the spirits who dwell here. This place is not haunted incorrect terminology,its active with spirits who havn’t crossed and who just what to rest in peace whatever that is for them.
I grew up three blocks from Remington, on Beach St. Went to St John’s church and school. Sgt Jones (motorcycle cop) from the BPD precinct on Arctic directed traffic every morning on our walk from the church to the school.
Both parents retired from Remington. My mother is 89 and still praises the health insurance she receives from Dupont.
When I returned from Viet Nam in ’67 managers at Remington held a meeting where they asked me questions regarding ammunition in Nam. One of my proudest moments was when they said my mother, being a Quality Control inspector had maintained the highest standards saying “If one of these bullets ends up over there in my son’s gun, I want it to fire”.
Remington was good to both my parents.
Tearing it down may remove the site but Internet links such as this will keep the memory alive.
I can’t imagine that area without those buildings. So sad. To those of you who live in the homes/duplexes on Bond, Remington, Dover and Palisades, back in the day, they were occupied mostly by the families of the workers. We were all one big family. Dads bowled and played cards together, moms shopped together and we kids hung out together. Most of us went to Edison Elementary and Harding High. Oh my, I wish I’d taken the time to visit Bridgeport before they demolished the buildings.
So is this place still up? would luv to visit before it’s gone.
Random, whats stopping you from visiting this beautiful piece of history? still very much up and active.
good to know, wasn’t sure if it was still up. thanks!
I do believe in ghosts, but, I lived on seaview ave and had to walk through those buildings about every night for 5 years, and never saw anything. I will say that i had a feeling of someone watching through the windows though. And the whole drug dealing,gang member and homeless thing is a bunch of grabadge. Way to make Bridgeport seem like a piece of crap!
Bridgeport all Day ya heard !
I was born and raised(1963) like two blocks from Remington. Jane Street (between Hallett and Pembroke) we actually hung out at the cemetary right across the street since there was no park to hang out at…i never saw or heard anything (back then) about the place being haunted..kinda sux that they are tearing it down but,it sat vacant so long,not much more they could do… I heard a few years back something about the owner (owners)? just let it go to hell because they couldnt afford to demo it and have it removed..? not stating a fact,,was just something i remember reading….gonna be strange to drive down that street and not see those buildings anymore… just like G.E. they are basicly gone…ok,,,thats it,,, just found this site when i was looking up GE,,,glad i found it,,,Have a good day… Oh,,BTW— dont believe everything u hear about BPT,,every city has its good and bad,,,every city! peace out 🙂
I grew up 4 houses from the Remington Arms complex during the 1950s-1960s (Shelton St.). My grandmother worked there in the lead room during WWII until the late 1960s. She and my father would talk about the strange goings on at the shot tower. As a kid growing up what creeped me out more was the spooky old cementary located adjacent to the property I but never saw any ghosts.
Lots of history…
Just saw some great inside and outside photos of RA on It looks mighty dangerous!
I was born in 1964 on Wakeman St. I lived in the Black Rock area for some time then moved over by E.Main St. and Boston Ave. I attended Beardsley School and East Side Middle which is no longer there. I used to pass the Remington Plant numerous times and I would have the hair standing on the back of my neck and arms and not know why it creeped me out so bad that is until I watched Ghost Adventures. I guess I picked up on it. Someone had mentioned the house on Lindsey St. I remember that big time for I lived on Hawley Ave. That was totally crazy. I used to have friends in Father Panik Village they attended Beardsley School and East Side Middle….definitely not a good idea to go there when got dark. It was rough so was Beardsley Terrace and Barnum Apts. area. That was my old stomping grounds so to speak along with the Mountain Grove Cemetary area. I love Bridgeport and its history. I miss the parades down Park Ave and such. My grandfather when he was alive worked for Sikorsky’s and my mother worked at Golden Heights Nursing Home by the old GE Plant (not sure if the plant is still there, I think what used to be known as Golden Heights is now Bridgeport Manor). I remember there was a house in Clinton Park on North Ave and Brooklawn Ave with an old abandon cemetery next to it, the lady who lived there was actually a relative of P.T.Barnum and some guy had robbed her house and killed her. What nonsense…..that lady when I did see her was awesome and would talk to me. I remember the Good Ol’ Days there. I had moved to stratford and in 1976 was working at the american shakespeare theatre through they youth employment training program, I loved it there and the people who worked there I will always remember for they were wonderful. I am hoping to make a trip up there and show my husband around so he can see first hand Bridgeport.
i lived here for 13 years, and i am now 14. i know i maybe young but i love history! i lived about 3 blocks away and they are now destroying it. honestly, im kind of sad because other then our murder rates, it was the only thing that kept bridgeport known
Went in there few days ago, it is my absolutely the most favorite abandoned place I’ve been to so far! It is absolutely beautiful! You completely lose the track of time, my friends and I spent only like 2 hours in there, but it felt as we’ve been there for years!! It’s just undescribeable feeling of being in there, totally going back soon!!
John Babina has been chronicling the deconstruction of the
General Electric Company’s Boston Avenue factory buildings. To see his
photos, click on the following:
Youtube link obtained from, Bridgeport East ender’s association:
Vol 1 –
Vol II –
Vol III –
Vol IV –
Vol V –
why knock it down this area has alot of history, why not convert it in2 low income apartment’s do something positive with these building’s ,think about all the homeless people ,the people that can’t afford 2 pay 1,200 of rent or buy a house we need 2 make bridgeport in2 a better city not destroy it there are so many empty lot’s abandon store’s,building’s etc whats up with that mayor,build business’s so that we can have job’s good paying job’s i think it’s disgusting how the rich are getting richer the poor are being forgotten we need 2 stop being so selfish and greedy,people that have home’s and work they even have the nerve 2 get on welfare cheat the system not realizeing that your taking away from a family that really need’s help,that really upset’s me .
whenever your ready nikki im down lets visit this remington place see if its really haunted
They finally tore down the building, saddly this location no longer exists. So don’t waist the time and gas to go down there to see a empty lot, it was a really cool place to visit.
If ur talking about the old Remington arms its still standing and the reason I know is because I just left. There is something evil there now someone opened a door to another realm and didn’t close it! But it’s allways worth the drive to visit my spirits! So Edevil idk which Remington ur talking about…?
I think folks are still confusing the Remington Arms buildings with the General Electric buildings. The GE buildings were the ones that were demolished.
Posh, I think you are 100% correct.
I’m in Bridgeport. I drive by RA everyday, GE is gone nothing but ruins. I was sad the the day GE was demolished. I used to do temporary work there cleaning up. RA is still up but looks like it wants to collaps. I want to go check it out because I always walked around the side of the fence but never went in. Whos down let me know
My wife just found a large machine gun fired bullet casing (Browning M2 machine gun) washed up on a Kent beach in England. The bullet casing although green and tarnished still had it’s markings on the bottom. The markings were RA 41, I looked it up on google and found that it meant it was from the ammunition factory at Bridgeport Connecticut. I was looking forward to telling the factory about the find after all these years and was surprised how things ended up there. Oh well I guess a lot of factories end up derelict and in this case haunted! But it’s a shame that a place like that with it’s historical importance ie helping to destroy the Nazi war machine by producing the bullets needed to give us the fire power, shot from those bombers I guess a US Flying Fortress back in the 1940’s. Strange to think that that casing was fired all those years ago and then the next person who picked it up was someone going for a nice stroll down the beach. Thank You Remington Factory Bridgeport for helping to make that beach in England a peaceful one.
Thank’s for reading…
I am from bpt some ppl do confuse them with the GE building becuase they were all one facility at one time, but the GE buildings are gone now an the remaining buildings are in pretty bad shape. I was in the shot tower on August 1st even found a piece of notepad paper Left behind by ghost adventures with notes on the Hungarian lady in the cemetery an the worker bludgeoned to death. I also went into the building on the corner of Helen an Barnum an walked all through it. Didn’t find hear or see anything unusuall not even a crackhead lmao ,I don’t know wich building has the shooting range underground an would love to see it I’m always around my email is jagringo@sbcglobal if anyone is serious please email me an we can get together an go I can’t wait to go back.
It was on fire again!
BRIDGEPORT — Firefighters continued their battle Sunday against a stubborn fire at the Remington Arms site on Barnum Avenue.
Blazes at the plant have become common occurrences in recent summers. This time, though, the fire broke out about noon Saturday in the part of the complex south of Barnum Avenue, instead of the larger Remington site to the north.
As of Sunday afternoon, the blaze was 95 percent extinguished, but hot spots remained in parts of the structure firefighters could not directly access, Assistant Fire Chief William Hathaway said.
A rotating group of firefighters was expected to work well into the night to extinguish those hot spots.
Blazes in the former factory site have always proved difficult for the city’s department to extinguish because firefighters can’t go into the structures due to the threat of a building collapse.
The structures were built in 1915 and have been vacant for years.
Officials with the city’s Building Department and the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection were on hand over the weekend, but there are no plans to demolish the four-story structures.
Two years ago, the state department ordered and oversaw demolition of the part of the complex to the north of Barnum Avenue to aid firefighters in battling a weeklong fire in late August. Fires on that part of the complex, owned by developer Sal DiNardo, are common.
It’s been 45 years since I’ve been in Bridgeport. Both parents retired from Remington Arms.
I don’t know the circumstances that allow these buildings to remain such a threat nor can I understand why Bridgeport risks the safety of fire fighters and its resources trying to save buildings that are deemed too unsafe to enter, or even salvage.
Yes it was on fire again on saturday im hoping to by there later today maybe I will take some pics hopefully the shot tower is fine an I put my email before but made a typo lol I am always lookin for anyone to explore more of this place with I know how to get in without bien seen also die anyone know where it how to get to the underground shooting range?!!! I think it’s in the main building but not sure but somebody email me an we will go
I am looking for any information on a possible past employee named Fred Gunther. We have a Remington Model 8 gun with the engraving of Fred Gunther 1902-1948. Thanks
So I have a question, thought, whatever you want to call it. Who thinks its possible that spirits of the people who have worked or died at the factory could be attached to the guns themselves? A new gun shop opened up recently next to a coffee shop I often go to at night. Ever since it opened, my friend and I often experience strange things happening. Tapping sounds, shadows, whispers, the door of the gun shop moving, etc. Then I noticed that they sell remington guns. I had a John Zaffis moment and thought maybe there are older guns in there or something that a spirit is attached to. Just thought I’d share!
Very possible, Margaret. Also if any of those weapons, are weapons that they bought from a previous owner to resell, and that weapon has any traumatic event attached to it, that energy can still be attached to it.
Was at the shot tower on Monday was great went all the way to the roof it was great saw something kinda interesting on one of the higher floors where the steps kinda turn more into ladders there’s a hole in the concrete floor/ceiling rigt in front of the steps the funny thing that I didn’t notice til I was on my way Down though is the floor below where the hole would b in the cieling there a iron hook hangin from the exposed rods on the hole almost like someone was tryn to pull the floor down its kinda wierd too cuz of the hieght an position it wouldn’t if. Web ease without a ladder just to put a hook there shoulda took a pic maybe when I go back Found other kinda wierd stuff too found some newspapers from the 80s in a locker now they looked just like they should brownish yellow old an fallin apart the wierd part is I found some papers in the very next room from some meeting held there dated 1969 but they were perfectly preserved like they were just printed up paper was white soft folded it was wierd I took some pictures of them I also have some cool pictures of bpt that I took from the roof an some misc pics I took inside shotgun shells I found old desks a tunnel various others not sure how to post them but if anyone wants to see email me I’ll share em sorry post was so long just tryn to share my experiences
Quote: “anyone know where it how to get to the underground shooting range?!!! I think it’s in the main building but not sure”
My father worked for years at the ballistics section (tunnels) and I remember taking supper to him and handing it through the fence.
It’s not at the main buildings. It’s been 40+ years since I was in Bridgeport so I can’t remember the name of the street but it was past Beardsley Park, going out and turning right. A busy road in a nondescript area of hills with just a six foot fence around it. No identification even when it was up and running. In the 50s and 60s the area across the street was a subdivision of houses we called chicken coops because of their plain design. Folks in the area had no idea what was across the street. If I recall correctly, during the 60s there was a huge garden market at the intersection near the ballistics tunnels.
I can find out and will post more.
It wouldn’t have been at the end of Evers Street, would it? When I
was a little kid, my grandmother and I used to take walks to “Gate 8”.
There were earth bunkers on the other side of the gate, and the
property belonged to Remington Arms. She informed me that this was
where the Arms tested guns. So maybe the secret location wasn’t all
that secret, huh? LOL!
To get to Evers Street, you’d take either East Main Street, alongside
Beardsley Park, or Huntington Turnpike, which runs parallel to East
Main, and turn right at the light. Go to what used to be the end of
Evers Street, and the Remington property was on the right, just below
the housing development that was built to house employees in the local
industries during WWII.
Ratty, who used to live on Fleetwood Place, about two blocks from the
Remington property. 😉
“To get to Evers Street, you’d take either East Main Street, alongside
Beardsley Park, or Huntington Turnpike, which runs parallel to East
Main, and turn right at the light. Go to what used to be the end of
Evers Street, and the Remington property was on the right,”
Your directions sound right. I couldn’t remember the name of the street.
Is Broadbridge ave. around that area?
Yep. Broadbridge Ave. is just a few blocks beyond Evers St. if you continue down Huntington Tpk toward Trumbull.
I lived in bridgeport for years and walking by this building I heard a gun shot from the sniper tower. My school park city prep charter school was near that school and walking home from school I saw shadows of old working that died still working. One day my dad a police officer went in with me and my thoughts on the paranormal was never the same after that night.
It is not a sniper tower. It is called a ‘shot tower’ because it was used in the manufacture of lead ‘shot’, the pellets used in shotgun shells. At the top they would pour molten lead through a plate similar to a colander (the thing you drain pasta with), and the little lead droplets would form perfect spheres as they fell. They would land in a tank of water to cool the rest of the way, and then be sorted for size.
I live in BPT & its still a bad in that section. Last winter a homeless man got his head chopped open and his brain and eye balls were eaten, a few blocks down from RA, another young guy trying to stop a mugging got killed about a block away from where the cannibal struck.
Long story short, that area is STILL full of junkies, crack heads, low lifes, etc.
There are so many idiots that roam the streets over there. They STILL use the cemetery at night to squat, get high, get “busy”, etc.
Some poor kid who had a chance in life, was not a dumb fool, got shot in a drive by shooting a few months ago less than 2 blocks from the RA site, all kinds of home robberies, bike robberies, scooter robberies, etc.etc. are going down as we speak.
The 2 different ppl that jacked my 2 different neighbors scooters BOTH lived right in that area. BOTH scooters were found over by Pembroke and Hallett area. BOTH thief’s were under 21 and lived in the area. Now they live in North Ave Jail. lolz. My bro drove by on his scooter and flipped em the bird. lmao. Maybe they didnt see him, but they are locked up in a huge ass smelly dorm eating slop and he was out riding his scooter, scoping pretty girls, eating delicious food, and loving life.
Lets not fool ourselves, if you wanna spout about all the “mad love” you got for “Da Port” then why don’t I see YOU on the East Side picking up garbage, organizing crime watches, and all that jazz?
How bout getting someone to help out the addicts and prosti’s and young wanna be gang bangers before they fall too deep into the mess?
Go through there ALL the time & don’t see nothing but ppl hanging out and acting a fool.
They got that big white truck that hands out clean needles and does HIV tests and helps addicts get help if they want it.
I doubt ANY of the ppl on here saying dont mess with Bridgeport are the ones working on that truck FOR FREE to help addicts and homeless ppl.
Sorry to burst the bubble and spill the truth, but its true.
The Arms has caught fire 2 or 3 times MORE since 2008 and has had a huge chunk ripped down. They are ripping the entire thing down. Too late to go there, its waay too dangerous inside to explore, unless you go across Barnum and get in there. But the haunted parts were the parts that caught on fire and are getting ripped down.
BravO Anon, well said. HA!
I had the same reaction to those “love the port” blah blah posts here. Thank you for keeping it real. I grew up in a different Bridgeport. In the 60s and early (very early) 70s, it was a wonderful safe place. My friends and I could hang out and walk around at all times of the day and night. I left in ’75 when I went to college in another state and have never gone back. I thought about visiting but I probably shouldn’t. Maybe I should just remember it as it was.
Everything changes. In the case of Bridgeport it’s change for the worst.
I spent the late 50s at 297 Beach St. Every Sunday I bought newspapers at Riccio’s and pastry at Zwerdlings (sp?)bakery. I knew every back yard, fence and short cut in a four square block area. I used to walk all the way to LeDonnes Music to take guitar lessons as a kid. Went to grammar school across from the Arctic Sport shop. Always safe.
Rode my bike to Beardsley Park every Saturday and got home just before dark. Never an incident.
During the 80s, living in the deep south, I returned to Bpt. to show my wife and kids the old home site. My rental car was surrounded by locals who scared the hell out of us.
Haven’t been back since and have no desire to return.
I hold on to the good memories, though.
Ok ok these last 2 guys sorry to say sound like clowns.I am from bpt an no it’s not the best place in the world an yes it’s a lil rough places but nothing like these guys r sayin lmao. An for the guy who said the ppl who say that aren’t in bpt I’m on iranistan ave right before seaside everyday an as far as not bieng in the east side I go there all the time I’ve been to Remington multiple times last time bieng this past Thursday an I’m goin again Monday so please guys stop with the bpt horror stories lmaooo some things r true but it’s not all that bad lol an again if anybody ever wants to share pics of Remington or go or maybe if u need to be taken on a guided tour of bpt so nobody robs or murders u like these ppl seem to think my email is
Bridgeport has many realities. It is a hugh city, the largest in the state. My reality is a lovely street, with good neighbors and a beautiful view of the water. We have the best beach in SW connecticut and an ethnic diversity that brings art and culture to the city. I know all about the problems of the city and write about them every day on my Bridgeport In the Know Facebook page and my Bridgeport block Watchers page about crime. It is a struggling poor city, with sneaky politics. There are thousands of good residents who volunteer to help the city, and there is also a culture of “no snitching” that continues the violence. It is very complex and we are not going to solve it here.
Really, Ed C.? Not for nothing, but you sound very ignorant. If you left Bridgeport 30 years ago and “haven’t been back since” as you say, how can you even judge the city without any knowledge of or experience with how it is now???
The Bridgeport of the 1980s was seriously jacked-up, yes–but dude, it’s been three friggin’ decades, and a LOT has changed. True, as Bridgeport In The Know eloquently put it, it still has good and not-so-good aspects–but what city doesn’t? It’s interesting how all these “Oooh, Bridgeport is sooo BAD!” folks tend to not know a damn thing about the city–except from hearsay, which tends to be overblown and seriously outdated. There are some things to be desired still, but the people (the majority of whom are good, hard-working, family-conscious folk) are working together to change things over time. If you can’t recognize that, then it’s best to stay where you are and keep your ignorance under wraps, thanks. We’ll do fine without you–and don’t even think of starting to show your sorry faces around town when things start to “gentrify”!
Tell em again vee lol
I’m sorry but a few ppl who don’t do bad doesn’t mean the city is on an upswing.
If you’re not actively phoning the cops for all the BS you see you are in fact enabling it.
I don’t sell drugs or rob ppl, but if I see any illegal crap go down and walk away only to talk smack about it later how did I help? I didn’t.
Ppl are smart as hell to be wary and scared. I’m sorry but no strangers of any color can safely walk that east side or near them projects. Maybe a few times you be OK, but then what? You willing to risk it?
Why don’t you go near Remington in the day, drive all through that lil hood, go in the corner stores, drink a soda out front, say hi to passerby’s, do you think you’ll be met with open arms or suspicion and hostility?
Getting chemo then driving right down through there to go home I pass right by RA weekly. I’m stared at, yelled at, etc. Either I’m looking for drugs or a cop. Nice. Stereotypes alive and well.
Maybe it was settling down but not no more. That poor little girl,15,shot on her porch for nada, last night home robbery #1 million of the last 6 months, kids goin buckwild tossing rocks at cop cars, etc.
I saw a few take back the hood rallys when the cannibal attacked the homeless guy, the kid trying to stop a mugging got killed, their shrines are still there. Then it ended. Apathy and comfortability set in again. You can learn to live w/anything after enough exposure. Don’t mean its right or good.
We just started a crime watch by Noble Ave. Had to. The BS trickled over to us. 6 robberies in 1 month on a 15 house street. Its changing? Yes, for worse! You walk on our street you are watched closely, we see drugs or BS, we call 911. I don’t care what your excuse is you will be held accountable. Momma didn’t breast feed ya, Daddy left, big brother was shot, Sister smoke crack, you was in DCF care, so what? Grow up and take responsibility for yo self and actions.
You guys, we all know the truth and half truths and lies about Bridgeport. Screw it. Let’s agree to disagree.
Who wants to do some ghost hunting? Let’s go to Fairfield hills, Union cemetery, Dudley town, Remington, etc.
Who’s in?
I want to see the lindley street house sand the museum with haunted stuff in it, a guy in Stratford owns it. I know ed warren passed but do they still have ppl to see their haunted museum?
Quote: “Really, Ed C.? Not for nothing, but you sound very ignorant. If you left Bridgeport 30 years ago and “haven’t been back since” as you say, how can you even judge the city without any knowledge of or experience with how it is now???”
I mentioned a specific house in a specific neighborhood and have been labeled “ignorant” and “a clown”.
First, let me apologize for offending anyone. It was not my intent. But then too I’ve no doubt that my critics would hesitate to drive by 297 Beach St. with their kids and say hello to the folks there and relate that there’s a peanut butter jar filled with pennies buried in the back yard. I buried it in the 50s in the garden where my dad grew rhubarb.
While I have not been to the old neighborhood in 30 years I do visit relatives in Bridgeport, several times every year. Granted, blight does not prevail across the entire city.
If the East Side has improved dramatically since my last visit there in the 70s, I again apologize.
Ok we’ll first star ill b more than glad to go ghost hunting anywhere in ct An the lindley st house is just a very smal house on the street not much to see also john zaffis now only opens when hes no filming Ed warren did pass but loraine will b doin something at shelton high soon An for the guy who got called a clown u seem to think nobody here is from bpt an everybody is scared if the east side I’m born an raised in marina village an am there everyday I’ve been to the stores an drank sodas on the east side with no problems again I’m from bpt an don’t walk the streets shakin an shivering lol yea bpt is rough yea ppl get killed sometimes but it’s not that bad again I go to Remington all the time an was there Monday an have pics to prove it I’ve been day an night through various buildings from the roof of shot tower to the basement of the main building an will go back with anyone at anytime so plz stop with all the “these ppl don’t go to bpt or are scared of the east side” plz the scariest thing about the east side is all the Spanish music an potholes lol. An that’s not to b racist anybody who’s REALLY from bpt know the east side is lil Puerto Rico lol. An sorry If I offended the guy I called a clown lmaoo u just sound so scared an exaggerated its not that bad of u want ill take u there an make sure no one robs or kills u lmaooo. I do suggest anybody wanting to go to Remington contact me soon have a feelin roof won’t be accessible or safe after the winter like I said I was there Monday an roof has some soft spots
Ed, your post was spot on my friend. Fact is this-times HAVE changed dramatically and its nice to hear what it used to be like when the E side was all hard working folks who had pride in their little homes and yards and themselves.
You’re no clown. You shared a nice story and your thoughts. I respect all these ppl and their posts, even the ones I feel pity for.
Now the so called Bpt Pride is scattered, one house is up kept, the next kinda crappy, the next up for foreclosure, the next full of junkies squatting, etc.
Point is this, if you lived here back in its glory day or 10 years ago or last night you see the changes. Too few ppl give a crap enough to make it what it was. Bpt doesn’t have the jobs to even go back there anyways. The ppl in charge get in the way too. Look at that loser Newton. He thought we’d re elect him?! Its gotta be a shock to go away with one picture in your head then come back and see this hot mess.
Sadly I don’t think in our lifetime Bpt will change all that much. Taxes are obscene, lack of jobs, lack of programs to offer kids and adults a better way, corruption on all levels of government, etc. They will be ripping ALL housing projects down too. In the next 10 years. Marina or The Greens is next. What they were meant to be and what they are is two different things entirely.
That singer John Mayer is from Fairfield Ct. Born in Bridgeport. With his millions he never came back to give back to the community. But a rapper not from here at all came to Bridgeport and donated money to a children’s/teens program to help the kids get off the streets. John could help fund a not for profit musical program. We got talented kids in Bridgeport w/no where to train or be mentored properly.
Another example of how Bpt is crapped on by its own. Sadly a few that do good get fed up and move on. Its a hard, dirty, thankless job. Trying to help Bridgeport. One of these cute community gardens got trashed a few weeks ago. What scumbag does that to vegetables and flowers? Worthless a-holes that’s who!
Too few ppl that give a crap, no money or support on government levels, high taxes, high crime, questionable schools, etc. Are ruining Bpt. We need to get a spark lit in ppls hearts to give a fck again.
To the last guy I completely agree with what u said there not enough goin on an a lot of ppl from the area who make it don’t come back an do anything like the actor micheal jai white who went to central high an came back there when I was goin there an talked about all this great stuff he was gonna do in bpt an hasn’t been back since lol but I was just gettin upset at ppl making it seem like u can’t walk down the street without gettin robbed or murdered thougt it was hilarious so if I offended anyone in sorry an like I sai I’m always willing to go look for ghost anywhere been to Remington plenty never seen or heard anything strange Cept when I was in one basement kept hearing banging upstairs like someone was walkin around had a friend on that floor who said he sat on a bucket whole time I was in the basement(he’s a big punk like that wouldn’t go down there) but other than that never seen or heard anything there
Quote: “An sorry If I offended the guy I called a clown lmaoo u just sound so scared an exaggerated its not that bad”
No offense taken.
The day the hostile group surrounded my car we were more startled than anything.
Before moving to Beach St. I lived at 744 Canaan Rd. Bld. 11. Is it still there? Ironically I was there ten years ago to visit a retired Aunt & Uncle. Nice place.
I have fond memories of Skydel’s, Ostrofsky’s Pharmacy, Frank’s Grocery and getting thrown out of the American theater for sneaking into the balcony and running in the aisles. All within a block or 2 of home. EK’s music store was just down the street where my father broadcast Polka music on Sundays on A.M. radio.
Across the street from the Artic Sport Shop was a three story wood tenement. I remember it being occupied in the 50s by Hungarian and Ukranian refugees. The Free Eagle was a quiet bar next to St. John’s School where English was the 2nd language. Is there still an Honest John’s Swap shop on Barnum Ave?
The military stationed me in the south but upon discharge I returned north and worked for Lycoming. Made good money there but returned south to a slower paced, quiet life. No regrets. (no snow either) lol
With all due respect, I don’t think I’ll ever return to the east side. I’m too fond of my old memories.
I stayed on helen street side of the factory for a few I know about thos shadows we called it the stalker my xgirlfreind and brother saw it inside the house she screamed when she saw it an her brother ran up the stairs to see what was wrong both said the shadow was outside the second floor window an they stood froze after that they seen it a couple other times in the house my x called it a tormenter she never like to talk about it cause she was scared it would come back they said it was a. Black shadow in the shape of a tall man I useto hang out in front of the house all the time only once I thought I seen something in the windows of the factory but I was alone so not sure I honestly think they were telling the truth cuz they were scared when they were telling me
I first moved to bpt in 95. Across from dairy queen. I was 19. Rent was cheap. Area was decent. still is. I’m down by Beardsley school. Lived smack dab on Washington park in 96-2001. That was something .lolz.
Makes me sad to see the bs going down as of late. Its always been here in one form or the other. Some are more sheltered from it. Can you imagine how Bpt looks to those not living here and intimately familiar with it all? Especially those who remember the glory days. jealous of those
I had mad stereotypes in my head too. Thankfully a lot of them were over hyped. sadly some weren’t.
Be that as it may we live here and gotta do the best we can with it. I certainly dont add to the chaos, I try to contribute the best I can when I can. I could do a helluva lot more.
Makes me a bit mad and sad when ppl freak over Bpt. If they have a realistic beef I cant argue. I know how it looks to others. Its not a pretty site. what can we do? we each do the best we can, beg for intervention, and it seems like at times its not the ppl but those in power who want it to stay the same.
I am mad they tore the clock building facing Boston Ave down w/the rest of the GE buildings. That clock ran for a century! They should of preserved that main building! I always set my clocks by it. I swear it was a comforting site, that clock that always worked. Back in 95 the had xmas lights on it.
Bpt isnt always pretty, the ppl arent always behaving, but its my home for now. I like to have faith it will get there one day. Hopefully if we get Steele Point going, we can attract the money needed to create change and hope. Dont get me wrong I get mad and cuss Bpt with the best of them. Some stuff dont make no sense and its spreading. Ppl getting killed and robbed in once “safe” towns too now.
I see old pictures and think WOW what a gorgeous place! Women with hats and parasols, men in suits with pocket watches, horses on main street, downtown so crowded you thought it was NYC. Xmas lights on trees in the parks, etc. What a time to be in Bpt. It was booming. Ppl were happy and hopeful.
We can beat this dead horse about Bpt till our keyboards break. I think us older ppl remember different times. Be it 10,15, or more years ago. The young kids now never saw a different Bpt. Ive seen mad changes since 95. Good and bad! All the Washington Park houses were abandoned shooting galleries. Now look at them! Little by little. Baby steps.
I wish I knew Ed’s Bpt. I bet it was fun. All of his memories are gone. The White Eagle is on East Main still. Arctic Sport you can see the faded letters on the building side if they haven’t painted over them yet. Thats about it.
OK, we gotta get a group or whoever wants to go to check out RA. I am game to go in and everything. I got a camera, flashlight, good boots, mace..lolz..
I really want to get to the other places. They say Dudley Town is locked tighter than a whorehouse on sunday! Sad, I want to go in there so bad. Fairfield Hills and Norwich State Hospitals are still there. Union cemetery too. Gotta get a ride. I think my hubby is a scaredy cat. we pulled into FFLD Hills and he was scared to get out! lolz. It was October and dark. Said it was too scary and dark. He wont go in these places w/me. He speeds by RA at night when we go down barnum cuz its so dark and cold in that stretch of road. It always 20 degrees cooler in that 1 block radius. Says its the buildings on both sides. IDK..lolz..
Quote: “I wish I knew Ed’s Bpt. I bet it was fun. All of his memories are gone.”
Bridgeport’s heyday was during WW2. Connecticut was the industrial capitol of America.
But, one by one the industries began moving in the 60s.
Manning Maxwell & Moore, Singer Sewing Machines, Remington Arms.
Heck, Dresser Valves was in Bridgeport, now it’s 5 miles from my home in Louisiana.
We rode our bicycles down to Bridgeport Brass Co. where we watched them melt millions of brass rifle bullet casings (military).
The L.I. Ferry held a full house on Saturday nights with folk dancing to live bands. Two and a half hours to Port Jefferson and two and a half back. MY parents would stagger in, singing, at 1:00a.m.
I remember The Parade of Champions being held at Harding H.S. stadium. Marching Bands from all over the northeast competed. The stands were always packed. Standing room only. The stadium, being on top of the hill lent to the entertainment for half of Bridgeport.
One could stand in their yard a half mile away and see the glow of the stadium lights as well as hearing the music and the roar of the crowd after each band performed.
In April ’66 we were driving at the bottom of the hill from Harding H.S.
Stopped at a red light, we watched a station wagon race down the hill, no brakes, careen through a service station, ripping off the pumps and coming to a stop across from the Gulf Station, the car caught fire.
My cousin and I ran to it, dragged Mrs. Eloise Walls from behind the wheel and carried her across the street. Dazed…she wanted to know where her purse was. Like an idiot I ran back to the car and retrieved it just before the car was engulfed.
The next day we were in the newspapers and on radio as heroes, but I had left that morning for Viet Nam. My big day in the sun….and I missed it. My cousin wrote to tell me he got free bar tabs every where he re-told the story. (he dodged the draft)
Yup. Lots of great Bridgeport memories. Good ones. Were there any bad ones? Funny, I don’t remember any.
I’ll be in Trumbull visiting again in December. Maybe I’ll drive by the old homestead and tell some kid where that jar of old pennies is that I buried in the 50s.
Wouldn’t that be a kick?
Hey star I’m also ready to go to any of these places an willing to go inside I’ve been all through Remington top to bottom front an back wit plenty of pics an I wanna see other places around the state too I’m always around an willing to go an I have everything I need too so if ud like email me an we can figure it out
Ed-you HAVE to do it! Tell kids where the pennies are. lolz. They would have a blast, like a treasure hunt..
Is it behind a house? I wonder if they paved over the yard. A lot of houses have done it. Sadly. Which house was it? Helen St.?
You’ll be OK cruising through memory lane, it won’t be a repeat of before. That would freaked anyone out!
Hasn’t this been demolished now? I heard (after Zach, Nick and Aaron visited) that it was scheduled for demolition.
Nope still there lol I’m goin tommorow thurs.oct 11 if anyone wants to come
How dare you finish this article off with total defimation? Arebyou crazy to even describe this neighborhood as blithe gangng members? That has not been the case si ce the early 90’s..your so out of touch with this urban neighborhood made of of decent hardworking families? Dude your in a different a Stadium watching a wholedifferent game! N doing a bit to much talking.
In less than 1 year 3 horrific murders took place LESS than 6 blocks away! 1 drive by, 1 cannibalistic ritual murder, 1 shooting of a man trying to stop a mugging.
A few od’s , drug related arrested, robberies, etc.
Yeah, its not as bad.
Scuse’ me – 2 drive by’s in 1 summer, both teens mindin they business.
Only 2 drive by’s ain’t half bad! I’m moving on in!
Moving on the East side…
Ok first of I live here. This year bpt had 8 homocides in one week!!!!! Please please sight the @),$!$? Up saying bpt isn’t bad. Shame on u!!! I love my city but don’t go sticking up for it when the numbers don’t lie. Bridgeport isn’t bad heh??? Go tell that to the family that lost there little girl a couple months back from a stray bullet. Of this kids shut on sea view. Or the little girl who was 14 times on sea view too. Or u can come and ask me when my house being robbed on union ave!!! Thank god I arrived minuets after I showed up because inproby would have been killed. Who here wants to debate Bridgeport isn’t bad?!!!!! Meet me 2012 Boston ave ask for Chris!!! We can debate maybe ur stories about how Bridgeport is safe will bring back my@?&!$ friends. Please stop by let’s chat. Here is the bottom line. If u walk to RA and u look like u don’t belong YES there is a chance u can get robbed. Chances are no. But being in the wrong place at the wrong time can cost u ur life…who’s going to tell bpt isn’t bad?? Even off of Barnum ave and Stratford ave!!!! Give me break. I’m tired of people from the city I live In getting shot and killed. Check the paper another guy in his 20’s shot dead. Please who wants to debate ill set u straight real quick!!!
I apologize for my grammar I wrote fast and my iPhone tried to auto correct things that didn’t need correcting
Carmen?? Do u live in a box?? What city are u in??? Yes the father panic projects are gone, but, when the city of bpt tool down those projects they swperated and moved citizens everywhere. Look in the freaking papers or online ok??
i grew up a block away from reminton arms i rember going in to these buildings about 10 year ago and they where creepy then i can only imagine what they look like now that they re in worst shape now than 10 years ago
I visited Remington Arms this past Friday, on November 16th. My family is originally from Bridgeport, but moved to Providence, RI before I was born-in the 70’s. I am a paranromal investigator, and have been doing so for a very long time. I’ve always had my eye on going there and I was happy to go….in the daylight. The place is in a bad area, and there was a drug deal right in front of my car as I exited the highway. The buildings are amazing. I don’t reccomend going in them because you do not know who is in there (we witnessed activity as well), but if you must-there is an area next to a parking lot that you can easily and safely access a lower level of one of the buildings. Just be careful…
Melissanas2006 just curious but why kinda activity did u see I’ve been there several times in the past few months through all the building an basements in the shot tower from roof to basement day an night an I’ve never seen or heard anything ever not sayin it’s not there I’ve just never seen or heard anything so what d u see just curious
Hi Anthony. I didn’t see any paranormal activity there, just illegal activity. When we first attempted to park and enter the building we came about some gang activity and I had to reverse out of the parking lot quickly. I wanted to get into the shot tower, but the access point to that is where I had to reverse out of the parking lot and I didn’t want to go in there again. I haven’t uploaded my pictures yet, but I don’t think I will find anything. If you are local I can tell you some spots in Rhode Island where you would come across a lot of activity.
Yes I’m local an would love to know the spots in RI to visit an again just curious like I said I been an go to Remington frequently just cuz it’s close an easy what Parkin lot u talkin about that u had to revers out of??? The only Parking lot kind of is from artic street an I doubt any”gangs” were in that part plus if u were Tryn to get in unseen that’s the wrong way to go anyway if u park on Helen street u can walk right into the first floor of the tower literally in 4steps from the sidewalk an not be seen Maybe I need to start chargin ppl for guided tours lmaoo I go all the time an noone has ever been there it bothered me maybe cuz I’m from here or what but if anyone wants to go Ill keep u safe from gangs lmaooo that’s not a issue for me in bpt
benny November 20th, 2010 2:29 pm
Im from bridgeport and it is a shame they had to move out. the fact is that we have so many damn abandoned factories here that you could build a whole nuther little state like Rhode Island with the abandoned land we have here. It disgusts me how they just left us and destroyed our city and working peoples lives like they did. remmington GE and others alike should be ashamed of them selves. FU U b*stards! you turned our once great hardworking city into a Sh*t hole slacker ridden Ghetto. 3 family houses that once held working familys now are abandoned sqwats for crackheads. maybe the next time corporate America asks for a bail out they will hear this message. thanks corporate big business your the best! age.
Oh good grief…. corporate America didnt cause Bridgepit to become a dump, the PEOPLE did. Crime moved in WAY before the factories left. And lets not forget the ultra high property taxes in Bridgeport. They have the highest property taxes in the State. I guess building those projects called Father Panik village had nothing to do with the crime either, it was the businesses!! LOL
I cant stand idiots playing their class warfare bullcrap. Bridgeport drove the businesses out, and made Bridgeport into Bridgepit. You suckers have no one else to blame but yourselves. You made a beautiful Seaside Beach into a deserted drug infested crime ridden neighborhood. I love seeing the history and beautiful old building and homes in Bridgeport…. but to blame the corporations is just idiotic and ignorant.
/end rant
To everyone saying Bridgeport is a crime ridden dump, yes and no Bridgeport isn’t a dump but it is crime ridden. But everyone is pointing fingers at gang members and criminals. Blame the Mayor of Bridgeport, Bill Finch. He isn’t doing anything positive for the city. Where are the jobs? DownTown looks more scary then RA. Write Bill Finch a letter saying that you would like to see Job growth in your city and less crime. You have a voice, use it!
@Erick, what do you want Finch to do? He cant force businesses to come into Bridgeport, he can only entice them… and until the Finch and other Democrats learn to cut taxes, that will never happen. The property taxes in Bridgeport are ridiculous, as I stated above. Its easily double any other town in the area. And businesses will not come into an area where there is high crime and bums sleeping on the street and sidewalks.
You say he isnt doing anything for jobs, and I ask, what can he do (besides what I mentioned, lowering property tax rates)? Not giving him a pass, just explaining the culture in Bridgeport of high taxes, large police budgets and pensions, and many schools and teachers with their pensions.
Bridgeport had 22 Homicides and over 100 shootings indents this year. It not the largest city in the CT but most populous city.
First off to porta Bridgeport IS the biggest city in ct.learn how to use ur google box.Next I think this has gotten waaaaaay outta hand an off topic I thought this post was about wether or not Remington was haunted not about who’s to scarred to walk around in bpt lmaoo. I already said if anybody is too scared contact me an I will safely walk u through the shot tower wich by now I know inside an out an I promise u no one will rape rob or murder u with me other than that can we all stop bickering like lol girls about wether bpt is safe or not an get back to the topic lol
thanks for the stories , on your exp in Bpt and the history, youre a character 🙂
I lived on 805 Artic across from the shot tower and the cemetery in the fifties and sixties. My mother worked as a waitress at Congress Candy and my father was a Taylor at Leathermode a coat making factory off Washington Ave. I played in that cemetery threw water balloons at workers walking home after there shift from the tree still standing. My friends and I used to catch big frogs in the stream that went through the RA grounds. I have fallen into the muck many times and had to throw my sneakers and pants away. It was cool to sneak into the plant at dark and avoid the security. I spent most of the time at the Orchid Street boys club. What fond memories. Remember KINGFISH? He taught me how to box. That’s how we settled disputes then and it served me well all my life. Gary,Angle,Jimmy,Tony and Leo as I was known then. We were all colors and spoke very different second languages. We respected each other and our parents. I remember the part of Washington Ave that was torn down, the old Central High school, Bullard Haven, Golds delicatessen,Jack at the North End boys club and the Bocci Courts, oh and Blinns toy store. Merry Christmas all you Bridgeporters
From Little Leo
@Anthony Bridgeport has most people in CT only 12-14,000 more residents the North End gave a boost It cover 1/3 of Bridgeport , The city is only 16 sq of land area which is not that big Stamford, New Haven etc is bigger than Bridgeport in Land area but lesser population.
Bridgeport Between 140,000-144,000 16 Sq Of Land
New Haven 129,000-131,000 18.5 Sq of Land
I ain’t lie but Bridgeport is dumpy, high crime, hoodrat, thugs infested city
Google biggest largest whatever u want cities in ct an see what u get go to Wikipedia an see what that says an ok bpt isn’t the city but u don’t have to be scared to go to Remington I Ben plenty if times an like I said this isn’t about bpt it’s about that one place an wether or not it’s haunted lol
Bridgeport is the most populous city in Connecticut—- Which means it hold the most population in the state a with 16 Sq of Land which is Mid-Size city not big or not too small.
Stamford—- is 4th Most Populous City in CT It came in 4th by population so 4th largest city but Stamford has more land than Bridgeport in-term of city size Stamford has 37.7 Sq of Land.
Bridgeport is largest city in CT by it population but not city size It only beat New Haven by 10,000 more residents which is 2nd largest city in CT which is not by much
Stamford and New Haven has alot more to offer than Bridgeport and their Downtown/City appearance lot much better than Bridgeport. Downtown Bridgeport is like ghost town toward evening hours lol.
I agree, I thought this was about whether or not the property was haunted?? My family is originally from here, and yes the crime/poverty goes back to before the factories closed up. The question still remains, what about it being haunted?? I went there in November, and I was able to access a few buildings but I didn’t get to go into the shot tower where I wanted to go. I went into the parking lot next to it, but stumbled across some gang activity so I didn’t venture further in. I want to hear stories from people who have witnessed paranormal activity there.
Actual gang activity or thuggy dressed ppl chillin? They look one in the same around these parts! Lolz
I’m just teasing ya. I know what ya mean. The area has been having a few issues lately, but its not as bad as other areas. I’d feel safer by RA than other areas.
I/we(Anthony) and a few others need to meet up and explore. I’m over by Beardsley school.we better hurry cuz the place is literally falling down 🙁
Jack: thank you. You’re an
Leon: I wish I had a time machine.
It was actual gang activity lol I didn’t want to get into specifics because I grew up in a bad part of town here and I know when to mind my own business. (-; But if anyone is interested in meeting up and going there I am always interested in this location-or any other within reasonable driving distance. If anyone is interested, please-let me know.
I would love to explore in a group. Union Cemetary in Monroe is another place I want to get back to. That was a truly scary night! We went all pumped up after seeing Ed and Lorraine Warren speak. In 97 or 98. Right before Halloween.
Melissanas I’m always open to go an I’m close I’ve been in the shot tower on the roof of it day an night an I promise u no gangs will harm u aroun me lol but thank u for also getting back on topic if also like to hear about ppl who had experiences there cuz I’ve been there about 20 times a bunch of different buildings even went through the basement if the main building that runs almost that whole section of Barnum ave an I’m Tryn to go to other spots too me an a friend were gonna try to go to undercliff in Meriden soon if u or anyone else interested I’m at Ps everybody keeps talking about gang activity in this parking lot??? The dirt parking lot on artic street that ur not spossed to park ur car in anyway lol that’s how the cops catch u lol but I’ve never seen anything there but ppl plz listen if u wanna get in the shot tower park on Helen st an u can walk right in the tower from the street
Sorry got a lil lost there myself meant to say as many times as I been there an all through it I’ve never seen or heard anything remotely haunted not sayin it’s not I’ve just never seen or heard anything
Anthony-I sent you an email to the address above you provided. Star-if you are interested, my email address is . I would love to go to Undercliff as well. I’ve been to a lot of places from Massachusetts to New York, and I think if we pooled all our stories together we could come up with some great places to explore.
The gang activity I seen was in that dirt parking lot. I want to get into the shot tower very badly. We were going to get into another building there (if you were at the intersection where the shot tower is and the cemetery you would take a left and its the last building before the main road). But there was some guy with a truck parked in between unloading some stuff. Sooo, I chose to skip that building too.
Ok, for the people who are trying to “revisit” the Remington Arms its all knocked down there is nothing but flat land there. I don’t know what Bill Finch is going to do but I really hope he doesn’t make “Affordable Housing” there. That will cause increased violence and drug activity. Second, I am so sick of hearing how Bridgeport is ghetto run downed hood rat infested. For all these people talking like this who live in Milford, Wilton, Newtown, and all the other wealthy cities, let me remind you that crime can happen anywhere at any given time and the Newtown Massacre is a PRIME example that it doesn’t matter where you live no town is perfect. And people named Newtown the safest city to live in America and look at what happened. If your invovled in “criminal activity” in Bridgeport then yes, bad things can happen. But that’s anywhere! So stop sticking your noses high up in there air acting like your better than other cities and towns. Sure we have shootings here, but we don’t have massacres here and killing children at that! I hate to sound so insensitive but damn, stop it Bridgeport is not that bad!
For the last guy ur kinda rigt bpt ain’t that bad but as far as it being flat land when was the last time u were on the east side yes the GE portion of Remington is gone but the other buildings from artic st to Barnum ave are there including the shot tower that was on top of in November an have pics day an night from the roof an I drove past it YESTERDAY so it is still there on the corner of artic an Helen lol but yea ppl do make bpt out to b waaaay worse than it is I agree with u there but the building is still there along with like 6 other Remington buildings that are still standing
Erick , Remington is not knocked down there are a couple flat area’s where they tore down some buildings,and the reason i know this is cause i was there yesterday 12/30/12 sunday so there is no way in hell its all flat and everything is gone i have all the still pics with the time and date plus all the video i recorded yesterday with time and date ! so i dont know who your getting your info from……unless ur talking about the other buildings across the way but who cares bout them ,im talking bout the factory and the shot tower,so distinctify which remington your speaking of.
which remington arms ? the one with the shot tower or the ones across the street that dont really matter? cause i was in the shot tower yesterday and all the brick buildings,and the production floor where the explosion was and on the roof of that building you get there threw the catwalk of the first brick building closest to the road, its great beautiful view!! i know the ins and out out remington ive been comeing here 3 yrs now 1 to 3 times a week and wont stop till there is nothing left..
Parts of RA are gone due to the fire.
Second I would never compare 1 incident committed by a severely mentally ill kid to the daily bs happening here in our city. Unless of course they are ALL as sick in the head as Adam Lanza.
Maybe they can use the 25+ grand they got from that heroin bust down the street from RA to revitalize the area a bit.
It’s funny you say affordable housing there would be a drug and crime ridden mess. That in itself is stereotyping and adding to the negative down trodden aura surrounding Bridgeport.
Maybe all those good, hard working, ppl NOT dragging Bridgeports rep down, could live there and get an honest financial break?
Are there enough left to make it a non crime ridden drug infested mess?
Can we plz stop wit all the bs about bpt it’s not the best city in the world we do have crime an yes ppl due an guess what we have drugs too an I’m sure there’s a while bunch of gov an political sites y’all could bicker about how bad bpt is all day an night but this isn’t about that lol this is about wether the place is haunted an for the ppl who think its gone I assure u there is the shot tower an at least 6 other Remington buildings still there u wish I could post pics on here if post from the top of the tower basement of buildings inside buildings an shut half these ppl up
hi Anthony hope your holiday was good.
I don’t think the bridgeport debates will ever stop. lolz
I was over by Remington a week ago showing my friend the cemetery. Didn’t someone say that cemetery held remains from workers killed in Remington?
I saw a few buildings even the clock tower. It’s easier to get in there now too.
I know there are graves from 1800’s and maybe earlier?
Someone snuck through back woods to Sandy Hook Elementery and his (2 guys) emf meter went effing nuts. It’s so raw and sad hes being low low key w/ it. Can’t blame him.
Like w/911 I can imagine the paranormal activity. It’s too too early to ghost hunt. I went for Xmas to drop my bro in law off at a friends and I feel sad for the town. It’s tiny tiny and overrun with thousands of ppl. It was chaos. I left flowers, said a prayer, went home. Them ppl wanna heal and resume life. Ya know?
But I gotta get my schedule in order and get inside Remington before its gone for good. I heard they wanna take it all down!
I wanna go to union cemetery too.
Anthony lets set up haunted Bridgeport tour! Get a van or bus of some sort end at union cemetery in Monroe.
@star-I don’t think Anthony will be back on here for a few weeks. Where are you located? Maybe we can plan something. I’ve been to Remington and I have talked to Anthony at length about it and other local locations.
@star an Melissa I’m here lol thu haven’t done away with me yet lol an star I think that’s a great idea. I was actually thinkin about somethin like that. An I’m always open to go to Remington an I want to go to union cemetery too so email me an we can set it up like I said I’m always willing to go anywhere haunted an not afraid of ghost or gangs lol well not sure I I’m afraid of ghost never saw one y’all might see the bitch come outta me like aaaaaaaaaaah lmaooooojust playin get back to me an we make it happen
Do you guys know that all the buildings are completely knocked down? There is not one building left standing. The only thing left of Remington is a big empty lot. And it’s gated.
Eric an the rest of u PLZ get this LOUD AN CLEAR there are TWO sites that were once all Remington the one that u guy r sayin r gone r the ones that were sold to GE on Boston ave the other building INCLUDING the SHOT TOWER r still there plz if ur not from bpt an don’t drive past them everyday stop makin these retarted comments sayin they’re gone cuz u have no idea what ur talkin about @star email me an we can go to Remington union cemetery or anywhere else pretty much anytime tryin to put something together to gon somewhere I know Melissa wants to come too but she’s a lil far away but in always around
This place is nuts the thing I have seen and felt but still I love this place I have been in every inch of this place and just about everythin you have just read is true so be careful stay away from the shot tower
Hey STEVE can u elaborate a lil on what u saw an felt cuz I’ve also been through just about every inch of this place too all the basements an every single inch of the shot tower day an night an have never seen heard or felt anything an here u are another person who just says “I saw somethin” “I felt something” but never say what an I’m not Tryn to knock or discredit u at all I’m just curious an I’m not sayin the place isn’t haunted but I’ve been there alot an never had any expierences so I’m just curious to know more about other ppls
There is nothing to see there, nothing to feel there.
Human beings are an odd animal, in that certain circumstances cause them to create hysterical narratives in their minds, then absolutely positively believe them to be true after the fact.
There’s no such thing as ghosts, demons, spirits, witches, wizards, warlocks, orbs or devils at the Remington Arms plant or anywhere else. I’ve been there, I’ve also been to many other places where people have insisted that supernatural phenomenon occur and indeed, it never, ever does.
If you’re intimidated by ghosts or spirits that won’t go away, I hereby provide a fully guaranteed service that for $5000, I will fly to wherever you are and they will vanish as soon as I enter the room and refuse to confront me for as long as I’m there.
Seriously people. It’s the 21st century, for christs sake.
Let go of the primitive superstition.
There is nothing to see there, nothing to feel there.
Human beings are an odd animal, in that certain circumstances cause them to create hysterical narratives in their minds, then absolutely positively believe them to be true after the fact.
There’s no such thing as ghosts, demons, spirits, witches, wizards, warlocks, orbs or devils at the Remington Arms plant or anywhere else. I’ve been there, I’ve also been to many other places where people have insisted that supernatural phenomenon occur and indeed, it never, ever does.
If you’re intimidated by ghosts or spirits that won’t go away, I hereby provide a fully guaranteed service that for $5000, I will fly to wherever you are and they will vanish as soon as I enter the room and refuse to confront me for as long as I’m there.
Seriously people. It’s the 21st century, for christs sake.
Let go of the primitive superstition.
Has anyone been there recently? I drove by today and definitely want to go in and saw a few ways to get in. Just wondering if its worth it. If anyone has been in recently, what did you see, what time of day did you go? I’m into photographing abandoned buildings so just wondering if its worth it. Thx
Turb last time I was there was in January I have pictures from inside the building/s an from the roof of the shot tower both day an night my brother an I were talking about going back soon to see if the roof of the tower survive the winter or not if ur interested email me an we can go if ud like just don’t b like a few other ppl I’ve met on here who claim they want to go an they r not afraid but once we get there they go to like the fourth floor an stop it get scared or think the hallways r too dark an creepy to go down lol there’s a few I won’t name em but y’all know who u r lol FYI if ur from bpt an have lived there ur whole life seeing the city from the top of the tower day or night is a awesome experience highly recommend it anyone who is serious about going
a security company i used to work for had the contract there in 1999 to 2004 and we toured the entire parcel, building by building. there was nothing scary there except for a few flooded basements and the ocasional bum. imagine doing detex clock rounds there by yourself on the midnight shift? i did it several times and never say anything paranormal at all. i did however get a creepy feeling in a few spots on the property, but that’s expected with all of the rumours.
I’ve be interested in going in before it all comes down. I’ve lived in Bridgeport all my life and remember walking by there everyday to school at Harding. There were shells all over the ground surrounding the building at the time. It’s a shame soon these buildings will be gone and forgotten by many. This falls on the hands of the politicians running this city and state. They care nothing about the history of this city. If they did we’d have pleasure beach up and running again, these empty lots would be developed in homes and the empty downtown buildings would be used for places of entertainment and shops, even turned into lofts. This city still has potential to thrive and be what it was if not better. But we as a community must rebuild the community. I miss Bridgeport and will always love where I’m from and will never forgot.
My great-great grandfather Thomas Jordan died in the building when it was Union Metallic Cartridge in 1905. It was right before Christmas, he was an Irish immigrant and left six or seven small children. The story is that he and a foreman were on scaffolding in the elevator shaft. The scaffolding broke and both fell. The foreman survived, but only because my gg grandfather broke his fall. I wonder if there is an accident report pre-OSHA??? It made the cover of several newspapers.
Im from the port ,and when I rode my bike in to the gates of Remington arms I had great feelings of dread.
I was just wondering if anyone knew how to get in touch with whomever owned the remington arms? A friend of mine worked there and was just wondering if there was ever any kind of pension eligibilty from working there?? Such a shame cause it is such a huge building. They should’ve turned it into some kind of housing or built up the area instead of letting it rot.
My grandfather, Robert Vincent, worked there for decades in the offices. It was unique as an armaments manufacturer, but other than that, I don’t remember any lurid stories. Just another of many industrial manufacturers in Connecticut at the time.
I’ve been in there 6 times all around 3am and I’ve never heard or seen anything. It’s just dark as and creepy but no ghostly experiences. :/
I grew up in a house near the end of a section of Evers Street (pronounced Eeevers by natives). Evers Street was originally conceived as a kind of perimeter road that was supposed to encircle a large section of Beardsley Park Village. Across the street from my home was pretty nice public housing, a collection of two and four family homes, each of which had their own ground floor entrance. It’s privately owned now.
Evers Street sections are not contiguous because its intended route included rock on which — back then — as too expensive to build. My house must have been 60+ yards from a gate entrance to Remington Woods.
(DIGRESSION: Our next door neighbor worked at the Remington Arms factory. I have never seen the gate open so she couldn’t just go the most direct route to her workplace. Her husband worked at Remington Rand and, I believe GE. They had a stunningly beautiful Desoto that they kept immaculate. I think they took the bus to work, rather than drive. The had the first television in the neighborhood. Rumor was that he — like many Bridgeport blue collar workers secreted the TV out of the factory part by part. I don’t think its true. The size of the CRT picture tube alone undermines that juicy story.)
If there were ghosts behind the fence, they didn’t bother us. We did see a lot of deer and other wildlife, but no spooks. The word was that Remington Arms had stored a lot of ammunition underground. I don’t see why they would do that in any large amounts. If they couldn’t sell it, they would of course stop making it, I would think. From our side of the fence, the property looked like a cool place to explore. Maybe the ammo story was a way parents had to keep us out of there, out of fear it would blow up when we walked across it. Crazy story, but we did stay out of there. Guards in trucks patrolled a road which ran along the perimeter of the property. They would check the gates. The woods became like wall paper over time. You hardly noticed it.
Check out Google Earth street view if you still want to see the GE buildings. They left the images from July 2011 on Boston Ave, but as you approach, or go on Bond St., the buildings are sadly gone.
I have actually been there at nigh and you here foot steps and little whispers. I got locked in one of the rooms where the crazy people would rest and my foot fell through the floor I was bleeding really bad I began to get nousious and it got harder and harder to breath I past out and there was a rescue team that had to come and get the next morning there were people lined around my bed in Griffey hospital and they told me how brave I was to go in there.
i live right down the block for this, I’ve heard alot of rumors about it but never actually went inside but they are planing and working on making a train station that will be opening in 2016 hopefully it will be done by then but yeah so far everything is working the will they want to be
Hey guys ! I’m sure l you
Hey guys ! I’m sure l you Bridgeport residents know the section on e east side of Barnum ave has been demolished. The power plant is going as soon as it is cleaned of toxic materials. sad but true.
Now the ” worthless, dangerous, eyesore” on the west side of Barnum ave will become a cash cow for the cities elite connected power brokers. So much for history. By that’s a longer story.
I used the abandoned factory as a photo location for many years until my favorite parts became unsafe. Both day and night. Never saw or felt any strange happenings. If you want see ghosts you will. The factory is a piece of history . the inside of the buildings were fascinating. You could feel American industrial might. In decay it was a fantastic photo background.
I have lived in Bridgeport 15 years. Have been coming here for over 40 years. from 2001 2005 i photographed the entire city All of it.I’ve seen the city in ups and downs. . Sure it can be rough in places but its now safer than the New York neighborhood I grew up in.If urban scapes bother or scare you don’t go there. Bridgeport is a fantastic multi cultural city which does need some help. Slandering it does not improve anything. Political corruption is its worst enemy.
Well all that being said I will miss the Bridgeport history that will be plowed under and the history lost..
Over the years, my view on
Over the years, my view on such ‘buildings’ has evolved.
There is always a group of ‘ideologically interested parties’ who want to ‘preserve the history’ but often times, that sentiment is extended to dangerous, counterproductive, low/no use blight.
I love history, but I don’t love blight.
I love ‘old buildings’ but I don’t like incredibly dangerous, abandoned old factories.
There are things that warrant preservation but as far as B’port is concerned, there should be a strong, strong inclination towards progress, given the baggage it brings with it. It would accomplish nothing ‘preserving’ such a facility other than regular practice for the fire department. I’m amazed nobody has died there yet.
I was a former employee of
I was a former employee of the Remington Arms Co. My cousin Joe, was the Comptroller and worked for Remington from 1943 til retiring in 1973 as VP comptroller.
I worked in Military from 1969-1970. Many of the buildings were on the south side of Barnum Ave. I was rehired in 1979 and work in customer service in 93-1 building til being promoted to a sales field position in 1983.
I spent many days and nights at the plant, but never saw a ghost or heard voices.
If you must preserve a part of Remington history my recommendation would be to preserve the unique Shot Tower as a local land mark.
The evil is not dormant here
The evil is not dormant here anymore, with ever demolish it is unleashed!
This Remington property (or GE location as we knew it), has all been torn down along Boston Avenue. It’s sister buildings downtown closer to the railroad are also being demolished. I wonder where all these displaced spirits will wind up?
Remington property
This was enterprise park property where ghost adventures investigated.
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I think everyone knows that
I think everyone knows that those a hole investigaters were there it was like 10 years ago its old news,I have been investigating there for almost 4 years now ,besides they have no idea how to do a proper investigation you can’t antagonize spirits.
Remington property
I believe there is no right or wrong way to investigate. Everyone has a style that works for them. However, I agree that antagonizing is rude and should be a last resort if you must get evidence.
I worked for Remington Arms in 1968 and 1969
Remington was an interesting factory. As old as the buildings were they were always keep modern. The Factory area on Barnum Ave made shotgun shells and military. Further back was centerfire and then way back ( Boston Ave area) was the packing area and the 22 caliber autoloaders and rimfire priming area. On the Barnum Ave area was the 93-1 building which was plant administration, accounting, payroll and customer billing.
When I was there there were about 2,500 Bridgeport employees.
Then there was the Powder Farm that was accessed by a road and a “rail line”. There were many bunkers there with millions of pounds of smokeless powder bought from Hercules Chemical. Additionally primer materials were made there, notably lead stifnate. Lead Stifnate was stable when wet but very explosive when dry. It was made in small batches and delivered by rail to Boston and Barnum Ave locations.
The main railroad line entered from Barnum Ave and delivered mostly smokeless powder, plastic for shotshells, and lead billets.
When I worked there Remington was an extremely safety conscious facilities with no real memorable accidents.
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